Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 265 Male and female practitioners?

The two ignored their injuries and ran with all their strength. Fortunately, the killer didn't catch up for half a day.

Half a day later, the two stopped at a lake.

This lake is so huge that you can't even see the edge at a glance.

"Yinuo, the treasure place you mentioned is here? Is it under the lake?"

Lu Yan asked.

Yinuo gave Lu Yan a smart look and said, "Yes, it's right under the lake. At the end of the Dagu Dynasty, the Dagu royal family knew that the building was about to collapse, so they hid a large amount of treasures and resources in all states in the world in order to make a comeback. .”

"This is where the Dagu royal family hides its treasures in Xuanzhou. Let's go down."

After saying that, Shen Yinuo jumped into the lake, twisting his body like a mermaid and swimming towards the bottom of the lake.

Lu Yan also jumped into the bottom of the lake.

Soon, the two arrived at the bottom of the lake, swam a few miles further, and found a crack.

From the cracks, water kept pouring out, washing away the surrounding silt.

"Could it be that the bottom of this lake is connected to an underground river?"

Lu Yan's heart moved.

Shen Yinuo swam towards the crack without hesitation, followed closely by Lu Yan.

Through the crack, it turned out to be an underground river.

The two swam along the underground river for more than ten miles, and found a raised rock somewhere on the edge of the underground river. There was no water on the rock, and there was a crack, like a passage.

The two jumped onto the rock and moved forward along the crack. Soon, the terrain opened up.

Lu Yan saw a stone wall in front of him. There was a bronze door carved with simple patterns on the stone wall.

"Behind this bronze door, is this the place where you say the treasure is hidden?"

Lu Yan asked.

Shen Yinuo nodded, picked up a stone, and hit the bronze door with his wave.

Suddenly, dense lines appeared on the bronze door and the surrounding stone walls, which were intertwined and mysterious.

"Wish Power Pattern."

Lu Yan was startled.

Isn't this a treasure trove left by the ancient dynasty? How come there are willing lines?

"To be precise, this is no longer a wish pattern, but a wish pattern. It is a martial arts master who imitated the wish pattern in those ancient ruins. The power he uses is not the wish power, but the soul. The power of heaven and earth and the power of the soul that are inspired by the powerful."

"It is powerful and mysterious, and has the same effect as the wish pattern."

Shen Yinuo explained.

Lu Yan said: "So, this kind of wish pattern can only be mastered by masters in the Yuanshen realm?"

"indeed so."

Shen Yinuo nodded.

"With the wish pattern guarding us, how should we get in?"

Lu Yan asked.


In Shen Yinuo's hand, a simple token appeared in purple and gold color, with the word "ten thousand" written on it.

"Ten thousand?"

Lu Yan's eyes moved.

He remembered that the royal family of the Dagu Dynasty had the surname Wan.

Shen Yinuo injected inner energy into the token, and then waved his hand, and the token flew towards the bronze door.

There is an indentation on the bronze door that just matches the token.

When the token fell into the dent on the bronze door, the surrounding wish patterns disappeared without a trace, and the bronze door opened automatically with a click.


Shen Yinuo stepped forward and took off the token when he passed the bronze door.

After the two people entered the door, the bronze door closed automatically.

Lu Yan looked around.

Behind the bronze door is a wide cave. There are some shelves around the cave, but looking at the shelves, they are empty.

"There used to be a lot of good things here, including martial arts pills, Xumi mustard seed bags, martial arts secret books, and magical weapons. They were all collected by me. The reason why my cultivation level can be improved so quickly is also due to this place. Takemaru, hey, this Sumeru mustard seed bag is also obtained from here."

Shen Yinuo explained.

Seeing that Lu Yan was still a little suspicious, Shen Yinuo took out a map again. After opening it, it showed a clear route map with some red dots marked on it.

"This is a map obtained in an ancient cave. It marks the location of some of the ancient royal family's treasures. The token was also obtained there."

Shen Yinuo explained, and then said: "With the bronze door and wish pattern blocking it, even if it is found by Shengxuan Sect, it can withstand it for a while. Let's heal and recover first."

After saying that, Shen Yinuo took out a martial pill, swallowed it, and began to heal his injuries.

Lu Yan also took out the martial arts pill and swallowed it.

Not long after Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo entered the cave, several figures appeared by the lake.

Among them, there are Blood Moon and Yin Yue, as well as several other killers, all of whom are in the True Body Realm.

"According to Shaxue's induction, those two people are nearby, search."

Blood Moon ordered.

The killers took the order and started searching nearby.

After searching for hundreds of miles, there was no trace of Lu Yan or Shen Yinuo.

"What's going on? According to the blood-killing sense, they are clearly within a dozen miles. Why are there no traces? Could it be that they are hidden underground."

Yin Yue's gloomy face became even gloomier.

"Deploy manpower to search again and dig three feet into the ground to find them."

Blood Moon ordered.

A few days later, more and more killers came here.

Of course, they can't all be masters of the True Body Realm, most of them are at the Grandmaster level.

But after searching for seven days, there was no trace.

Finally, Xue Yue turned his attention to the big lake in front of him.

Could it be possible to hide in the lake?

However, although the existence of the Grandmaster level has a long breath and can hide in the water for a long time, it is impossible to hide it for such a long time.

Not to mention the grandmaster, even in the true body state, it is impossible to hide it for so many days.

