When Lao Luo heard his daughter-in-law's words, he immediately tore off the plastic wrap from the nearest dish.

Because it is covered with plastic wrap, the aroma and temperature of the dish are maximally blocked.

At the moment when the plastic wrap is torn.

The aroma level of the dishes near the table was instantly raised to two levels.


"This taste..."

"It's so fragrant, and this dish is so pretty.

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted by this dish.

Lao Luo pouted proudly.

Know the fragrance!

He has tasted it all.

That smell is definitely more shocking than this scent.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to tear off the plastic wrap of the next dish.

When Lao Luo and Aunt Liu unsealed one dish after another.

The rest are like wooden stakes, staring straight at the dishes on the table.

Tick ​​tock!

Taotao's mouth was even wider.

The saliva has flowed uncontrollably.

He has already decided.

I must eat two bowls, no, two and a half bowls of rice today.

Even Wang Jingjing and Wang Liyan, who had just looked down on the cooks from their hearts, couldn't help swallowing N times.

This...so fragrant, such a beautiful dish, it must be delicious!

"You guys, don't stare at the dishes like the hungry wolf, okay? First of all, I want to thank this young man. If it wasn't for him coming to our house, you wouldn't even be able to see the dishes." Aunt Liu reluctantly looked at a table of hungry people. The person who looked like a dead ghost reincarnated said.

Then, she led today's protagonist out of the kitchen.

"25 Young man, it's really hard for you today. Auntie is too embarrassed. She clearly said that she was cooking for you, but it ended up causing you trouble." Aunt Liu took Lin Xiao's hand, and her eyes were satisfied except for satisfaction.

If this young man can't be his son-in-law, then this stinky girl has done something wrong in her previous life.

She must do her best to match.

If such a young man gave it to someone else's daughter, she was afraid that she would not be able to sleep at night.

"Auntie, I don't work too hard. I usually like to cook."" Lin Xiao pulled out his hand without leaving a trace.

He was really dumbfounded.


You are too bold.

Your husband and so many people are there.

You just held my hand like this, taking advantage of me, you... this is a bit too much.

"Huh??? Lin Xiao!!!!

Suddenly an exclamation sounded.

When Lin Xiao was just pulled out of the kitchen, his attention was attracted by Aunt Liu's sassy operation.

Now when he heard this voice, he suddenly felt very familiar, and he looked up directly.

Seeing this, he was also stupid.

"Luoxue??? You, why are you here??" Lin Xiao blurted out and asked.

"I'm asking you this, right! This is my house, why are you in my house? Wait... this, you shouldn't be... the one who helped my mother hang up the liar yesterday." Luo Xue A sudden realization, surprised.

She is still very clever, and she understands more than half of things in an instant.

"Your mother? Aunt Liu is your... mother?"" Lin Xiao almost came to his senses at this moment.

Coincidentally, this is too coincidental.

No wonder, when he first saw Aunt Liu, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Now he took a closer look at Aunt Liu and Luo Xue, only to realize that some of the facial features of the two people were somewhat similar.

I didn't notice it right away yesterday, and I didn't think about it at all.

Who would have thought that the aunt that I met casually on the bus turned out to be Luo Xue's mother.

"Sure! This Aunt Liu...Bah! My mother is not my mother, but your mother!" Luo Xue was about to be surrounded by Lin Xiao.

The recognition of the two made Aunt Liu and Lao Luo also stunned.

good guy!

It turns out that these two little guys knew each other.

And judging from the feeling of the two chatting, they are quite familiar.

The surprise in the second old man's heart, it was an overwhelming one.

They are very clear about the virtues of their daughters.

When did this stinky girl meet such a good guy?

Why didn't you tell them?

"Daughter, how do you know this guy? 35 Aunt Liu couldn't help but ask.

"Mom, he, he is that Lin Xiao, the one from two days ago, the big brother in my live broadcast room, the owner of Porsche." Luo Xue said a few key words.

Aunt Liu patted her head, she knew who her daughter was talking about.

This guy is actually that guy!

But it made her even more unbelievable.

In that case, that's too... a coincidence.

Isn't that Taotao's family--

Look at the bear family again.

When Luo Xue exclaimed.

They looked up subconsciously.

The moment Zhang Qiang, Wang Liyan and Xiong child Taotao saw Lin Xiao.

