Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 873 They work as guard dogs in Huo Zhai

Jiang Suisui was on Lanshan Island and pointed out that Huo Xingyao's thesis was unqualified.

Later, the director of the laboratory carefully studied the paper written by Huo Xingyao and found that her paper did have major flaws.

The main reason was that Huo Xingyao was eager to submit his paper to Wujizhou Medical College and publish his scientific research results in several world-renowned academic journals and journals.

She was eager for success and wrote the paper too hastily, leaving it full of loopholes.

The director tactfully advised Huo Xingyao to rewrite her thesis, and also asked her to calm down and focus on scientific research. As for going to Wujizhou Medical College for further study, she should not think about it for the time being.

However, Huo Xingyao's paper was rejected by the director, which made her resent what Jiang Suisui said in the laboratory.

She is the proud daughter of the Huo family. When she was 19 years old, she had already published papers in five major academic magazines.

Moreover, based on her achievements in scientific research, she had long ignored the medical school of Jinghua University.

And Jiang Suisui, a person who got zero points in the college entrance examination and entered the Conservatory of Music of Jinghua University based on his musical talent, actually started to act in front of her.

After Jiang Suisui left Lanshan Island, Huo Xingyao learned that Ah Wu and Ah Ba voluntarily gave up and took up the position of deputy minister of the department on Lanshan Island.

They followed Huo Linxi and left Lanshan Island.

Just now, when Huo Xingyao was brought in by Ah Da, she specifically inquired about Ah Wu and Ah Ba.

Ah Da told her that Ah Wu and Ah Ba are now working as security guards for Huo Zhai. They follow Ah Jiu and serve as shadow guards for Jiang Suisui.

At that time, Huo Xingyao felt an uncomfortable suffocation in his chest.

Ah Ba and Ah Wu are the best among the young retainers at the moment. They could have made great achievements on Lanshan Island and within the Huo family.

Now, he is working as a guard dog in Huo's house.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Jiang Suisui poured into them to make them willing to give up their great future.

When Ah Da led Huo Xingyao in, he told Huo Xingyao that Jiang Suisui had just gotten up and Huo Linxi was not in Huo's house now, so Huo Xingyao might have to wait for a while.

At that time, Huo Xingyao was speechless!

What time is it? ?

Jiang Suisui just got up? !

She knew that today was the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Jiang Suisui was on winter vacation now, but Jiang Suisui had to look a bit like the mistress of the Huo family, right?

Huo Xingyao suddenly understood Huo Jingxian.

Huo Jingxian and Jiang Suisui lived under the same roof, and she had already seen clearly what kind of person Jiang Suisui was.

No wonder Huo Jingxian was dissatisfied with Jiang Suisui becoming the mistress of the Huo family.

Huo Xingyao's eyes fell on Jiang Suisui's face.

She had just woken up, with a lazy look on her face.

Jiang Suisui was wearing a white coral velvet nightgown with a long-eared dog-shaped hat on the back of the nightgown.

The nightgown was wide and made Jiang Suisui's face look charming and charming.

Her long dark hair was draped casually around her head. She was sitting at the dining table, eating oatmeal with a spoon.

The way Jiang Suisui eats is gentle and delicate, like a gentle and delicate little cat.

There were more than a dozen dishes on the dining table, and two servants were waiting on them.

Huo Xingyao had long heard that the head of his family had never been a person who cared about ostentation.

Except for bodyguards working for him, Huo Linxi has never had servants serve him.

A few years ago, how many women tried their best to work as servants in Huo's house, just to get a chance to show up in front of Huo Linxi.

But they don't hire maids at all.

It was after Jiang Suisui moved into Huo Zhai that Huo Zhai began to hire maids.

The luxurious and extravagant life in Huo Zhai today was also caused by Jiang Suisui!

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