Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 266 Grandmaster Sixth Level, Immortal Beast Puppet

"What are you looking at? Come on."

Shen Yinuo was so angry that his face was so red that he was about to bleed.

Lu Yan reacted, three times and five times five divided by two, it was clean and smooth.

Glancing at Lu Yan's tall guy with his head held high, Shen Yinuo's big eyes were like two pools of spring water. He was so shy that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, and said: "You are not allowed to think wildly and restrain your mind."

"Normal reaction."

Lu Yan smiled awkwardly, took a few deep breaths, and worked hard for a while before falling asleep.

Then, Yinuo taught Lu Yan how to use the Yin-Yang melting pot.

It was actually very simple, and Lu Yan soon mastered it completely.

Then, the two of them sat cross-legged, palms together.

Shen Yinuo's palms were as hot as fire, a red light appeared on the surface of his body, and a red sun furnace emerged from his abdomen.


The Great Sun Furnace shook slightly, and a strong attraction came from the furnace cover. On the side, weapons pellets flew into the Great Sun Furnace.

In one breath, at least a hundred of them flew in.

In just a moment, hundreds of martial pills were melted and turned into pure energy, which poured into Shen Yinuo's body.

With Lu Yan's current level of cultivation, it would take several hours to refine a single martial pill.

And now, hundreds of them have been refined in just a short time. You can imagine how strong and rich this power is. Shen Yinuo can't bear it alone. Her face suddenly showed an abnormal flush, and her body also It swelled slightly, like a balloon.

Fortunately, this power poured into Lu Yan's body in time.

Lu Yan, even with a strong body, could not withstand such strong energy. His body also swelled rapidly, and pain like tearing came from the muscles in his meridians.

Lu Yan gathered his mind and used the method of operating the yin and yang melting pot. Just when Lu Yan could no longer bear it, this power was transmitted into Shen Yinuo's body through his palms.

Lu Yan clearly felt that the twenty-eight internal energy in his body had become thicker and increased in speed, which was visible to the naked eye.

This power entered Shen Yinuo's body. When Shen Yinuo was about to be unable to bear it, it was transmitted into his body again, forming a cycle.

With every cycle, a part of the power is absorbed by him forever and becomes part of his inner strength.

In this way, in a continuous cycle, the two people's cultivation levels are improving at an astonishing speed.

In just two hours, one hundred martial pills were completely refined and transformed into the cultivation of two people. The efficiency was a hundred times higher than usual.


After the two rested for a while, making sure that all the energy in their bodies was completely refined, Shen Yinuo drank lightly, and another hundred martial pills were swallowed by the furnace of the sun, and finally transformed into the cultivation of the two of them.

After a day and a night, the two of them had refined more than 1,500 martial pills, and their cultivation level had suddenly improved.

Of course, this was not enough for Lu Yan to break through to the sixth level of Grandmaster.

Because, more than 1,500 martial pills were shared equally between the two.

He masters twenty-eight internal energies, which requires too much energy.


Time passes day by day.

When the masters of Shengxuanzong found this place, all the 10,000 martial pills they had on them had been refined.

Lu Yan's cultivation finally reached the peak of the fifth level of Grandmaster.

And Shen Yinuo is not far from the peak of the sixth level of Grandmaster.

Although Shen Yinuo only has one internal energy, it is incredibly strong and requires no less energy than Lu Yan. Because he is at the sixth level of a grandmaster, it requires even more energy than Lu Yan to improve.

Boom boom

Suddenly, there was a roar outside.

Lu Yan's expression changed, knowing that the masters of Shengxuan Sect had finally found this place.

"Don't worry, as long as no masters from the Yuan Shen realm arrive, the wish pattern outside is enough to stop them for a month."

Shen Yinuo said.

"Okay, then I'll start to break through."

Lu Yan eliminated distracting thoughts, focused on nothing, and began to adjust his state, preparing to break through to the sixth level of the Grandmaster.

In the Grandmaster realm, the internal organs are cultivated.

The first five levels are to cultivate the five internal organs and develop their potential.

The sixth level is to directly temper the six internal organs, all in one go.

Twenty-eight internal energies flow into the gallbladder and intestines, and then pass through the triple burner.

Soon, powerful forces surged out from his six organs. Lu Yan's internal energy grew rapidly. Each strand of internal energy became extremely powerful, several times stronger than before.

The sixth level of Grandmaster is a natural breakthrough.

The internal organs form a big cycle, which is tempered over and over again by the internal energy, becoming tough, strong, and full of vitality.

With the improvement of the internal organs, Lu Yan's longevity will naturally increase accordingly.

Now, as long as he is not killed, he can live to be two hundred and forty years old without any disease or pain.

The next step is to raise the cultivation level to the peak of the sixth level of the Grandmaster. Then, the qi, blood, internal energy, flesh and blood, bones and internal organs will be integrated inside and outside, forming a seamless whole. Condensing the true body, evolving the true energy, moving like thunder, and being indestructible.

Lu Yan felt the extremely tyrannical power in his body. With a thought, he used the three body-refining martial arts to increase his strength to an astonishing level. He felt that even a real person standing in front of him could be killed with one punch.

"Lu Yan, you finally made a breakthrough. If you want to try your strength, why not come with me to meet the two fairy beast puppets."

