Hunting High School

Chapter 20: Anatomy Lesson In The Moonlight

"The wild monster is a creature with excellent fighting instinct."

"Even wild monsters that haven't been transformed for a long time can often develop amazing keen senses."

"From this point of view, they really don't have many weaknesses... As freshmen, you can control this kappa demon in a very short period of time, which is very good, very good."

Professor Monteria's voice was a little hoarse, and his vocabulary for praising the two young wizards was a little poor. It can be seen that he is not a person who is good at talking. It’s just that for some reason, he’s now more interested in talking:

"A few years ago, when I was working on the subject of 'the degree of influence of blood on ability', I had dealt with some wild monsters. Without exception, they all showed strong aggressiveness after transformation, but at the same time, their Defense ability, physical fitness, vitality, and instincts in all aspects have also been greatly improved... If you put aside your reason, this transformation can be called a qualitative change!"

"Imagine, if the ability of monsters to transform into wild monsters can be further purified to obtain a mild conversion plan that does not affect reason, then the power of the wizarding world will usher in another leap forward."

"It's going to be a disruptive revolution..."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Professor Yi coughed loudly, interrupting Professor Monteria's slightly excited speech.

Professor Monteria frowned, stopped talking, and looked around.

The faces of Thomas and the other teaching assistants were obviously disturbed, as if they had heard some outrageous words; while the janitors in gray robes dismissed the professor's words and pretended not to hear them. The old man Na made no secret of his disgust, and simply turned and left after listening halfway.

Only Zheng Qing and Lin Guo expressed a certain degree of longing for the vision described by Professor Montelia.

"Does it mean that we can become a registered wizard with an injection in the future?" Lin Guo couldn't help but praise when he saw the professor stop talking, "It's as fascinating as the Philosopher's Stone!"

The corners of Professor Montelia's lips curled up, obviously very much in favor of this compliment.

But at the same time, he kept his mouth shut and stopped discussing related topics.

"Children have rich imaginations." Professor Yi rubbed the little wizard's head, changed his tone, and gave a warning glance to the young wizards around him: "Professor Monteria's idea is certainly interesting...but it is also Dangerous. So far, in the entire wizarding world, only one of his laboratories has been allowed to conduct research on related topics."

"Although these subjects are not classified, they are somewhat sensitive...I don't want any bad rumors to spread on campus."

Zheng Qing and the others shook their heads again and again, saying that they didn't dare, so they almost swore.

"Professor Monteria just said a lot about the strength of the wild monsters. Of course, there is nothing wrong with them. These beasts certainly have many physical advantages, but their intelligence fundamentally limits their development."

Professor Yi turned his head, looked at the two freshmen beside him, and his tone was full of warning: "You guys are worthy of praise for defeating a wild monster...but it doesn't mean you can be blindly arrogant."

"There are all kinds of wild monsters in this world, and the ones you have seen are only the most basic ones... They don't have many weaknesses, but they are not considered powerful monsters."

"What is a wild monster?"

"The wild monster is cannon fodder! It is the weakest and most rampant low-level monster in the world."

"Beating them isn't something to brag about."

"But, professor." Zheng Qing became more and more confused after hearing these remarks, and couldn't help interrupting: "Since the wild monster is not very powerful...then why did the three-pronged sword award me the Merlin Medal?"

This question was obviously a bit abrupt, and everyone on the lawn looked sideways. Even the teaching assistants who were 'cleaning up' the wild monster couldn't help but raise their heads and glance at him.

Professor Yi didn't hesitate, he smiled, and said gently: "This question should have troubled you for a while... In fact, that medal is not for rewarding the wild monsters you suppressed, but for rewarding you in the face of sudden In times of disaster, the courage embodied... this is the most precious."

"If I remember correctly, there were so many people in Sijifang at that time, and you were the only one who charged towards the raging wild monster in the end?"

Zheng Qing's face flushed quietly.

But taking advantage of the darkness, this color was not noticed by everyone.

Professor Yi raised his hands, pressed Zheng Qing and Lin Guo's shoulders, and raised his voice slightly: "For freshmen who encounter wild monsters for the first time, facing them and fighting them is a very necessary thing. Courage thing."

"At this time, the test is the firmest belief in your heart."

"Without the belief of guarding your back, without the belief of defeating evil, without the belief that you are incompatible with corruption, you will not stand up and do the thing that many people should do but have not done."

"Looking at the invincible is still victorious; measure the enemy before advancing, think about victory before meeting, and those who have fear in their hearts."

"Continue to shrink, although there are tens of millions of people, I will go!"

"Where the Tao is, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there!"

Professor Yi's words were so decisive and upright that the lawn fell into silence for a moment. Even the old man Verne not far away looked sideways and nodded repeatedly.

Perhaps realizing that he has put too much pressure on the students and teaching assistants, Professor Yi skipped this heavy topic and said in a brisk tone:

"Of course, freshmen, as long as they can deal with wild monsters."

"This kind of beast has low intelligence and strong instincts. As long as you use the right magic, it can be easily subdued."

"The spells that the First University taught you at the beginning of your enrollment are carefully selected, easy to learn, have certain development potential, and are highly targeted against wild monsters."

"For example, Jiuyou Academy's binding spell 'Ge Zhiqinxi', Alpha Academy's soft-legged curse 'I'm a horse cockroach'... all belong to this type of spell."

"Your performance is very good... We will suggest to the school to reward you with some credits."

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The two freshmen immediately beamed with joy.

Zheng Qing felt that he should be more modest, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning.

"Hmph!" The old man Verne snorted heavily outside the crowd: "People from the patrol you need to suggest rewards to the school?"

Professor Yi smiled and did not argue with this question.

While talking, the teaching assistants who had been kneeling on the ground to 'organize' the kappa demon had collected all the 'materials' they needed, and began to organize and gather the tools at hand.

"Did you find anything?" Professor Yi turned to look at a teaching assistant who stood up.

"We can only confirm that it is a wild monster transformed from a kappa." The teaching assistant's voice was not loud, but very clear:

"The conversion time is within three hours...A more accurate time needs further testing in the laboratory to get relevant results."

"We found the remains of some amphibians in its stomach, as well as some ores, silt, leaves, and wild fruits." The assistant teacher opened the wooden box at hand, revealing three bloodshot thin skins, which he carefully flipped over with tweezers Then, he explained: "This kappa's body has undergone a fourth-level transformation... The original one stomach has become three, and it can digest different foods according to the concentration of gastric acid—whether it is dry or wet. Whether meat or grass, whether poisonous or not—it can be ground up in these pouches, crushing out the nutrients it needs."

"Greedy as always." Thomas stood aside and muttered.

"Do you know how it is transformed?" Professor Yi interrupted and asked.

The teaching assistant looked embarrassed and shook his head.

Professor Monteria suddenly lifted the corner of the robe, pinned it to his waist, and then rolled up the two sleeves of the robe, revealing pale arms with protruding bones.

He squatted down, put on silkworm leather gloves, took a small knife and a pair of tweezers, and began to fiddle with the Kappa demon.

After a while, he stood up, took off the silkworm leather gloves, and threw them into the garbage bag.

"There are indeed no abnormal bite marks." His face was ugly.

Zheng Qing felt that this sentence was a bit inexplicable.

But after he looked around, he found that almost everyone's complexion became very bad.

Whether it is the old man Verne, or Professor Yi, or Zhang Yu, Thomas and other teaching assistants.

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