Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 297 Go check, where does she live!

Jiang Suishui raised his chin, "Top 200 in the academy, that's fine."

Xia Lu was surprised to see Jiang Suishui agree so easily.

Wouldn't it be too easy for her to let Jiang Suishui enter the top 200?

Xia Lu thought about it for a while, and then said, "Last night, you made a mess in the classroom office.

Although the teachers have worked overtime to clean up the messed up office, you are still responsible for what happened last night!

If you don't get into the top 100, you will come to the teacher's office to do hygiene every afternoon after school!

Shen Jiashu couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Xia, the daily sanitation of the teacher's office has always been done by the cleaning aunt."

The hygiene of this office is all contracted to Jiang Suishui, which is clearly enslaving students!

Xia Lu said, "You didn't see how messy Jiang Suishui made our office last night!

Of course, as long as she can get into the top 100, she doesn't need to do hygiene. "

"Mr. Xia, you clearly agreed with Suishui just now that you will be in the top 200..."

Shen Jiashu was speaking for Jiang Suishui, and Xia Lu said to him:

"Shen Jiashu, you were accepted by Jinghua with very good grades, and there is still a month before the mid-term exam, so you should teach Jiang Suisui to be domineering.

I believe that with your help, Jiang Suisui will definitely achieve good results. "


Chen Yuanyuan, who was sitting in the other row of seats, lowered her head and sent a message to Jiang Xixi.

Chen Yuanyuan described the grand occasion of Jiang Suisui's visit to the school this morning to Jiang Xixi, who did not come to class. Almost all the students of the school gathered in the Conservatory of Music.

"Mr. Xia Lu just now made a bet with Jiang Suishui that if her mid-term exam results are not in the top 100, she will go to the teacher's office to clean up every day.

If she doesn't even get into the top 200, she will be repeated. "

Jiang Xixi sighed:

"Sui Sui chooses to drop out of school and enter the entertainment industry. She may be able to earn more money."

Chen Yuanyuan sent a sentence in the past:

"I see Jiang Suisui desperately staying in Jinghua just to get a college degree.

If she doesn't get a college degree, she doesn't even have a primary school diploma.

Outside, she was a slip through the net of a nine-year compulsory education. "

Chen Yuanyuan asked her, "Xi Xi, will you come back for the exam?"

"Of course, the preliminary round of the International Perfume Competition is before the mid-term exam. I passed the preliminary round and will go back to school."

Chen Yuanyuan added: "By the way, in a few days, Ye Qinghuan will be performing at the National Centre for the Performing Arts. I see that Jiang Suisui has not been practicing the piano recently."

When Chen Yuanyuan mentioned this, Jiang Xixi also felt strange.

Since she was selected and became Ye Qinghuan's piano accompaniment, Jiang Xixi went to Ye Qinghuan's private studio to rehearse every day.

But every time she went there, she never saw Jiang Suisui.

Ye Qinghuan said that Jiang Suisui was busy with other things and had no time to rehearse.

Jiang Xixi was worried on the surface, but she was very happy in her heart.

Jiang Suisui didn't come to the rehearsal, that's even better!

On the day of the performance at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, watching Jiang Suisui's violin accompaniment collapsed again!

What if she sings so well, she plays the violin so well, she still has the courage to go on the stage of the National Centre for the Performing Arts.

Jiang Xixi was waiting for Jiang Suisui to be ashamed!

Jiang Xixi sent a message: "Yuanyuan, your family members work in the security department. Please help me find out where does Suishui live."

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