Shen Yinuo said.

"Let's go meet them."

Lu Yan felt that he had endless strength and was eager to fight.

The two put on their clothes and walked along the passage to the second cave.

"Wait a moment."

Halfway through, Shen Yinuo waved his hand to Lu Yan to stop, while she watched intently.

Then, she waved her hand and a flying knife flew forward.

Suddenly, dense lines appeared around the passage, evolving into flaming sword lights, which struck at the flying knives, smashing them into pieces and turning them into handfuls of white powder, which fell to the ground.

The magic weapon-level flying knives were crushed into powder in an instant, which shows how powerful these flaming sword lights are.

Shen Yinuo stared at the lines for a moment, then said after a while: "Lu Yan, follow my footsteps."

Pointing his toes, Shen Yinuo jumped forward a few meters. After Lu Yan recorded the position, he took another step forward. A few meters away, there was no reaction on the wish pattern of the passage.

Lu Yan followed Shen Yinuo's footsteps and walked forward.

Soon, we came to the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage, there is still a bronze door, and there is also a dent on the bronze door.

Shen Yinuo took out the token and put it into the indentation, and the bronze door opened automatically.

The two passed through the bronze door and saw a larger cave.

Around the cave, there are also shelves, and there are some exquisite boxes on the shelves.

There are several bags on a shelf.

Sumi Mustard Seed Bag.

Lu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart became hot.


Two evil spirits rushed towards his face, making Lu Yan's expression serious.

Two giant beasts, one from the left and one from the right, rushed towards the two of them.

The two giant beasts look almost the same, shaped like a lion, but with a pair of wings and three tails on their backs. Their muscles are knotted and their bodies are pitch black, like metal.

But their pupils were blood red.

They were three meters tall and over five meters long. They leaped forward with a giant claw as big as a door panel and swatted at the two of them.

"One for each person."

Shen Yinuo shouted sweetly, his palms turning blood red as he faced a fairy beast.

Lu Yan pushed the three body-refining martial arts to the extreme. His whole body was covered with scales, and with a sword in his hand, he kicked his feet and rushed forward. Then he twisted his body to avoid the giant claws of the immortal beast and slashed towards the immortal beast. The beast's neck was cut off.

The fairy beast turned its head, and bit into the sword with its big mouth full of fangs. At the same time, its wings were like blades, slashing at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan stepped back, avoided the big mouth, and slashed the immortal beast's wing with his knife.


The sword seemed to have struck the metal, and sparks shot out. Lu Yan felt his palms numb, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

But the immortal beast also staggered back, and an inch-deep mark appeared on its wings.

"It can be cut."

Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

Although the power of this immortal beast was extremely powerful, far exceeding that of an ordinary real body, it was not invincible, and he felt that it could be suppressed.


After the immortal beast was injured, its eyes were blood red and it pounced on Lu Yan again.

This time, its body was filled with cyan light, it opened its mouth and roared, and a cyan wind blade flew towards Lu Yan like a magic weapon.

At the same time, its wings flapped, and cyan energy surged, turning into dozens of cyan wind blades, whizzing out and slashing at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan swung his sword and defeated more than a dozen wind blades in succession, but he was still hit by two wind blades, one on the chest and one on the arm.

But Lu Yan only felt his body shake slightly, but nothing unusual happened.

The cyan wind blade did not break through his defense, but only left a shallow mark on the crimson scales.

"That's all."

Lu Yan was determined, no longer using his inner energy to defend himself, and went all out to kill the Xiangxian Beast.

The fairy beast kept firing out the green wind blade, but Lu Yan ignored it and let the wind blade hit him. With his powerful body-training martial arts, he rushed to the fairy beast with the wind blade and struck it down with one strike.


The blade sank deeply into the immortal beast's neck, cutting in most of it and almost cutting off the immortal beast's head.


The immortal beast roared crazily, and the cyan energy rioted, rushing towards Lu Yan like a violent storm.

At the same time, three tails pierced Lu Yan like three javelins.

There was a bone spur at the end of each of the three tails, which was so sharp that Lu Yan even felt the danger. He did not dare to be careless and had to retreat.

However, the sword was stuck by the bones of the immortal beast. Lu Yan pulled it out but refused to pull it out. He could only abandon the sword and retreat, avoiding the violent blow of the immortal beast.

He moved forward again, his palms had turned snow-white, and he slapped them out in a series, meeting the giant claws of the fairy beast.

Boom boom!

The immortal beast and Lu Yan both staggered back, and then fought together again.

In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged dozens of moves.

The giant claws of the fairy beast and most of its body were gradually covered with a layer of snow-white ice crystals, causing its body to become stiff and its speed to become slower and slower.

But the fairy beast puppet is just a puppet after all, not a living creature.

If a living creature faced such a situation, it would definitely take the initiative to avoid it.

But the mission of the fairy beast puppets is to protect this place and destroy all living creatures that enter. Therefore, even if they are defeated, they will continue to attack without retreating.

Lu Yan began to rely on his body skills to attack around the immortal beast. The cold palm hit the immortal beast's body from time to time, causing the ice crystals on the immortal beast's body to become thicker and thicker, and its movements to become stiffer and stiffer.

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