Hunting Crime: After Sending Account Thieves To Prison, It Became Popular On The Internet

90, omniscient and omnipotent, I know you very well; close the Internet cafe!

After Lin Xiao threw Wang Yonghao to the co-pilot, he sat in the main driver's seat.

Wait for the other party to wake up.

This taxi is naturally not Wang Yonghao's.

But he temporarily rented it for a thousand yuan in the afternoon.

The purpose is to stop him from getting into the car, and then find a place to solve it.

If he didn't get in his car, he would follow him all the way, looking for an opportunity to solve it.

Why do you want to kill yourself.

Really, people are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong.

I don't know where the other two robbers got the news, and I know that I am the one who drew their latest wanted notice.

Therefore, their existence is too great a threat to the three robbers.

Don't get rid of yourself.

Even if they run to other places, they will still be wanted and hunted down.

But just solve it yourself.

Then they will find a place to make a new face and start life again.

After Lin Xiao read the past, he felt quite helpless after knowing these events.

How is he so godlike?

If it weren't for the coincidence that he read Wang Fang's memory, he would not have known what the three robbers looked like now.

After about an hour.

The unconscious Wang Yonghao woke up.

His first reaction was to struggle, to struggle desperately.

But Lin Xiao tied him tightly.

No matter how hard he struggled, it was of no use.

Just watching Wang Yonghao struggle for two minutes.

He just stopped.

"You are insidious enough! 860!!" Wang Yonghao glared at Lin Xiao and said fiercely.

"Stop praising me, how about we make a deal?? Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"Huh!?" Wang Yonghao narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

He was in a coma, but the other party did not send him to the bureau, but began to talk about conditions.

Could it be that this person wants... money?

This was Wang Yonghao's first thought.

Other than that, he couldn't think of any other reason.

"How much do you want?" Wang Yonghao said straight to the point.

"Money? I'm not short of money." Lin Xue said.

"Then what are you doing!" Wang Yonghao said angrily.

"I want you to trick Li Qiang and Sun Yiwei into coming here." Lin Xiao confessed his purpose.

Li Qiang and Sun Yiwei were the other two robbers on the run.

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, are you an idiot? Do you think I'll agree to this kind of thing? Okay, you can quickly send me to the bureau, try and see if I can betray my brother?" Wang Yonghao grinned Get up and look like you're not afraid of death at all.

Lin Xiao did not continue talking.

Instead, he just looked at him blankly.

There was a very sad look in his eyes.

Wang Yonghao laughed for a long time, seeing that the other party didn't say a word, and looked at him with such eyes.

This made him feel hairy in his heart.

"You treat them as brothers, what do you think they treat you as a brother?" Lin Xiao faintly said something inexplicable.

"What do you mean? Do you want to sow discord? Then let me tell you, you found the wrong person." Wang Yonghao said disdainfully.

He felt that the relationship between the three was like steel, indestructible.

Even if the people arrested today were the other two, they would never betray themselves.

"I said just now that your sister Wang Fang died, I didn't lie to you!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Impossible!! Your sister just died. My sister just disappeared, I don't know where she went." Wang Yonghao's eyes narrowed, and he instinctively retorted.

He doesn't believe it.

Absolutely do not believe.

The person in front of him just wanted to use this news to beat himself and destroy himself.

He absolutely cannot be fooled.

Wang Yonghao kept giving himself psychological hints.

Lin Xiao took out his mobile phone, called up a few pictures, and placed them in front of the other party.

"See for yourself.

"This is a corpse that we dug up on the hill of Beilu Civic Park yesterday. The forensic doctor judged that it had been dead for four years. And these pictures are the belongings next to the corpse."

Lin Xiao passed the photos one by one in front of Wang Yonghao.

"This ring... I gave to my sister, and this hairpin, I also bought it, this... little sister!! Little sister!!!! Ah!! Woohoo! Why, why did my sister die!!

