Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 864 Find the real little princess!

Luosnian's eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint smile overflowed from his lips.

Luo Junhe laughed wildly and slumped down along the back of the seat, resting his head on Luo Si Nian's lap. He turned around, lay on the car seat, picked up his phone, and looked at the screen.

But he soon discovered that Los Nian's face was directly above his.

Only then did Luo Junhe realize that he was lying on Luo Si Nian's lap.

The smile on his face was quickly contained!

Luosnian lowered his eyes and stared at him coldly.

Luo Junhe immediately calmed down and sat up from Luosnian's lap.

With Luo Junhe pressed against the car door, the space created by Luo Junhe and Luo Sinian could accommodate two adults.

The two of them have always been incompatible.

Probably in the past few days, Luo Junhe often followed Luo Sinian to Huo Zhai.

The two spent more time together, and unknowingly, they became closer to each other.

However, Luo Junhe didn't have to admit that he had made such an intimate move towards Luo Si Nian just now!

On the other end of the phone, Si Qiyou took out his collection of men's clothes from under the bed.

These were the clothes he took off from a little boy of his own age when he was attending a banquet.

Because there was no men's clothing to be found in his cloakroom.

Si Qiyou was forced to wear skirts by his father since he was a child. When he awakened his gender consciousness, he cut off his long hair.

His crazy dad got very angry because of this. If his fourth brother hadn't saved him, he would have been beaten to death by his crazy dad!

As he put on his pants, he muttered:

"I've had enough of wearing a princess dress and living in a princess room! I want to get the real little princess back! Let my fifth sister wear a princess dress and live in a princess room!

In this way, I can be a normal boy who stands upright! "

When Luo Junhe heard Si Qiyou's whisper, he smiled and said:

"Little Guitou, if you hold up the sky, won't we all have to lie down?!"

He advised: "Just stay in the palace and be that damn little princess. If you don't cooperate with that madman, not only will you suffer, but when the time comes, even the entire Wuji Continent will be disturbed by that damn man!" "

Si Qiyou resisted, "I don't want it! I don't want to be a fake little princess anymore!"

snort! Why is it that we are both boys and you can live freely outside, but I have to be locked up in the palace by my crazy father and raised as a little princess!

Fourth brother was raised as a little princess by that lunatic before, but you see he is being raised crookedly now!

I don’t want to become like my fourth brother!

This time I go out in person, and I will definitely be able to find the real little princess faster than you! "

While speaking, Si Qiyou had already put on men's clothes, and he waved his little fleshy hand to the camera:

"Second brother, third brother, tell the eldest brother that we will meet outside soon!"

After saying that, the video call on the phone was cut off by Si Qiyou.

Luo Junhe put down his phone and sneered:

"This is the 321st time that Xiao Liuzi has shouted that he is leaving the palace. Do you want to take a gamble with me?"

He called out to Luo Si Nian: "I bet the little Liuzi will be carried back by the servants as soon as he takes two steps out of the bedroom! Hahahaha!"

Luo Sinian thought calmly: "Xiao Liu's determination this time is stronger than before. Maybe he can take two steps out of the palace and be brought back by the servants."

After Luo Junhe heard Luo Si Nian's words, he patted his thigh and chuckled a few times.

But the smile returned to laughter, and Luo Junhe's eyes were filled with a bit of loneliness.

"Let Xiao Liu live with that lunatic, it's really hard for him!"

Their father is an out-and-out pervert!

That man is the overlord of Wujizhou, a person who can shake up the world's financial markets with just one cough.

Luo Junhe, Luo Sinian and Zong Yue all had contact with that man.

But they soon discovered that their father was mentally unstable!

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