Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 193: battle, analysis

Feeling his weird outfit, although his skin and body had recovered, Ron would still be a little uncomfortable in this beggar's suit, and he directly sent a piece of clothing to the slug.

After that, look to the other side, downstairs.

"Only these two guys are left."

Those who are a little capable, these two guys are the only ones left.

Strengthening the combat system is the system that Ron is least afraid of, and is also the most worried about.

The biggest fear is naturally that the combat power of this system is generally very strong and difficult to deal with, and it may even be a monster-like existence.

I'm not afraid because these guys are generally more direct in their abilities. For him, it's nothing but a beating.

And the last thing he worried about was being beaten.

Anyway, I can't do anything to him, I can't kill him.

Now that the swordsman and the beastmaster have been surrounded by dozens of large slugs, it can be said that most of the energy of the slugs is there.

It has always been the one that took the beating.

But it can be regarded as limiting these two people, maybe they found something wrong here.

Now I'm planning to retreat and leave.

But it's a pity that slugs won't give them this chance.

When the other party thinks like this, he swoops in with a phase, and goes straight past.

There is nothing wrong with the split body being broken.

It's all about replacing injuries with 'life'.

The only pity is that the other party does not want to exchange with the slug at all.

On the contrary, when encountering this kind of time, they all avoid it one after another.

Then find a way to get out of this blue and white ocean.

Killing slugs all the time, they've killed hundreds if not thousands of times, so to speak.

And this restores as soon as it is killed, and restores as soon as it is killed.

Now the Beastmaster and the Swordsman are a little nauseous.

"What's the situation over there? The movement just now must have been an accident."

The Beastmaster had long felt that something was wrong on the other side.

Even if you don't want to ask, you can only ask the swordsman not far away.

The other party came late, so he should know what happened.

"I don't know either, but now, the old snake and the others are no longer there."

The long sword in the swordsman's hand kept attacking.

Every swing can cut out the sword energy and split the slug in half, but unfortunately, all of this is useless.

Although his state of mind was a little better than that of the Beastmaster, he was not as irritable as the Beastmaster, but now that the situation was wrong, he already knew that something was wrong.

Even consciously, there is no chance to leave here.


"What the **** are they doing?"

When the Beastmaster heard this, he became dissatisfied after being silent for a while.

One hit three, this can be counter-killed.

And everyone has been caught.

Now the Beastmaster even wants to ask them properly, are you playing me, and what are you trying to do?

But it's a pity, now the old snake and others on the other side can't hear him anymore.

What he wants to say now, it is estimated that he can only wait and follow them to find them below.

. .

Hotel roof.

Below, including the people in the hotel, are fighting, but here, three people are standing and observing the situation below.

Juno, Sheba, Illumi.

The three people who beat the enemy Hakka, the people from the Meteor Street Presbyterian Church, have actually acted long ago.

It's just that the current situation is a little less optimistic.

They had been lurking before, ready to act at any time, but the situation turned around too quickly.

To be honest, they didn't even think about it.

The distance is still a bit far, and in just that time, four people died in less than a minute.

Only two people were left struggling.

"Are we going to do it now?"

Above this, Illumi, who had seen the last from the very beginning, looked at his father and grandfather hesitantly.

According to his idea, the mission is now a failure in nine out of ten cases.

They will make judgments on every mission. They are just killer businessmen, not some murderer demon king, who kills for the sake of killing.

This is all for profit.

If it is too difficult, it is normal to give up the task.

This is how Illumi behaved, and what he taught his younger brothers.

"You can do it with your hands, but there is absolutely no way to crack that ability, and I don't see any useful limitations."

Juno looked down and shook his head.

He didn't see as much as Illumi from the beginning, but he saw the witch's resentment backlash just now, and he wanted to take the opportunity to shoot it before~

However, it was patient afterward.

In that case, he wouldn't feel better if he was attacked, and even if he didn't receive treatment, it was not impossible for him to die.

But with such an injury, the other party has nothing at all.


For the other party's immortality, it has actually been confirmed.

As for restrictions.

He could come up with some limitations of his abilities, but in real terms, Juno didn't find the breakthrough.

"It's about those people?"

Listening to his father's words, Shiba also interrupted.

Ron's situation, in fact, is invisible to many people.

Especially when the action is big, you can quickly find out and determine the situation.

Before Ron recruited a lot of people, and "cured" a lot of people's news, they are all clear.

The problem should be here.

Many people can see it, but how to stop it, how to limit it, and how to discover the limit of the other party.

This is the hardest.

In the world of human beings, there are many things, perhaps not necessarily the most people, but as the masters of this modern city, there are definitely not a few people.

And Ron's ability to think needs to use people.

That can be done whether it is exploiting or threatening.

It is actually very difficult for them to do anything in this regard.

It is difficult, they will kill all the people in this world.

"Nine times out of ten."

Juno's attention was not over there.

But whether or not to take action now, it is only him who takes action, even if he restrains the opponent, it is impossible for the old snake to be stable.

Just before that old snake was freed from the not to mention him.

In the face of strengthening monsters and fighting in close quarters, Juno still knew that he might suffer a bit.

Especially when he saw the strength and strength of the opponent in the previous battle, it made him feel even more difficult.

If it's just an immortal body, then maybe they can join forces to arrest people and imprison them.

But now the other party is obviously not only this, in addition to his own ability, his strength and strength are not ordinary, and the strange slug.

There is also a little combat power that can bring them a little trouble.

In addition, there is the battle in the hotel.

Those who have temporarily demonstrated normal mental ability may also produce some heresy.

All of this, the unknown is too great.

However, Juno soon had an answer.


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