Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 842 Help me lie to Suisui again

Huo Linxi put down the empty bowl and raised his hand to wipe away the concoction on his lips.

He swallowed, and the bitterness in his mouth spread, twisting his facial expression together.

Bai Ye quickly poured him a glass of water.

Huo Linxi did not take the glass of water he handed him. Instead, he snatched the kettle from Bai Ye's hand and poured warm water down his throat.

It wasn't until he drank the whole bottle of water and put down the bottle that he finally felt relieved.

This bowl of medicine is so sour!

Looking at Huo Linxi's appearance, Bai Ye shook his head and exclaimed:

"You actually have the courage to take a sip of such a terrible medicine!"

"Who said this medicine is bad to drink?" Huo Linxi's voice was a little dry and hoarse.

white night:"???"

He heard the man hold on and say, "I think this medicine is quite delicious. How many bowls do you want me to drink in Suisui?"

Bai Ye swallowed his throat and gave Huo Linxi a thumbs up to express his admiration.

"Xiao Suisui didn't say how many bowls I wanted to drink, but I just brought the medicine out from the kitchen. I know the amount of medicine in the pot, and it can still hold one bowl."

Huo Linxi ordered him, "Drink the remaining medicinal soup in the kitchen before you return to the capital."


Bai Ye hurriedly exclaimed: "I'm not sick, what medicine should I take?"

Huo Linxi chuckled softly. After drinking the medicine, his throat had not yet recovered, and his voice was low and jerky:

"Sui Sui asked you to personally bring the medicine to me, just because I want you to share the joys and sorrows with me!

Who told you, as a doctor, to lie to Suisui? I was seriously injured and you had to drink the medicine before I could leave. I couldn't explain it to Suisui. "

Bai Ye: " @%##¥%¥......@#@"

He's going to talk dirty!

He helped Huo Linxi deceive Jiang Suisui, but he was threatened by this man and could only succumb to his lustful power.

Then Bai Ye spent more than ten seconds to organize his words, and then he succumbed to this man's power again.

"Okay, I'll go drink, we share the joys and sorrows! Mr. Huo, you don't have a second chance to conspire with me to defraud Xiao Suisui!"

Bai Ye put his hands on his hips and turned around to go out.

Huo Linxi stopped him again.

"Bring the remaining medicine in the kitchen to the study."

Bai Ye paused and immediately turned around, with a very doggy smile on his face.

"Master Huo! You really still feel sorry for me!"

Huo Linxi leaned back in his chair with an arrogant expression.

"I'll drink the remaining medicine in the kitchen for you. You, help me lie to Suisui again."

white night:"???"


After Jiang Suisui came out of the Law Enforcement Department, she did not go back to the island center villa immediately. She walked in the direction of the island laboratory.

Ah Ba has taken her to visit the poison research laboratory, and she knows how to get there.

"Hello, Madam Mistress."

"Madam, why are you here?"

Jiang Suisui walked into the laboratory, and the researchers who were busy inside stood up and said hello to her.

The laboratory on the island is also studying the C673 virus. Jiang Suisui came over to see the progress of their research.

At this moment, in the laboratory next door, other researchers were whispering.

"The mistress is here, she is in Laboratory No. 1 now."

"Ah? What is she doing here? Is she visiting? Laboratory No. 1 is researching super viruses. Does she know about those things?"

"We still need to ask the mistress, Madam, to come to our Laboratory No. 2. We have so many experimental creatures here that we can treat her as a zoo."

Huo Xingyao did not gossip with these people. She sorted out the information in her hand and walked towards Laboratory No. 1.

She pushed the door open and saw the director explaining their research progress to Jiang Suisui.

"If we want to make progress in the research on the C673 virus, we still need to cooperate with the research institute in Wujizhou.

It's just...the family leader recently had a bad relationship with the head of the Lu family in Wujizhou, and several of our projects with Wujizhou have been interrupted.

Huo Xingyao, a researcher at our institute, originally wanted to apply for further studies at Wujizhou Medical College, but now her application was directly rejected by Wujizhou Medical College. "


[Continue tomorrow at 3:30 pm! 】

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