"Don't move, I don't know when I'm going to shoot!"

The taxi driver drives with his right hand and holds a gun with his left.

The dark muzzle was pointed at Lin Xiao.

The moment Lin Xiao saw the muzzle, his pupils suddenly shrank in a circle.

He didn't move.

But for the first time, I read a sentence in my heart.

'View cards with character information.

In this extreme crisis situation, a thorough understanding of each other can create vitality.

As for whether or not to waste item cards, it is no longer important.

My life is about to die, do the prop cards go to the ground?!

【Name: Wang Yonghao】

[Life history: 1~29 years old (click any year to view the details)]

[Highlights: Champion of Primary School Fighting Competition, Champion of Junior High School Fighting Competition, Champion of High School Fighting Competition...(Click one of the items to view details)]

[Shadow: fighting, robbery, intimidation, extortion, murder... (click one of the items to view the details)]

In his consciousness, Lin Xiao began to check all of Wang Yonghao's past at the fastest speed.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, why are you chasing after us. What happened to Zhou Yun? If she made a mistake, you must arrest her!! I ask you, why are you arresting her!

The more Wang Yonghao spoke, the louder he became, and the more emotional he became.

"She shields robbers and murderers. If I guess correctly, Gao Tianhe is already dead." Lin Xiao forced himself to calm down and spoke slowly.

"He Gao Tianhe?! That bastard, I haven't been by Zhou Yun's side for so many years, how did he treat their mother and daughter, he should be damned, he has already been fed to the fish by me." Wang Yonghao said with a big smile.

"You are Wang Yonghao, one of the three fugitives in the robbery seven years ago." Lin Xiao said without any hesitation.

"Hahaha, it seems that your police are very smart. You even found this out."

"But don't you think, are you stupid? If you pretend to be stupid and don't know my identity, you may still have a chance to survive. But now that you see me and reveal my identity, you think you can still survive ??

Wang Yonghao glanced at Lin Xiao gloomily, but the gun in his hand did not move at all.

"I don't think I will die." Lin Xiao said softly.

"Haha, you are really blindly confident, you are not curious, why do I not catch others, but catch you?? 35 A hint of surprise flashed in Wang Yonghao's eyes.

He was a little curious, where did this young man in his early twenties get his confidence and calmness.

"Because I drew the latest portrait of you and the other two robbers, right ¨`?" Lin Xiao said.

He didn't say questions.

but affirmative sentences.

After watching Wang Yonghao's past, he understood everything.

"Huh!?" Wang Yonghao finally frowned slightly.

Lin Xiao's words did not stop.

"In addition to this, I also know that you have been looking for two people all these years."

"Zhou Yun was found by you a few months ago, you should be very happy to learn that you have a daughter by accident. I have met Xinyi, she is very cute and sensible.

When Lin Xiao said this, Wang Yonghao's eyes turned cold.

The sneer on his face has all disappeared.

Killing intent was raging in his eyes.


Could it be that this policeman wants to threaten himself with his daughter!?

Then he was really too long.

It's coming soon, it's about to get to the place, and it's on the way.

Wang Yonghao had already figured out how to die for the man in his hand.

But when the other party said the next sentence, he said it.

The situation changed suddenly.

"The other person you're looking for is your sister Wang Fang, right?" Lin Xiao said lightly.

The moment Wang Yonghao heard the name, the car floated twice, and the gun in his hand almost lost his grip.

Lin Xiao glanced at each other in an instant, but didn't make a move.

He is not superman.

He is also afraid of bullets, afraid of death.

Even if the other party showed a flaw just now, he had no confidence in grabbing the gun.


Wang Yonghao stopped the car quickly to the side of the road.

Turn off the gear.

Then, he stared at Lin Xiao with an extremely gloomy expression, and asked word by word, "My sister Wang Fang, where is now!!!"

The muzzle in his hand was already aimed at Lin Xiao's head.

"I can tell you responsibly, if I die, no one in this world will tell you the truth about Wang Fang." Lin Xiao stared at the other party, not showing any signs of timidity.

