Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 192: only 2 people left

They are a lot of age, and they are still so afraid of death.

"Why are you so afraid?"

For such a guy, Ron had no plans to let him go.

"You didn't say that before."

Especially the ability of the other party is the kind that Ron thinks is useless, body modification and toxins, etc., he can study it by himself.

For such a guy, he has no idea of ​​staying.

He still knew clearly who could stay and who couldn't.



He waved his fist and landed directly on the old snake's head, smashing the old snake to the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

It shattered directly, and the ground was cracked, and the old guy's head was not there yet.

It's really tough.

"Yo, it's pretty tough."

If it was the golden light from before, this time would be enough to directly blow up the opponent.

And this old snake was able to endure and support it, but his head was sunken in, and it looked a bit miserable.

"I, I, got around me."

"Let me go."

Although he survived by force, the condition of this old guy is obviously not very good now. He vomited blood, and his very scary appearance has begun to recover a little bit into a slightly vicious looking old man.

And that body also became a bit human-like, not like it was before, like a snake.

"Let go of you, then who will let me go?"

Strange Force Fist, Ron thought very clearly when he practiced this fist before.

He just wanted to use his fists to beat these guys to death and find fault with them one by one, and then throw them away.

Seeing that they were very proud of how the situation has now turned.

Ron finally smiled too.

And this smile also decided the life and death of this old snake.

"Do not..."

Under the last scream of the old snake, the old man was finally hammered to death by him, and his death was a bit bleak.

Blood flowed all over the floor.

Before relying on Nian Qi for strong support, but when Nian Qi was broken and without Nian Qi support, it collided with Ron's strange force fist, and the effect was also very obvious.

"Next, there are three more."

Glancing at the witch in front of him, Ron didn't count him at all.

"Oh no, two."

What really counts is that another hidden guy had a small slug in action when he was picking up the old snake.

ran to the other side.

Although, the B-level ability is already considered good.

But in front of the slug, who has released the restriction of the energy after the giant, it is nothing, especially, the opponent's ability does not seem to be directly reflected in the battle.

Like a witch, she was caught without a struggle.

B-rank, if the swordsman and the beastmaster below are of the strengthening type, they may be able to directly disperse the slugs.

But it is a pity that slugs are very unfriendly existences for some people with weak attack power.

Was wrapped up and wanted to run away.

It is simply a necessary medicine for bullying honest people.

"Brother Ron, this time it's the old woman, I'm wrong, I'll touch the ability, I..."

The witch obviously wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but Ron was no longer interested.

If the other party runs away, it may be a little troublesome, so let's solve it first.

The curse ability, if he guessed correctly, is a trait-based ability, and it is not that simple to learn a trait-based ability.

For the time being, there is no need to dwell on this matter.

As for the ability like this curse, this world is definitely not the other party alone. As long as he kills the Presbytery and wins the Meteor Street, there is a chance to find someone.

There is no need to ignore this guy now.

"Your partner is still waiting for you, go faster and maybe catch up."

Without waiting for this old woman to talk nonsense, I solved the old witch directly.

This guy has been tormenting him, but he has not forgotten that now this body is getting hotter and more painful, but it is because of him. .

"Stinky brat, go to hell, I won't let you go, don't even think about it."

In the end, the witch only left a last word that was considered cruel, and she died successfully.

Up to now, five A-ranks exist, one B-rank exists, and there are only two A-ranks left.

And his body.

"what happened?"

Feeling his body, Ron was also very depressed. He originally thought that if the old woman died, that ability should be solved, that's right.

Unexpectedly, this resentful spirit felt stronger and stronger, and the burning and freezing sensation of his body became stronger.

Even Ron could see that in this kind of hot weather, a little frost had condensed on the surface of his body.

The body is more like a volcano, and there is an unknown amount of magma hidden in his body.

"Is this asking me to drink more magma?"

Feeling his physical condition, Ron was also a little speechless.

He was already somewhat guessing.

In addition, the black resentful spirit behind him made a strange cry as if he had discovered something.


Ron was very annoyed.

"Curse, curse, curse you."

"Die, die, come with me, die."

In addition to this cry, soon, this resentful spirit began to change again.

It made Ron feel a little uncomfortable, refreshed.

"Lord Ron."

It was the first time I encountered such a situation, and the slug next to Ron obviously felt something was wrong with Ron, and shouted to remind him.

This made Ron wake up completely.

"The troublesome thing."

This kind of spiritual level thing, Ron himself knew that it was a trouble.

Now look at the phantom behind him.

He can only express MMP.

It is definitely the resentment of this witch's death.


And this resentment is obviously strong, except for the initial burst of crying and cursing, which made Ron feel uncomfortable.

After that, the resentment was nothing.

Getting weaker and weaker, especially in the face of Ron's terrifying thoughts.

It quickly disappeared, and the burning sensation and freezing sensation wrapped around the body.

Also after a burst of high intensity completely disappeared.

During this period, the power that erupted was enough to kill a powerful psychic.

Not to mention the spiritual attack of the resentful spirit.

Just the burning sensation of the flames, it's like someone threw Ron into the lava to take a bath, and put him in the Ice Age, that kind of feeling of ice and fire.

Even Ron's body, in more than ten seconds, was on fire, and then it was frozen at the same time, but it was a pity that no one saw this scene.

Not soft will definitely tremble at this scene so far.

Then he took a deep breath and exclaimed that it was unscientific.

Fortunately, he survived. Ron's life recovery ability was not weak at all, and he quickly recovered his body completely.

It's just that the clothes are a bit damaged.


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