But even if it’s impossible, we have to find it.

"Go and have a look at the bottom of the lake."

Blood Moon ordered.

Plop, plop.

A dozen killers jumped into the lake.

After a while, someone burst out of the water.

"Lord Xueyue, my subordinates discovered a crack at the bottom of the lake, leading directly to an underground river."

The killer reported.

"Underground river?"

Xue Yue's eyes were bright and she said: "They must be hiding in the underground river. Follow me down to explore."

Xue Yue jumped into the lake himself.

Soon after, they stood in front of the bronze gate.

"My subordinates break it open."

A master-level killer jumped out and slapped his palms towards the bronze door.

But as soon as he approached, dense wish patterns filled the area around the bronze door, like countless small snakes, entwining the killer, and evolved into blazing flames, covering the killer.

"Ah, sir, save me"

The killer screamed and turned into ashes in an instant.

"Yuan Wen. Could it be that this place is a cave left by a powerful person in the Yuan Shen Realm?"

Xue Yue was not upset about losing one of his subordinates, but instead showed excitement.

The war sword was unsheathed, and the fierce sword energy was slashed towards the bronze door, but it was blocked by dense wish patterns.

"Let's attack together, bombard them from a distance, and erase these wish marks."

Blood Moon ordered.

Suddenly, dozens of killers took action together, and all kinds of sword energy, palm power, and fist power were blasted towards the wish pattern.

It took Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo two days to recover to their peak, and their injuries were basically stable.

Then Lu Yan started exploring the cave.

Behind the cave, there is a passage leading deep into the cave.

"The treasure-hiding place of the Dagu Royal Family is very large. I speculate that one cave is connected to another, and there are treasures hidden in each cave. Unfortunately, I only got the treasures in the first cave, and the second one The cave cannot be entered.”

Shen Yinuo said.

"Why? Because there are wish marks?"

Lu Yan asked.

"Not only the wish pattern, but also two fairy beast puppets. I have a way to crack the wish pattern, but the two fairy beast puppets are very powerful. Although they are only the first level of the real body, their physical bodies are extremely strong, and they are comparable to the middle-grade real bodies. I am no match for you."

Shen Yinuo explained.

"Immortal beast puppet? Is it related to immortals?"

Lu Yan said.

"Immortal beast is just a name. Immortal bones are implanted in the body of the alien beast. When the alien beast and the immortal bones are completely integrated, the physique will transform, and the physical body will be powerful, far beyond the ordinary alien beasts."

"After the immortal beast dies, it can be refined into a puppet through a special method, which is somewhat similar to refining a corpse."

Shen Yinuo said.

"With the combined strength of the two of us, can we fight?"

Lu Yan said.

Shen Yinuo shook his head and said: "No, the middle-grade real body is much stronger than the low-grade real body. If your cultivation level breaks through the sixth level of the grandmaster, and I improve further and reach the peak of the sixth level of the grandmaster, maybe you can still A battle.”

Lu Yan smiled bitterly.

Improving your cultivation level cannot be achieved overnight.

He had just broken through the fifth level, and if he wanted to break through the sixth level, even if he had enough weapons, it would take at least several years.

"How many martial arts pills do you have on your body?"

Shen Yinuo suddenly asked.

"More than seven thousand."

Lu Yan told the truth.

During his stay in Xuanhuo City, he disguised himself as a different person and went to the World Bank to exchange all the martial arts tickets in his hand for martial pills.

Anyway, I have a bag of mustard seeds, so I don’t have to worry about having no place to put them.

In addition, when following Chu Feng and others to rectify the Yan clan, they also secretly gained a lot of benefits.

Chu Feng and others turned a blind eye.

Therefore, he really has more than 7,000 martial arts pills in his mustard bag.

"I still have three thousand level three martial arts pills on me. That's enough. It should be enough."

Shen Yinuo whispered.

"What's enough?"

Lu Yan was curious.

Shen Yinuo suddenly blushed and said: "I have a method that can quickly improve our cultivation and break through the realm in a short time."

"what way?"

Lu Yan was surprised.

"The miracles in my internal organs are the furnace of the sun. Martial arts cultivators can actually learn some mysterious techniques and even corresponding martial arts from their own miracles."

"I realized a special method in the Great Sun Furnace, called the Yin-Yang Great Melting Pot. Men and women can use the power of the Great Sun Furnace to quickly refine weapons and food, turning them into pure energy. The two people blend together in their bodies, and in this way, their cultivation level also improves rapidly."

"Just, just"

Yinuo hesitated and turned even redder.

"Is it the method of dual cultivation?"

Lu Yan's heart was shaken and he said: "There is such a method, so hurry up, otherwise things will change if you wait too long."

"It's just that when you practice, you don't need to wear any clothes and face each other naked."

Having said this, Yinuo's face turned even redder.

"That's it?"

Lu Yan said.

"Of course, what did you think you were going to do?"

Shen Yinuo asked subconsciously, then thought of something and said angrily: "Shameless."

"Come on, what are you waiting for? If you keep waiting, there will be no time when the killers of Shengxuan Sect find this place."

Lu Yan waved his hand, and large boxes fell to the ground, filled with wumaru.

Yinuo's pretty face turned red, but she didn't refuse. She also took out the martial arts pill and took off her clothes.

In an instant, a perfect ketone body appeared in front of him.

Lu Yan's eyes widened.

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