When did Wang Jingjing receive such a reprimand?

She immediately retorted.

"Sister, I am kind, how can you say that to me. 39

"Besides, doesn't he just cook delicious food, but how much does a young game designer get paid a month. Is it better to be a five-star chef than this?

Wang Jingjing said indifferently.

It's like what I'm saying makes sense.


Luo Xue put down her chopsticks.

"You can't finish, you can go out if you don't eat! What are you showing off here? What sense of existence do you want?" Luo Xue's violent temper couldn't bear it anymore.

Lin Xiao is her friend anyway.

Do you have any reason to talk nonsense here!

When the second old man saw that his daughter was in a rage, he was about to say a few words to smooth things out.

"How do I show off, how do I feel my presence, you are envious of me!" Wang Jingjing shouted like a cat whose tail was stepped on.


A heavy slap sounded.

A five-finger mountain was printed directly on Wang Jingjing's face.

"I'm sorry everyone, my little sister is not polite and caused trouble for everyone." Wang Lijuan withdrew her hand and hurriedly bowed and apologized to everyone.

She apologized loudly.

Apparently sorry to someone in the living room.

"Uncle, aunt, we won't eat this meal for now. Taotao, you can eat here. Mom and Dad take my aunt back first." Zhang Qiang also quickly stood up and explained.


The two stood up to Wang Jingjing, who was stunned, and quickly walked out the door.

Passing by the living room, the couple nodded politely and humbly to Lin Xiao, then hurriedly opened the door and left.

at closing time.

There was a quarrel among the three in the corridor.

"Wang Jingjing, are you out of your mind! Do you know who that person is?

"Why should I know, isn't he a game designer who can cook!"

"Fuck your mother! Others drive a 30 million supercar, and they will drop 10 million directly into it when they play a game."

"You still show off asking your boyfriend to introduce him to a job? Your boyfriend is a piece of shit in front of him!""

"This time, our family was almost destroyed by you."

There was no Wang Jingjing's voice in the corridor, only Wang Liyan's roar remained.

Luo Xue's house.

Lin Xiao didn't feel much.

When he cooks in the kitchen, he almost enters a realm of man and spoon.

So what happened outside, what was said, he really didn't know.

But after finishing the meal, he heard all these words.

Originally, I thought about going back to the dinner table and then coming back, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, I was a god, and I didn't pretend to be a face-slapping plot.

But I didn't expect Cousin Luo Xue and his wife to be so decisive, and they really slapped their faces.

Slap down and take the person away.

It's cool, but it's still a little uncomfortable.

Not to mention, it's still very comfortable.

When Lin Xiao returned to the dinner table with the wine, Aunt Liu apologized first.

"I'm sorry, lad, that girl has no way to speak, nonsense, I apologize to you," Aunt 35 Liu said sincerely.


"Auntie, what you said, her name is her name, what does it have to do with us. Besides, someone has taught her a lesson, so don't affect the mood of eating." Lin Xiao felt a little better when he saw Aunt Liu like this.

The thing that was roared by the dog will be over in the past.

"Lin Xiao, that woman is just jealous. If she didn't leave just now, I would just rush over and press her on the ground for three seconds." Luo Xue said with a snort.

Lin Xiao helped her a lot, helped her mother a lot, and cooked a table of dishes today.

Not to mention Wang Jingjing, who has no blood relationship with him.

Even her cousin, she dared to go.

"Cough cough cough!! How can you talk! You stinky girl, a girl at home, don't use your fists to solve problems, I really think you are Mulan!!" Liu Ma reprimanded her.

"I'm not trying to help Lin Xiao out! 35 Luo Xue shrugged and said.

"Auntie, I'm fine with Luo Xue's meal. If we don't eat it, this dish will be eaten up by the uncle and the bear child." Lin Xiao pointed to the two people who were frantically cooking.

Only then did Liu Ma and Luo Xue realize.

The two have not stopped since they moved the chopsticks just now.

The chopsticks were clipped one by one, and they were sent to the mouth again and again.

I could not stop eating that meal.

They can all be described as deaf to what's going on outside the window, and only wanting to do food and soul.

The mother and daughter rolled their eyes.

Dad/Lao Luo, you are so old, why do you feel like you have been hungry for three days today.

And that bear child, your parents are gone, you are afraid that you haven't found it yet?!

