Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 943 He jumped without hesitation

After Han Xiu was stunned, he scratched his head and could only choose to sit in the passenger seat.

The taxi drove towards the mine. Han Xiu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was about to say something to Jiang Suisui, but he felt the suffocating high pressure coming in. In an instant, he couldn't breathe!

He could only press the window and let the cold wind outside blow on his face and bring him some oxygen.

Han Xiu cautiously glanced in the rearview mirror.

Jiang Suisui's bodyguard is plain-looking, with darker skin and looks very rough.

A man like this would be inconspicuous if he blended into the crowd, and no one would notice him.

But the aura exuded by the other party is so permeable!

Han Xiu felt as if his head would be separated from his neck in the next second!

He stared straight ahead and sat stiffly in the passenger seat. During the more than 40-minute drive, Han Xiu did not dare to move.

In the car, Huo Linxi took out a White Rabbit toffee from his pocket. He peeled off the wrapper of the toffee and placed the whole toffee near Jiang Suisui's mouth.

Jiang Suisui was very sensitive to smells. There was a smell of gasoline in the taxi. Others couldn't smell it, but she could smell it. Huo Linxi noticed that she felt a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Suisui's head was dizzy. She opened her mouth and took in the toffee that the man fed to her mouth.

Han Xiu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, noticed the interaction between the two through the rearview mirror, and his pupils almost shook! !

However, after giving Jiang Suisui some toffee, Huo Linxi turned around and directed the aura of "Kill you!" at the back of Han Xiu's head!

Han Xiu's whole shoulder shook, and his body's instinct was telling him to quickly forget what he had just seen, otherwise, he would not survive the day he returned to the capital! !

Finally, the taxi arrived outside the mine.

They got off the car and were stopped as soon as they entered the mining area.

The doorman wearing a red hard hat looked them over.

"This is a mining area, no outsiders are allowed to enter!"

Han Xiu was thinking about how to make the guard accommodating when Jiang Suisui's voice came:

"I'm looking for your manager He. Is he there? I've already made an appointment with him."

When the guard heard Jiang Suisui announce the name of their mining area manager, he pointed Jiang Suisui in the direction of the office.

Han Xiu turned his head and asked Jiang Suisui in surprise: "Have you already contacted the people here in advance?"

Jiang Suisui nodded to him. Han Xiu met Huo Linxi's cold eyes and quickly turned his face to another place.


Under the leadership of Manager He, they visited the mining area together.

Jiang Suisui took her mobile phone and took photos of the scenes in the mining area. The photos she took will be used as materials for subsequent acquisitions.

The deeper they went in, the narrower the mine became, and more than a dozen workers in the mine guarded them.

Although the mine is about two meters in diameter and has lights, it still feels depressing because it is more than ten meters underground.

In this kind of atmosphere, people can easily develop claustrophobia. Han Xiu's face was as white as snow. He almost used his mind to support himself and continued to move forward. In fact, he already wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

“Further down is our coal mining area.”

Manager He led them to another lifting crane, and Han Xiu wanted to ask Jiang Suisui not to go deeper underground.

Jiang Suisui was still able to adapt to such a claustrophobic place. She was talking to Manager He when she just stepped onto the lifting crane. Suddenly! The crane fell down at a weightless speed!

Huo Linxi, who was standing by the crane, came to his senses. The mine car Jiang Suisui and Manager He were riding in disappeared from his sight!

Before anyone could react, Huo Linxi jumped directly into the crane shaft! !

Everything in front of me happened too fast!

Some people were screaming, some were shouting, and some just collapsed to the ground!

"What's going on?! Is the safety rope of the elevator broken? Why did the crane fall?!"

"It seems that there was a malfunction in the lifting system. The man just jumped down. It was too violent! Does he know how many meters deep this mine is?"

The miners were in shock.

At this time, the entire mine suddenly began to shake, gravel fell, the light bulb flashed a few times, then lost its light, and darkness swallowed everyone in the mine in an instant!

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