Wang Yonghao seemed to be insane as he kept hitting his head against the bottom of the car.

The mouth also kept growling.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao had already driven the car to a remote place where no one was around when he was in a coma.

Don't talk about this movement, even if the shot is fired, no one will hear it.

Lin Xiao didn't stop him.

Let Wang Yonghao vent the pain in his heart.

After all, he learned of the death of his most important sister.

Crying and screaming, half an hour passed.

Wang Yonghao collapsed on the back seat with no strength.

Tears are still flowing unstoppable.

"The other sentence I said just now is also true, there is a truth, if I don't say it, you will never want to know it for the rest of your life. Lin Xiao saw that it was almost there, and continued to speak.

"(cfca) The truth?! What truth?" Wang Yonghao's eyes were ignorant.

"The truth of your sister's death, your sister was killed by someone." Lin Xiao said lightly.

"Huh?! Who!!!! Tell me, who!!! I must kill him! 35

Hearing this, Wang Yonghao's eyes instantly condensed, and the killing intent in his eyes skyrocketed wildly.


Lin Xiao sighed slightly and replied: "It's the two iron brothers you call Li Qiang and Sun Yiwei. 99


It became quiet in the car.

Wang Yonghao seemed to have been pressed the pause button and remained motionless.

He began to look for the memory of four years ago in his mind.

"No, it's impossible, you lied to me, you said so much, just want me to deceive the two of them here, right!!

"Despicable!! You are so mean!"

"Tell me, what you said is false!!"

Wang Yonghao roared, he felt that all this was because the person in front of him was deceiving him and designing him.

"Four years ago, the three of you took Wang Fang and fled to Linxi City, then settled down on Xinghua Road, and then found a cheap rental house to live in. Because this kind of house, no one will check it, and no ID card is required. ."

"The money that you robbed back then was completely defeated by you in those three years. There was no way to do it, and you made a few small votes. At the same time, you are still looking for Zhou Yun's whereabouts."

"But one night, you searched for a day and still couldn't find Zhou Yun. When you got home, you found that your sister Wang Fang was gone. Since then, you will never find her again..."

"Is that what I said, right?"

Lin Xiao told Wang Fang's various experiences before disappearing in a few very concise sentences.

Wang Yonghao was dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe how this person knew about their specific activity trajectory.

Even the specific streets are clearly stated.

No matter where or when, or what he does.

"Who are you, who are you!? Why do you know all this!!! A ray of fear already appeared in Wang Yonghao's eyes.

The unknown is always what people fear the most.

Lin Xiao didn't answer his question and continued.

"Look back carefully, after Wang Fang disappeared that day, you immediately went to Li Qiang and Sun Yiwei. Are they panicking or dodging their eyes, think about it, think about it carefully.

"After your sister disappeared, they searched for you except for the first two days. Did they continue to search after that? No, did they say that your sister is in her twenties, and she must want to live without the three of you? , is that what you said?!99

"Because they know that your sister will never be found.

"Have you not read the map, the place where your sister's body was found is less than a thousand meters away from the low-cost house you lived in.

Lin Xiao slowly described the matter.

Human memory is generally not able to remember events that happened a few years ago.

But when people recall, if you add some hints or assistance, the effect will be different.

Wang Yonghao was listening to Lin Xiao almost brought his memories back to the side.

There was more and more cold sweat on his forehead, and his face began to suffer more and more pain.

The tears that were about to dry just now are now flowing uncontrollably.

He had already subconsciously believed Lin Xiao's words.

Regret! Sadness! Sadness! Despair!!

"Ah!!!!" he whimpered.

Lin Xiao had to wait for a while.

After Wang Yonghao calmed down a little.

"Contact these two men and call them here. 35

"Your sister is gone, but you still have a cute and well-behaved daughter, so you should do a good thing for Xinyi."

Lin Xiao patted the other party's shoulder and said.

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