The three of them seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt, their brains humming, and their faces changed wildly.

Zhang Qiang and his wife had two words in their minds.



What is this big guy!

They still owe each other three million in car damage.

Although they have not asked them for it, the police have been present to confirm the evidence and material evidence of the debtor.

They have nowhere to escape even if they want to.

Wang Yanli's face turned pale.

She looked at the kitchen across the wall.

I said a lot of bad things just now, has this been heard?

If the other party heard about this and asked them to pay back the money immediately, wouldn't it mean to sell the house and the car, and then borrow the money...

In an instant, Wang Yanli's bowels were full of regrets.

Look at the bear child Taotao who has been tossing around since entering the house.

The moment he recognized Lin Xiao.

All tense.

Legs together, waist straight.

A standard three-good student appearance.

A word also appeared in his mind.

Demon King!!!

Uuuu...how is this Demon King?

Even after seeing this Demon King, he has been beaten several times.

The workload has killed.

The tutoring class has died.

He felt that life was hopeless.

"It turns out that everyone knows each other, that's a good thing, you don't even need an introduction. Come and come, sit down, eat and eat!! 35 Dad Luo broke the deadlock, he is not as much as these people think now.

What are you doing now.

Of course it's eating.

This table is a good dish, if you don't eat it quickly, it will get cold, and it will not taste good when it is cold.

"That's right, eat first, and then go to the living room to have a good chat after dinner."" Aunt Liu didn't think much about it.

She was in a better mood.

I thought it was hard for this young man to look down on his daughter.

But since both of them are acquaintances, their daughter still has great hopes.

The atmosphere was adjusted by the second old man.

Everyone sat down.

Can wait a few seconds.

Luo Dad, who was anxious to eat, first stuffed a mouthful of rice into his mouth, and was about to add vegetables to accompany the rice.

Only then did he realize that no one moved the chopsticks, which made him feel embarrassed to be the first to pick up the dishes.

what happened??

Haven't seen you guys behave like this when we usually eat together?

Today, I finally have such a delicious dish, but I am honest.

It was really... terrifying him.

The helpless Lao Luo had to throw a look at his daughter-in-law.

It means, daughter-in-law, eat it! Add vegetables!

Aunt Liu understood this look, frowned, and returned a look.

I mean, didn't you see that the chef lad didn't move?

"Cough cough... Taotao, didn't you just say that you are dying of greed, eat with vegetables." Lao Luo saw that his daughter-in-law couldn't work, so he moved the most lively little guy.

He doesn't believe it anymore.

Can this bear boy bear it??

However, what he didn't expect was.

After Taotao heard this, his waist became more straight, and he said aloud: "I will wait for Brother Lin Xiao to eat, I will eat it!! 35

Lao Luo:

"Luo Xue, did this little guy do his homework well in the past two days? Lin Xiao smiled when he heard this, and asked Luo Xue.

If the performance is not good.

He doesn't mind implementing the second option.

"It's good, at least I don't have time to make trouble." Luo Xue replied, she only recovered from the shock now.

"That's alright, uncles and aunts, you eat, I'll go get the wine." Lin Xiao said, and walked towards the living room.

"Eh, okay, I'll wait for your words." "Old Luo heard what the chef said, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

Pick up a piece of braised carp and put it in your mouth.

Then there was an intoxicated look on his face.



Just content!

Aunt Liu glared several times when she saw the virtue of her old ghost.

Humph, waiting to pack you up at night when you go to bed.

With Lao Luo's beginning, and Lin Xiao's speech.

Others moved their chopsticks too.

After they each took a bite of the dish and put it in their mouths, they all felt a violent shock in their minds and bodies.

This dish...just tasted better than they thought.

Absolutely the best food I've ever eaten in my life.


So delicious!

At this time, Wang Jingjing, who took a bite of the dish, spoke.

"Auntie, this person's cooking is really good. By the way, my boyfriend knows a manager of a five-star hotel, or let him introduce him. With this skill, he can win the chef and earn a year Millions, I see no problem. 35

She only returned to Linxi today, so there are some things she doesn't know at all.

When she said this.

Everyone's face changed.


Introduce this person to a job?

Make a million a year?

"Quiet!!! Eat your meal, you'd better stop talking today!" "Wang Liyan hurriedly scolded.

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