Hunting High School

Chapter 19: Professor Montelia

Zheng Qing saw his own 'red eyes' through the ice mirror formed by Thomas' spell.

To be precise, he saw his own red eye—not both of his eyes turned red, but only his right eye turned red.

It is different from the eerie scarlet of demons; nor is it the ruby-like eyes of little white rabbits.

Zheng Qing's right eye seemed to have been hit by someone with a heavy fist, and the white of the eye was covered with irregular blood clots, making it quite miserable at first glance.

"It seems to be subbulbar hemorrhage caused by the rupture of conjunctival blood vessels." Thomas, wearing silk gloves, carefully opened Zheng Qing's eyelids and looked carefully. A string of mung bean-sized light balls danced between his fingers.

Zheng Qing squinted his left eye and shrunk his neck, allowing Thomas to stuff those bean-sized light balls under his own eyelids,

"Blink." When all the small light balls were stuffed under the eyelids, Thomas took off the silk gloves and asked, "Do you feel any abnormalities? Such as soreness, swelling, or tingling?"

"No... If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have noticed something wrong with my eyes at all." Zheng Qing blinked obediently, feeling as if his right eye was soaking in a hot spring, which was very comfortable.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Thomas breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Zhang Yu: "Do you need to report to the professors?"

"I've already reported it just doesn't matter if you have any questions." The gray-haired teaching assistant smiled gently, turned to look at the two freshmen, and comforted: "The professors have given preliminary opinions... If there is no accident, the two of you will be hospitalized by the school tonight."

"He's going to be hospitalized again." Zheng Qing sighed.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have been lying in the hospital for several days last week.

"I feel like I can kill a cow right now." He bent his arms and puffed up his biceps, trying to convince the two assistant coaches in front of him.

"Can I not be hospitalized?" Lin Guo also protested from the side: "I haven't finished my divination homework yet..."

"Divination class?" Thomas blinked, then raised his head, waved his hands, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Professor Yi? Professor Yi!...The two of them said that they want to do homework for the divination class, so they don't want to be hospitalized..."

"I didn't say it!" Zheng Qing was anxious immediately.

"That's not what I meant..." Lingo was also a little dumbfounded.

"Homework?" The professor, who was checking the wild monster's body not far away, was obviously a little dazed at this slightly unexpected question, and after a long while, he replied slowly: "I have to go to the school hospital, and the homework still needs to be doesn't matter, I just calculated it." Forget it, they will hand in their homework on time next week."

Thomas shrugged, spread his hands, and looked at the two freshmen.

Linguo held her schoolbag dejectedly and stopped talking.

Zhang Yu grabbed two glasses -- Zheng Qing didn't notice where he got them from -- stuffed them into the hands of the two freshmen, and said, "Drink this."

Inside the cup was a puddle of green, viscous liquid that was still steaming, looking like boiled kiwi juice.

"What is this?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but think of the hangover soup he drank one morning, his face turned pale, and he sniffed it cautiously.

The smell is fragrant, and there is no strange gas.

"Soothe the nerves and calm the soul soup, Professor Li has just cooked it and sent it over... Drink it while it's hot, it's good for you."

Zheng Qing took a sip. Unexpectedly, although it was steaming, the soup in the cup was not hot, and it still felt refreshing after drinking it, but the taste was a bit bland, as if water without adding salt Cook the greens.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

So he stopped hesitating, pinched his nose, and poured it into his stomach in one go.

The icy coolness lifted his spirits, but at the same time, a burning sensation spread from his stomach, flowing into his internal organs, stimulating his heart to pump harder.

"Professors will stay for a while... If you don't want to rush to the ward to lie down, you can go and have a look together to increase your knowledge." Thomas said, his eyes fell on Lin Guo: "Of course, if you feel a little sleepy , I can escort you to the hospital now."

Lin Guo seemed to be stimulated by this gaze, tried to stand up straight, and replied loudly: "I'm not sleepy!"

Zheng Qing looked at the little wizard with some concern.

Maybe the fainting under the impact of Monster Qi just now caused some irritation to Linguo, and his spirit seems a little sensitive now.


When several people came to the lawn, several teaching assistants were still busy connecting the broken bones of the poor kappa demon. Elder Verne and the two professors were standing not far away, whispering something.

As the evening wind blew, Zheng Qing vaguely heard Professor Yi's complaints.

"...It was a bit too rough before..."

"Hmph!" The old man Verne hummed heavily, his gaze fell into the distance.

Linguo's big goat was lying next to the bushes, wriggling its cheeks slowly. Because the lawn is being inspected, it can't forage for food temporarily, which makes the black sheep lose its temper a lot.

Lord Wuyue, the old hound, flicked his tail in a rare way, and leaned beside the black sheep with drooping eyebrows, as if he wanted to squeeze for warmth.

It's just that under the fierce eyes of the black sheep, it is still hesitating and hesitant to move forward.

"You did a great job! You two." Elder Verne put his broad palm on Linguo's head and rubbed it.

A few minutes ago, Professor Yi's backtracking magic had perfectly presented the scene at the time of the incident. Apparently, the little wizard who fainted under the pressure of the wild monster didn't feel that he had done a good job.

Linguo wrinkled her nose and her eyelids were red.

"This is the first time you have met a wild monster, right? You performed very well...much better than I was back then." Then, the old man turned his gaze to the black goat: "And your big goat is also very powerful .”

"The young people nowadays are really amazing." Another professor was obviously not used to boasting, and his voice seemed a little stiff.

Zheng Qing noticed that he had high cheekbones and gray hair.

"This is Professor Montelia, who is in charge of advanced rune and bloodline research for seniors." Thomas introduced in a low voice: "He has his own independent laboratory in the Institute of Applied Magic."

"You are Zheng Qing?" Professor Montelia's eyes were sharp, and his voice was always habitually stern: "I heard Professor Emma introduce you, and it is said that your talent in runes is very good... Did well today."

Zheng Qing said yes, and his eyes fell on the wild monster that was still lying on the ground.

The Beast is still bound by magic.

It's just that compared with Zheng Qing's rough and savage vine balls, what now binds this Kappa demon is only a few small silver-white chains.

The chain passed through its shoulder blades, carapace, and hip bones, and formed a complex formation on its shield armor.

Several teaching assistants wore silkworm leather gloves and held knives, saws, scissors, tweezers and other tools in their hands. They carefully cut open its body, and patiently groped and explored in the dark plasma.

The kappa monster opened its scarlet eyes, and the eyes looked a little cowering, but still revealed a bit of greed.

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