Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 872 Wujizhou is going to be in chaos!

The man stretched out his hand and touched the cold glass of the ice coffin. He leaned down and pressed his cheek against the ice coffin.

His expression looked lonely and lonely. He kissed the woman's face, but his lips could only fall on the cold glass.

From the moment this woman was sealed in an ice coffin, her body would never decay.

It was destined that in this life, he could only stare at the woman he loved deeply through the glass, but he could no longer touch or embrace her.

The woman in the ice coffin had large burn marks on her face. She looked extremely ugly!

However, the man didn't care at all.

Through the glass, his kissing movements were particularly gentle.

"Ali, if she is a little princess, she will never leave us, right?"

"Ali, believe me, I will definitely bring the little princess back, and I will give her the utmost love!"

The man murmured softly, his voice lingering and pathos...


The elevator door opened and the old housekeeper walked out.

When he stood under the warm yellow light, his body temperature gradually warmed up, which gave him a feeling of returning to the human world.

The old butler returned to his office. He sat in front of the computer and opened the files stored in the computer.

The document contains very detailed information about the Jiang family in Haicheng.

Their mistress's real name is Jiang Li.

The reason why we emphasize the real name is because when the mistress first met the head of the Si family, she used a fake name and a fake appearance after disguising herself.

Their mistress is very good at disguise, and she can also change her voice to interpret different characters.

She had met this man of the Si family in three different identities, one of which was a man.

And this man from the Si family fell in love with the same person three times.

It was not until four years ago that the head of the Si family knew that the woman he had loved for more than 20 years was really named Jiang Li and she was from Haicheng, China.

That year, the head of the Si family went to Haicheng of China in person, but what he brought back was Jiang Li's body.

The old housekeeper raised his hand and held his forehead.

Now that the Sixth Young Master is missing, his master will inevitably fall ill soon.

When the time comes, without the little princess to stabilize his condition, Wujizhou will be in chaos!

The old housekeeper slid the mouse and his eyes fell on the Jiang family's files.

Jiang Xixi, the adopted daughter of the Jiang family, has been the daughter of the Jiang family for fourteen years. It was not until four years ago that the Jiang family discovered that she was not the real daughter of the Jiang family.

This woman has no blood relationship with the Jiang family.

The old housekeeper crossed her out of his list of candidates.

Then, his eyes fell on another file.

Jiang Suisui has lived in a remote village since she was a child. It was not until four years ago that the Jiang family recognized her back. The real daughter of the Jiang family and Jiang Li's niece.

The old housekeeper was thinking in his mind.

How about bringing this little girl to Wujizhou to see if she can have some effect on the head of the family?

After the old butler made a decision, he picked up his mobile phone, made a call, and ordered his people...


On the second day, Huo Zhai:

Jiang Suisui slept until three o'clock in the morning. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, opened her eyes and looked beside her. Huo Linxi was no longer there.

After she washed up, she went to the restaurant. Ada told her that Huo Linxi had gone to the Chinese Academy of Sciences early in the morning.

During this time, he had been busy with the electromagnetic pulse weapon he bought from Wujizhou.

Ada also said that people from Lanshan Island would come to visit Huo Zhai later.

Not long after Jiang Suisui started eating, Ada brought someone in.

Jiang Suisui raised his head and saw Huo Xingyao.

She looked confused. Huo Xingyao saw her and said with a polite smile:

"I'm here to help the head of the family get the electromagnetic pulse weapon..."


Pampas Weiwei comes to Chitose to receive a red envelope!

In the last chapter update tomorrow, continue to draw cuties and send red envelopes!

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