Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 182: Dragon Stars

Night falls.

There are not many lights outside. It should be said that there are not many people here. .

Ron sat alone by the hotel window and watched the situation outside, calm and nothing.

Undying Army Ron asked the slugs to arrange for people to take turns to rest. Although the slugs were on guard, he did not say that they should all rest.

"Have you found anything?"

Looking at the slug lying next to him, Ron yawned and asked casually.

It's not that he was particularly sleepy, it was just that he was extremely bored. Originally, when he heard the news at the end of the day, he had already made people alert.

But now, it feels like I've been tricked.

But at night, I thought that the other party should have something to do, but the result was still the same, there was no movement or reaction at all.

It feels like something is going on.

"No, no one's approaching."

The slug shook his head, indicating that he did not find any target close to this side.

In this regard, Ron was silent for a while, and just nodded.

Then, after thinking for a while, a decision was made.

"Okay, pay attention at night, I'll go to rest."

Although I don’t care much about rest or not, in order to maintain the state at any time, occasional rest is still certain.

In addition, it is impossible for him to be scared to do nothing just because of the other party's news.

In addition, after walking a few steps back to the bed, Ron, who had become alone, also thought of one thing while lying on the bed.

He was able to monitor this large area with slugs.

Then if the people of Meteor Street want to do something to him, there should be some way to monitor this area.

There are too many people. As long as there are enough people in the Presbyterian Church, it is not an exaggeration to find a few people with special abilities.

I lay in bed and closed my eyes, but I didn't actually fall asleep.

Just resting.

Time passed slowly, half an hour, an hour.

"Vigil at night, and I didn't find anything dangerous."

At this time, in this hotel, many people were a little dissatisfied, mainly because of Ron's request for taking turns to rest.

"That's right, we are in the city now. Although it's a bit remote, it's still in the city. No one can threaten us. There are so many of us here!!"

"Maybe, maybe someone came over with a few small pistols looking for trouble."

Many people chatted, although some people felt that something was wrong, especially Ron's previous performance and their current strength.

But nothing could be said.

As for the people present, even if some people had different opinions, they didn't say anything.

Because Ron has been so good to them these days that some people have forgotten who they are.

Most of these were followed up here. Ron bought it back with money, and he was not loyal in himself. Following Ron, he just received the money and felt that he had a future.

People's hearts and moods are changing rapidly, but, with their current strength, even if they are unhappy, they can't do anything.

Ron didn't care about this at all. He didn't want to leave easily after entering his nest anyway.

In the end, only people who write will become recyclable garbage, blooming their last lives for Ron.

These people are not as good as those they found in the Kingdom of Emira, and Ron had already discovered and identified them before.

The people on this side are chatting nonchalantly, on the other side.

a few kilometers away.

"Is it right in front?"

A building dozens of stories high, on the roof, stood three people, looking at the dark area in front of them.

There are not many lights, most of them are pitch black, only a few households have lights.

One of the most conspicuous is a restaurant that looks bright and bright.

"Yes, just ahead, the restaurant that is still lit up."

After an old man with white hair who looked a little hunchback spoke, a strong silver-haired man next to him who looked about two meters responded to him.

They are Jenuo Punch and Shiba Punch.

After accepting the task of Meteor Street, they only found someone to cooperate with them, so they came directly.

Anyway, it's just one night, if you can do it, the task is over.

Just hope nothing unexpected happens.

Inexplicably with a certain idea.

He was wearing strange clothes with the words "one kill a day" written on it. He was active in his career, and the old man Jie Nuo, who came out to work at his age, turned his head and said to the person behind him.

"Hey, then tell me before, I'll do it now, there's no problem."

Jie Nuo did not forget that there was such a person behind him who came to see them, and of course he was providing them with information.

"No problem, this position is just right, it can't be further forward. Otherwise, we will all be found."

"It must be attacked here to be considered a sneak attack, otherwise it will be of little value. Now most of the people there have rested. If you can, you can shoot now."

The person behind them is a middle-aged man in a black suit and a pair of gold-framed glasses. The glasses can only cover one of his eyes, but they are not mediocre.

The other eye that was exposed had no eyeballs. It could be seen that this person was a one-eyed blind man.

When Juno opened his mouth, he immediately answered and made a request.

The one-eyed blind man also knew that the slug's movement range was ahead. If he continued to go deeper, it would be easy to find it.

"Okay, I see."

Accepting the task, Jie Nuo didn't care about anything.

Anyway, it's all about taking money to do things. As for what's going on in the hotel, it has nothing to do with them.


After a hint, Junuo shot directly and didn't waste time. They were not people who would waste time.

They are all here to kill.

The mind ability was resolved, and the powerful and stable mind energy was rubbed into a ball by Jie Nuo in his hand.


In the next few seconds, with a light drink, he quickly shot the ball of terrifying energy into the To be precise, it was towards the restaurant they were talking about earlier. of.

"Dragon Star Group."

The terrifying energy bomb swept away frantically, causing the one-eyed blind man, who had only one eye left, to look at this unremarkable and ordinary old man Juno.

It was also a little dignified, but it disappeared quickly, and he was not a fighter himself.

Things like strength have nothing to do with him.

Watching Junuo in action, the one-eyed blind man took out his mobile phone.

[Ready for action. 】

I sent a message directly to a certain number, and then I planned to run away. He came here, not to fight. There are people who fight. There are people who fight.

He was in charge of following these two people and monitoring Ron's intelligence before, that's all.

It's too tiring to fight.


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