Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 841 My husband will support me forever

"Hello? Boss Shang?"

Jiang Suisui called the research institute under his name.

When she opened this research institute, she used the identity of Shang Suisui.

"How is the research progress on the antidote for C673?" Jiang Suisui's voice did not sound warm.

"Boss Shang, we have reached a cooperation with Huo's research institute to develop an antidote for C673.

Their institute has been studying the C73 virus for several years, but recently, the institute suddenly changed its direction and started studying the C6 virus.

Coincidentally, our institute has a much deeper understanding of the C6 virus than they do, and we have reached cooperation and exchanged research results. "

When Jiang Suisui heard the report from the director of the research institute, she was stunned for a moment.

"Why did the research institute under Huo's name give up researching the C73 virus?"

The director answered her, "I don't know either. I heard that it was their immediate superior who requested a change in research direction.

When they learned that we had been studying C6 and C73 viruses, they immediately reached cooperation with us. "

The director told her again: "We are now using existing drugs to inactivate the virus.

But I don’t know what effect the preliminary antidote will have when injected into the human body.

Boss Shang, you also know that the C6 virus only exists in your body, and we have no place to find someone who was injected with the same amount of virus as you just two years ago to test the drug. "

Jiang Suisui asked, "If you want to test the medicine, let me try it myself. I will return to the capital tomorrow.

Now that the first dose of antidote has been made, let me try it. "

"Boss Shang..." On the mobile phone, the voice of the director of the institute was shaking:

"This first dose of antidote will definitely have serious side effects. We can't let you take this risk."

Jiang Suisui's voice was firm and calm, "Only after trying the first dose of medicine can you conduct the next stage of experiments on the virus response in my body."

"However, we cannot predict the risks of testing drugs..."

Jiang Suisui looked at the tranquil sea level in the distance. The sun was setting in the west, dyeing the sea surface a gorgeous and charming light pink like flamingo feathers.

The sunlight also cast a light layer of pink on her face.

"Anyway, the worst result is that it turns me into a fool.

My husband is very good to me. Even if I become a mentally retarded fool, he will definitely support me for the rest of my life..."


Island Heart Villa:

There was a knock on the study door.

Huo Linxi raised his head and saw Bai Ye holding the tray in one hand and pinching his nose with the other.

He sat behind the desk, sniffed his nose, and frowned:

"What tastes really bitter?"

Bai Ye walked in, quickly put the tray in his hand on the desk, immediately took a few steps back, and fanned himself in front of himself with his sleeves.

"Xiao Suisui said that this is a prescription she bought from the black market. She said it was prescribed by Wujie Miracle Doctor and can cure your injuries."

Bai Ye asked Huo Linxi: "Has Xiao Suisui been deceived? I saw this prescription and it has some effect on treating hyperacidity."

The corners of Huo Linxi's lips twitched slightly.

Treating Hyperacidity…

Jiang Suisui was trying to understand him, shouldn't he be jealous of Lu Xiao? !

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, he saw Huo Linxi picking up the bowl of thick black concoction and drinking it all in one gulp!

Bai Ye was stunned, so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth.

"Master, did you really drink? Are you oversecreting gastric acid?"

"Uh..." Huo Linxi's hand holding the bowl blocked his face, which was black with ink.

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