That man with great strength in Wuji Continent never cared about his sons.

That man was only obsessed with Jiang Li, the only daughter Jiang Li gave him.

Jiang Li's fourth and sixth children grew up beside that man.

Ever since that man knew that Jiang Li had given birth to a daughter for him.

In addition to creating the most dreamy room for his daughter in Li Palace, he also built a splendid crystal castle on the land of Wuji Continent.

But the magnificent crystal castle was built, but the man still couldn't find his daughter.

He was crazy and let the fourth son wear women's clothes since he was a child.

After the sixth son was born, he was asked to wear women's clothing.

Fortunately, these two sons have high IQs, and they didn't have a wrong perception of their own gender because they wore women's clothes since childhood and were raised as daughters.

But as long as the two sons switch back to men's clothes, their father will go crazy.

The four great families of Wuji Continent, for the sake of the stability of the whole continent, begged the two sons to wear women's clothes, so as to make the master happy.

Now, everyone in Wuji Continent knows that the overlord of the Si family who rules the entire continent has five sons and one little princess.

Among these five young masters, even though the youngest is only 7 years old, he is already a famous genius boy in Wuji Continent.

But the only little princess of the Si family is living outside and has not been found so far.

Luo Junhe looked out of the car window, the scenery that kept going backwards.

Both sides of the street were decorated with lights, red lanterns and New Year's decorations were hung. He remembered that in a few days, colorful lanterns would be erected on the green belts on both sides of the street.

"Cripple, do you think we can find Xiao Wu this year?"

The new year has come, but for them, it is another year that they cannot be reunited.

Luo Si Nian also looked at the car window on his right. The Spring Festival is approaching, and the New Year atmosphere in the capital is getting heavier and heavier.

In the past, neither he nor Luo Junhe liked celebrating the Spring Festival.

They knew early on that they were not members of the Luo family, and their biological father did not want them. Every year when they had reunion dinners at the Luo family, they lost a sense of belonging.

Luo Junhe suddenly patted his thigh, "Why don't we go to Huo's house for dinner on the night of Chinese New Year's Eve?"

Luo Sinian: "..." His tone was indifferent, "He will be kicked out by Huo Linxi."

"Are you afraid of him?!" Luo Junhe took the lead in putting on an appearance of not being afraid of heaven and earth:

"I'll send a message to my lovely and charming Suisui first, as long as she agrees, if Huo Linxi dares to drive us away, we'll hide behind Suisui~"

Luo Sinian remained calm, but one corner of his lips was raised.


Not long after Jiang Suisui and Huo Linxi came back from Lanshan Island, the Chinese New Year came quietly.

The university was also on vacation early, and Jiang Suisui's internship project at Huo's Financial Center was temporarily suspended.

On the last day when the stock market was closed, the stocks of all listed companies under the Huo Group's name were still green.

Before, when Luo Si came to Huo Zhai, he mentioned to Huo Linxi that Red Merchant Capital was willing to inject capital into Huo's. Once Red Merchant Capital injected capital, Huo's stock would definitely turn losses into profits.

However, this proposal was rejected by Huo Linxi.

For a week, Huo's evaporated tens of billions of funds every day in the stock market.

People's hearts were shaken, and even at the gate of the Huo's Financial Building, there were stockholders who owed money and came to protest.

But Jiang Suisui found that Huo Linxi was exceptionally calm.

She knew that this man had a lot of money, but the Huo family had already lost astronomical sums in the stock market. Even the big bosses from the Securities Regulatory Commission and the financial department came to look for Huo Linxi in person.

Huo's has a strong influence in China, if Huo's stock drops like this, it may shake the foundation of the country.

But Huo Linxi only gave four words during the meeting.

The truth came out.

Only when the tide has receded completely will we know which forces are stirring Huo's stock.


On the night of New Year's Eve, just as the New Year's Eve dinner in Huo's house was ready, the two brothers from the Luo family came to the door.

Huo Linxi's face was dark...

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