Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 179: Get started, quit?

"Hey, my thoughts and plans are fine."

Stroking the electromagnetic sniper gun in his hand, it was blue and deep sea color, and the gun body seemed to carry some kind of delicate current, which Ron probably understood.

In order to develop this, many people have been electrocuted for a long time while holding on to the wires, and the hotel has been cut off several times.

If it weren't for the fact that the undead soldiers are still in good physical condition, it would not be impossible for a few people to die now.

After a bit of activity, and after playing with it for a while, Ron gave up and did not continue to use the electromagnetic sniper rifle.

This thing, for him, is ineffective, and if it really hits, it is better for him to punch out.

There is no need to waste this physical strength and mental energy.

Ron was not happy just now because he could materialize this thing.

But he can really learn from others, and like this, he can fully show others' ability to read.

As long as the knowledge is enough, it depends on his mastery of mind energy and his own mind energy.

It is estimated that there is nothing that cannot be grasped.

Just like the electromagnetic gun before, if he uses it, it is estimated that he will be more powerful than Cassie.

Of course, this is in terms of qi.

In terms of other firearms themselves, it is just the same level.

Unless someone on both sides continues to improve, the same is the same.

Although I have developed several thoughts abilities before, they are basically not difficult, and I can learn them casually.

Not even thinking about ability.

And this electromagnetic gun may be regarded as Ron's subordinate, and it can really be regarded as something with the ability to read.

This electromagnetic gun is just the beginning, there will definitely be other things in the future, electromagnetic guns?

Mecha? airplane?

All kinds of offensive and defensive props, Ron actually has more or less ideas.

It's just that they don't have enough knowledge now that it took them so long to even get a gun out.

So Ron knew he couldn't be in a hurry.

There is also a need to continue to harvest the knowledge of others.

In this way, one day, when the basic relevant knowledge is gathered, Ron will not have to look for a telepathic person one by one for guidance.

Even he only needs to think of a certain method, and then instruct people to develop it.

It's like a scientist's studio.

While thinking about it, Ron could only feel that his abilities were getting weirder and weirder.

It made Maggie next to him feel that Ron became very strange.

But didn't say much.

Electromagnetic gun, the first ability is now done.

The rest, there are stand-in dolls and Ocarina of Courage.

At most, a monster punch.

Except for the people of the embodiment, who have no ability right now, Ron directly handed them over and let them try to learn the strange force boxing.

Anyway, his knowledge was passed on to them.

As for whether it can be developed or not, that is one thing.

Strange Force Fist not only has requirements on Nian Qi, but also on physical fitness.

Even for those who strengthen the ability, it will take a long time for them to develop.

It's better to take it slowly, mainly because there is nothing for them to do now.

Hundreds of people do one thing every day, and it will be good to keep making progress.

Occasionally, strange ideas can be found.

Although it's not very useful yet, Ron is still looking forward to it.

If he can really benefit from it later, then perhaps, his strange force fist, and other abilities, can be well changed and transformed.

It's like Ron's undead army, obviously thinking of using it as an army.

But now, it feels a little bit like, Psychic Science Corps. .

This is so embarrassing.

To develop with peace of mind and develop well, this is the best thing for Ron.

But not for others.

Maggie, who is now a salted fish and plays in bed every day, suddenly received a text message.

Then he looked at Ron in another place.

"They're starting to move."

"Oh? It's time to act? Then you have to play."

I was still planning to do this next, but when I suddenly heard Maggie's words, I paused.

Is a storm coming?

Hearing Maggie's words, Ron suddenly understood what the other party meant.

Although the time is still a little short, it is not much less. Originally, Ron thought it should be earlier.

He had already guessed that it should be a member of the Presbyterian Church, but it has not been negotiated, so it has been delayed until now.

Otherwise, when he and Jin Guang ended the battle before, he would have come over.

Really sorry.

"It's too late. If it was me, I would have arranged for a manpower attack."

While mocking the elders in disdain, Ron looked at Maggie on the bed behind.

"You plan to do this? This time they come, it will definitely not be the same as last time, and they must be prepared."

These days, it's not that Maggie has been sitting here in a daze without doing anything.

She still hasn't let go of the news.

Now the other party is looking for a large number of teams.

As far as he knows, everyone in the Phantom Troupe has taken action.

"Do you plan to do this? Of course it's a good fight. Maybe After the battle is over, I can go to Meteor Street and get rid of those old men."

Ron smiled and said.

This is no joke, it's his real thoughts.

When he heard the news, the only thing he thought was, where the battle should be placed.

If you continue to stay in this hotel, this hotel will definitely not be able to withstand this devastation.

in addition. . .

There are a few small things that need to be dealt with first.

"My Lord Maggie, you should leave now."

Looking at Maggie, Ron said it directly.

He has said it before, he does not intend to let the other party participate in this battle.

However, how can I solve this problem?


When he said this, he directly saw a blank and unhappy look in his eyes.

Even someone had put on her black gloves and played with her mind line.

Calm and calm, this little action can't scare him, although Ma Qi's combat power is not weak, but it is her own physical fitness and mental power level.

As far as the ability to read the line is concerned, the battle is really not strong.

Especially in such a multiplayer battle, it is actually quite troublesome.

"Don't be so angry, instead of thinking about fighting with me, it's better to think about it and quit the Phantom Brigade directly. Although I said that I would lend you to Chrollo, but after so many years, the favor is also over. Bar."

Lying on the sofa, he said indifferently, and now Ron is not afraid of being beaten at all. Anyway, he said something directly.

In the past, he and Ma Qi were in the same group, but later, they were all favored by Chrollo, so Ma Qi ran over to join the brigade.

And Ron had been busy with his big plans on Meteor Street before, so he didn't care.

But now, it's different.

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