After the two smiled bitterly, they both sat down again.

Pick up vegetables, eat.

The mother and daughter tasted the delicious food in their mouths, and their eyes became brighter and brighter.

After a few sips, they joined the ranks of the dry cook.

The atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly recovered.

During this period, only after Lin Xiao opened the bottle of Feitian Moutai, Lao Luo gave a shudder and stopped.

After he got close to the bottle and smelled it deeply, his face was intoxicated, and he said with some regret: "It's really good wine, if this wine is kept for another two years, it will definitely be more mellow.

"Boy, how's your alcohol intake?" Aunt Liu asked with a smile.

"I'm a normal drinker, I should be fine after half a tael," Lin Xiao said.

This is also to be honest, he used to drink three or four bottles of beer.

Like this high-level Moutai liquor, a sip is 0.2 taels, and more than two glasses are half taels.

It's almost as good as drinking.

"Hahaha, half a tael is fine, our grandfather will each have half a tael today. 35 Lao Luo is happy to hear it.

Such a good wine must be drunk slowly.

If he drank two or three taels at a time, it would make him feel bad.

Half two is good, half two is good!

"Come on, young man, I will respect you first, and I will do it first!"

Lao Luo couldn't help but pour himself a small sip, estimated to be 0.1 taels.

Then he just raised his head and drank it.

Immediately, the intoxicated look on his face became even more prosperous.

What a - alcoholic!!

Liu Ma and Luo Xue complained in their hearts.

that's it.

The atmosphere of this meal became more warm after drinking.

After about half an hour.

Everyone was satisfied with the food, and even Luo Xue praised Lin Xiao for making these dishes.

Just when Dad Luo and Mom Liu gave a secret wink, they wanted to find a chance to take the bear child out, and then give the two young people a chance to be alone.

Lin Xiao's cell phone rang.

Lin Xiao glanced at the caller's name, nodded to everyone, and went to the living room to pick it up.

""Hey, Uncle Zhao, is there any latest news? 99 Lin Xiao asked directly.

It was Lao Zhao who called.

If nothing else, it should have something to do with the robbery.

Lin Xiao has been thinking about this task all the time.

"You guys are waiting?! Yes, there is some news..." Lao Zhao on the other end of the phone said with a smile.

Lin Xiao listened carefully.

It turned out that after he drew a new wanted notice for the police yesterday, the police issued it urgently.

I thought that even if the new wanted order was issued, there would be no news for a while.

After all, those were three gangsters who had escaped for seven years.

Anti-reconnaissance awareness is absolutely top.

Unexpectedly, early this morning, three witnesses said that they found a suspicious person in the same community last night, who might be the person on the new wanted list.

Lao Zhao immediately found three witnesses, and then asked the portrait artist in the bureau to make a computer matching portrait according to the description of the three people.

As a result, the effect was unsatisfactory.

I can't say that they don't look like people, they just don't look like people.

The three witnesses clearly describe the same person, but the computer-matched portraits that can be made are three separate appearances.

Every picture is different.

The bureau also performed Skynet matching on the three pictures, but could not match any information at all (Qian Li Zhao).

This gave the bureau a headache.

After Lao Zhao knew about the situation, he quickly called Lin Xiao.

After all, regarding the portrait, Lin Xiao's super strength is already in his heart, reaching the level of an expert among experts.

"Okay, Uncle Zhao, I'll go right now." Lin Xiao was a little excited, and there was a clue in less than a day, which was already great news.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the bureau." When Lao Zhao said this, he suddenly paused and continued: "By the way, come over here, don't drive that Porsche 918! Or! 55

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then said, "What's wrong, Uncle Zhao, does it matter?"

"Of course it matters. Which game have you ever seen that dare to stop such a supercar? It's fine once, but if you often enter the game, the king will be called to talk tomorrow. Lao Zhao said with a wry smile. .

"Then...is it okay to drive a Rolls-Royce?" Lin Xiao asked again.

Lao Zhao:

"Brother, you need a beating! What do you say! You don't have a normal car, Volkswagen Wuling will do." Lao Zhao said helplessly.

"Then I'll buy one next time, and I'll take a taxi there today." Lin Xiao stopped joking.

He drank some alcohol, and naturally he would not drive again.

"Okay, hurry up, I'll wait for you!" Lao Zhao said.

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