"Huo Linxi, it's New Year's Eve, who are you showing such a dirty face to!"

After Luo Junhe yelled at the man, his voice to Jiang Suisui softened instantly.

"Little Suisui, look who is here."

He moved a few steps to the right, and the man who was originally blocked by Luo Junhe appeared in Jiang Suisui's sight.

Jiang Suisui looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her, and her face was filled with warm joy.

"Brother Zong Yue!"

She jumped in front of Zong Yue in one step. For some reason, when she suddenly saw this man on the night of New Year's Eve, she had an urge to throw herself into his arms.

But thinking that the relationship between the two was not that close, she suppressed the impulse in her heart.

The smile on Zong Yue's face was warm, he raised his hand, and rubbed the top of Jiang Suisui's hair.

"Sui Sui, Happy New Year."

Huo Linxi's face darkened even more as he watched their interaction!

"Brother Zong Yue, when did you come to China? How did you come? Since you are here, come and have dinner with us!"

Jiang Suisui asked several questions in a row, and Zong Yue answered them one by one with a smile.

Country F does not have the custom of the Spring Festival. As the son of the Prime Minister, he is visiting China on behalf of Country F during the Spring Festival.

When he came to the capital at this time, Luo Junhe brought Zong Yue to Huo's house.

"Come in, I'll make you some tea~"

Jiang Suisui stepped on the plush slippers, like a cheerful little rabbit, ran towards the tea room.

She walked halfway, but she still didn't forget to turn around and explain:

"Lin Lin, brother Zong Yue has come from a long way, please treat him well!"

Huo Linxi snorted lightly.

Looking at her cheerful back, Zong Yue and the Luo family brothers all showed joy on their faces.

They already regarded Huo Zong as their own home, and they didn't need the servants in the house to lead the way, so the Luo family brothers took Zong Yue and sat down in the living room.

Luo Junhe got up and went to the kitchen to order a few dishes.

In the kitchen, the chef had already cooked the dumplings, Luo Junhe looked at the pot of dumplings and asked:

"There are some coins in it."

"There are 5 coins in this pot."

The chef is about to divide a large plate of dumplings into several small bowls.

Luo Junhe said, "I'll come!"

He picked up the chopsticks, looked at the plate of dumplings, and carefully selected them.

Luo Junhe put the carefully selected dumplings into a small bowl.

"Remember to serve this bowl to Suisui, and you can divide the remaining dumplings as you like."

After he explained to the chef, he left the kitchen. After a while, Luo Sinian came to the kitchen in a wheelchair.

When he saw the dumplings on the desk, he asked, "Which bowl is for Suisui?"

The chef pointed to the small bowl with celadon patterns, "This bowl is for the little lady."

Luo Sinian stared at the dumplings in the small bowl for a long time. He picked up his chopsticks, picked a few more dumplings from the big plate, and put them into the small blue and white porcelain bowl.

Not long after Rossian left, Huo Lingye came.

He can go to the ground now, but the swelling in his ankle has not completely subsided, so he can only walk with a limp on one foot.

When Huo Lingye saw the dumplings on the table, he asked the chef:

"How many coins are put in this pot of dumplings?"

"Returning to the young master, there are five coins in this pot of dumplings."

Huo Lingye asked again: "Which bowl is for my third aunt?"

"The bowl of dumplings with blue and white patterns is for the little madam."

Huo Lingye picked up his chopsticks, picked a few more dumplings into the cauldron, and piled them on the small blue and white porcelain bowl.

"My third uncle is already rich enough, if my third aunt can eat this coin dumpling, it will make my third aunt rich too!"

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