He had read each other's entire past.

Naturally, he knew how much his younger sister held a great place in Wang Yonghao's heart.

It can be said that it is no less than Zhou Yun and her biological daughter Gao Xinyi.

Even more.

Wang Yonghao stared at Lin Xiao, the fierceness in his eyes continued to spread, and his face began to look hideous.

But after a few seconds.

He sighed helplessly and slumped back on the seat, the gun in his hand still aimed at Lin Xiao.

However, the fierceness in his eyes has disappeared.

The rest, only doubt, surprise and disbelief.

The matter of looking for his sister, only he and two other accomplices know.

Then why does the boy in front of him also know about this.

More importantly...

"How do you know that Wang Fang is my sister, I believe there is no such information in your data online. Wang Yonghao asked.

"Can you put the gun away?" Lin Xiao asked.

"You!!" Wang Yonghao narrowed his eyes.

This man is asking too much.

"Take off your jacket. 35 Wang Yonghao snorted coldly.

"Ah?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

What's the meaning?

If he hadn't read the other person's past, he would have thought that this person had some quirks.

Without thinking, Lin Xiao took off his jacket and threw it into the back seat of the car.

"Put out your pocket." Wang Yonghao said again.

Lin Xiao seemed to understand.

The other party is checking whether he is carrying a gun.

He took out his trousers pocket and patted it, indicating that he was not carrying a gun.

After Wang Yonghao saw this, he took the gun back and put it in the storage compartment of the driver's door.

Even if Lin Xiao wanted to struggle and resist, he could get the gun right away.

Moreover, Wang Yonghao is very confident.

He is someone who has won many city-level fighting championships, and it is superfluous to use a gun to deal with such a weak scholar in front of him.

""Now we can talk!" Wang Yonghao asked coldly.

Lin Xiao saw that the gun was put aside.

The sense of crisis in my heart gradually subsided.

'Use the skill upgrade card!' Lin Xiao said in his heart for the first time.

[Please choose the object of use by the host...]

'Master grappler. ’ Lin Xiao didn’t hesitate.

[Successful use of the skill upgrade card, current skill: Legendary grappler]

After the system beep ends.

Lin Xiao felt a warm current swept across his body.

It seems... physical fitness has been increased.

He clearly felt that his strength and reflexes had improved a lot.

"Don't play tricks, hurry up, where is my sister!" Wang Yonghao asked with a bad look.

"Your sister... is dead!"" Lin Xiao said the answer.

In an instant.

Wang Yonghao was shocked, and his whole body fell into a trance.

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

It's now.

Lin Xiao moved.

Legendary grapplers start instantly.

dong dong!!

In a few tenths of a second, Wang Yonghao was controlled by Lin Xiao and pressed onto the seat.

"You, you lied to me!!" Wang Yonghao roared with anger in his eyes.

He began to struggle desperately to resist.

at this time.

Lin Xiao threw a full elbow at him (King Qian's) at a speed that could not cover his ears, and smashed it hard on the opponent's chin.


Wang Yonghao rolled his eyes, fell into a coma and fell on the steering wheel.

The honking of taxi horns rang through the night.


Lin Xiao took a few deep breaths before adjusting his state.

This was the most critical moment he had ever experienced since he was a child.

Feeling that if you are not careful, you will die.



Lin Xiao's first step was to bring the other party's gun over.

This thing is a huge threat.

If he is empty-handed, with his current strength, he is not afraid of Wang Yonghao at all.

Then, Lin Xiao found some ropes in the trunk of the taxi and tied the other party.

[The completion rate reaches 33%, and the master-level marksmanship is obtained. thing】


33% done by catching a robber?

Also rewarded with a skill.

Then, when the remaining two robbers are caught, this mission will not end.

After thinking about this.

Originally, Lin Xiao was going to send Wang Yonghao directly back to the police station.

Now he has changed his mind.

He's ready to make a big deal.

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