Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 298 Gun Smoke Covers Up the Bloody Smell

Chen Yuanyuan asked, "You don't know where Jiang Suisui lives?"

"I don't understand, neither do my parents, they really want to know where Suishui lives, but Suishui just won't tell them.

I'm just worried that Suishui lives with some people of the three religions and nine-rates, and I'm afraid that she will be in danger. "

Chen Yuanyuan glanced in the direction of Jiang Suisui, and she snorted disdainfully.

"Don't worry, I will help you investigate."

Noon, lunch break between classes.

Standing on the balcony of the dormitory, Chen Yuanyuan saw a black kitten fluttering butterflies on the grass downstairs.

The cat was all black except for its four paws that were white.

The black long-haired cat has a red collar around its neck.

Chen Yuanyuan remembered that the cat seemed to belong to Jiang Suishui.

When school started, Jiang Suisui was still blind. She walked around the campus with a guide cat, which was eye-catching.

Now, Jiang Suisui's eyes can see, and the cat will often follow her to school.

Chen Yuanyuan turned around and entered the room. She took out a bundle of rope from under her bed.

"Yuanyuan, don't you have a lunch break?"

The girl on the opposite bed opened the curtain and asked her.

Chen Yuanyuan said, "I want to go to the library to read books."

"Yuanyuan, you are so hardworking."

Chen Yuanyuan raised her lips, and she left the dormitory.


At this time, Jiang Suisui was practicing the piano in the piano room.

She has no dormitory in Jinghua, and she will be in the piano room during the lunch break and if she does not leave the school.

In the practice room in the teaching building of the Conservatory of Music, there are students practicing musical instruments all the time. The loud music can make the whole building tremble.

Drums, guitars, electronic organs, all kinds of sounds are intertwined.

And Jiang Suisui is very sensitive because of her hearing, so when she is practicing in the piano room, she will be very focused.

Suddenly, a mournful scream came from outside!

Jiang Suisui was stunned for a moment. After two or three seconds, she heard the sound of a kitten, and Wang Cai was still calling!

Jiang Suisui put down the violin in her hand, and when she opened the window, she saw a black kitten running wildly on the grass.

"Meow meow meow!"

The little black cat made a special meow, which only appeared when it shouted Suishui.

Jiang Suisui narrowed her eyes slightly, she saw that Wang Cai was smoking!

Since her artificial retina was transplanted, her eyesight has been beyond ordinary. Not only is she good at night vision, she can see farther and clearer than ordinary people!

The circle that Wang Cai was trapped in, and the circle... were firecrackers? !

Wang Cai rolled around on the ground, trying to put out the firecrackers that were lit on his body!

But the sparks of the firecracker scalded its fur again, and its scream became even more tragic!

Jiang Suishui didn't have time to go down the stairs any more. She went straight through the window, jumped from the fifth floor to the window sill on the third floor, and then jumped from the third floor to the outer case of the air conditioner on the second floor!

Immediately after, she jumped down from the second floor!

The students in the piano room on the third floor were frightened by the passing figure.

"Did someone jump off the building?"

"Fuck! What was that just flew past!"

They opened the window and saw that on the grass downstairs, Jiang Suishui ran towards the little black cat who was screaming and screaming.


"Meow meow meow!" (Mommy, save me!)

Wang Cai has been fluttering and twisting on the grass, Jiang Suisui can't pull out his knife and cut off the firecrackers on his body.

She could only reach out directly, hug Wang Cai, and tear off the tightly bound firecrackers with her bare hands.


The firecrackers burst, gray smoke came out, and the strong smell of gunpowder covered the smell of blood...

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