Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 183: go to war

"The two of you, you can also act directly and cooperate, and I will leave first after the task is completed."

While speaking, the one-eyed blind man had turned into a black shadow and disappeared quickly, and he didn't want to stay for a moment, not only worried about other things, but also a little worried that the two guys in front of him would suddenly be uncomfortable with him and so on.

He was here to help monitor people, and he basically didn't have anything to do with him when he started to act.

Anyway, after the task was completed, what happened after that had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to be dealt with by the way.

"Running so fast, the old man is not a devil."

Feeling that the breath quickly disappeared, Jie Nuo muttered, the two of them had been vigilant against each other before.

In other words, the other party has been vigilant against them all the time, putting on a posture that he is ready to run at any time, he naturally knows.

And now. .

"Let's go, the Dragon Star Group is about to explode."

He didn't continue to struggle with this one-eyed blind man for a long time. Looking at his stupid son who had never responded, Jie Nuo reminded him.

Then started to act, looking at the dragon star group that had exploded.

"Okay, Dad."

Shiba responded with a sentence, followed closely.

The golden light flickered, if anyone could see the situation in the sky at this time.

You must be able to see it in the sky above this hotel, which seems to be only a common existence in the same level.

Now there is something different.

The golden light seemed to light up a piece of the sky.

And as the golden light exploded, a trail of invisible gas began to fall.

Turned into something like a shooting star.

It fell violently from the sky.

These things, falling from such a high altitude, are powerful.

At least, for the hotel below, suffering is certain.

in the hotel.


Ron, who was lying on the bed with salted fish.

Suddenly, I felt a penetrating feeling, and my pores shrank a bit.

There were a lot of goose bumps on his body, as if he had encountered something terrifying, which made him react instinctively.

The whole person got up instantly, left the bed, and looked around.

Finally look up at the ceiling.

Not only him, but the whole building felt the big movement outside.

"How is this going?"

"what's the situation?"

Many undead soldiers who were still blowing water were frightened one by one, and they felt an inexplicable and powerful aura.

Those who were resting were also awakened.

At this time, there was no time for them to react.

Because the attack has come.

Nian Qi bomb, golden Nian Qi bomb is like a golden legendary meteor.

Although this is beautiful, although this is beautiful, it is not so friendly to the people present at the scene.

"Boom boom..."


The ceiling collapsed, the high-rise buildings collapsed, like a meteor shower, one by one terrifying thought energy bombs fell from the sky, occupying the entire area.

There is no distinction between enemy and me, no distinction between noble and inferior.

Just want to kill everyone present.

Ron's pupils shrank as he watched the psychic bombs falling from the sky, and the terrifying momentum of the psychic bombs really shocked him. .

It is also clear that the other party has made a move, and the fluctuations of the thoughts emerge, and the whole person starts to act, avoiding the thoughts one after another.

"Slug, move."

Although this attack was terrifying, the momentum was also very mighty.

But that is for an ordinary capable person. For him, this attack is a bit too scattered, and there is no threat. .

If they gather together, they may threaten him, but if they don't gather together, such a scattered attack is not necessarily.

Without worrying too much about himself, he directly called the slug next to him to make the other party act. .

He was mainly worried about undead joining the army elsewhere, don't wait to die too worthless.

These people, even if they want to die, will die in the waiting battle.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

The glutinous little slug has already responded.

When Ron was talking, there were slugs all over the restaurant using the breath of mind energy.

Huge slugs appeared one by one, and they directly protected many undead soldiers.

Even if many unfortunate children were injured, as long as they did not die directly, the slugs could save them.

That terrifying healing energy can regenerate everything.

Originally, the frightened undead joined the army, but they quickly settled down, and there was nothing to do if they were restless.

At this time, slugs are not polite to anyone.

If Ron requested, she directly controlled these guys to rush out one by one.

The Dragon Star Group's attack did not last long.

That is tens of seconds, but in this time, at least dozens of Ron's men were injured.

This is still due to the slug, otherwise, it is not impossible for hundreds of people to be injured.

And when Ron left the somewhat dilapidated restaurant and came outside, he saw that many people had come here quickly.

When Ron left the restaurant, they entered the restaurant.

The target was not Ron at all, obviously, the people in the restaurant.

"Come on, kill them."

"No one in the hotel will stay."

There are really a lot of people, and all of them are people with the ability to read. It can be seen that the old men in Meteor Street have really invested their money.

This is indeed true, whether it was Jinguang and the others before or on Meteor Street, it proves that ordinary people are completely useless to him.

At the very least, some experts are still needed.

"C-level? C-level, B-level, D-level."

Glancing at it and making a rough estimate, Ron also made a rough judgment.

Most of the people are between C and B. With this strength, Ron's subordinates want to do something big. If the slug doesn't help, it will be a bit difficult.

Of course, the division of levels is only a part, not the whole. It is still possible to leapfrog battles, especially for those with C-level abilities.

Of course, the premise is that you have to have a good mental ability or a good physical fitness to fight.

At least you have to have something that your opponent doesn't Otherwise, don't think about it.

Others have what you have, others have what you don't have, how can you beat others?

Ron didn't intercept the people who entered the hotel, because he felt that there were still many masters hidden outside, and they were staring at him now.

These should be the ones prepared by those bad old men, at least there should be several A-levels.


And when Ron was thinking about how to deal with it, whether to let the slugs hit and kill the first wave.

A man with plump muscles and a black tiger tattoo on his face appeared behind Ron. Originally, he followed the rest of the team into the hotel to kill.

But seeing a person like Ron standing here, there was no movement at all stupidly.

I thought of some crooked thoughts, maybe, he can do this. .


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