Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 944 This man looks exactly like her!

On the sea of ​​WH City, a giant cruise ship whistled and set sail towards the vast sea.

If you look at a huge cruise ship from a close distance, you will feel that it is as majestic and majestic as a mountain.

The cruise ship has 15 floors. This giant cruise ship is like a small world. Such a cruise ship carries sufficient supplies and can sail at sea for more than a month without docking.

At this moment, in the presidential suite on the top floor of the cruise ship, a girl was curled up on the three-meter-wide kingsize bed.

From the pillowcase to the bedspread, they were all scarlet as red as blood. Jiang Suisui was lying sideways on the bed, her body not covered by a quilt.

Her long ink-colored hair was like seaweed, scattered on the bright red bed sheets, and her snow-white face was made even more charming and charming.

Someone came closer and stood beside the bed.

His eyes fell on Jiang Suisui's face, tracing the other person's face inch by inch.

Her skin is as white and soft as milk pudding, glowing with the luster of mutton-fat jade, and her long and thick eyelashes are like the shape of butterfly wings.

The bedside light cast two shallow shadows on her eyelids.

She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, and the corners of her pink lips were slightly raised.

The man standing next to the bed stretched out his hand. He was wearing white gloves. It could be seen that his hands were in good shape and his fingers were slender.

The hand he stretched out did not touch Jiang Suisui's face, but just stayed above her face, a centimeter away.

His fingertips traced along Jiang Suisui's eyebrows and the bridge of his nose.

The man tilted his head, as if confused.

When his fingers came to Jiang Suisui's slender neck, a cold killing intent suddenly exploded from the man's body!

He stretched out his hand, and the moment he was about to touch Jiang Suisui's neck, Jiang Suisui raised his hand, and a stream of blood-red smoke poured out!

The moment she opened her eyes, she realized that the other person was wearing a mask and gloves.

When the blood-red smoke hit the opponent, the man did not move away. The blood mist was corroding his clothes and gloves. He rushed towards Jiang Suisui like a ferocious beast!

Jiang Suisui kicked the opponent in the chest, but he grabbed her ankle. She twisted around, her body as flexible as a loach.

She had no weapons on her, and even if she had, all the weapons on her were confiscated when she was caught on the cruise ship. Only the drugs hidden in Jiang Suisui's clothes were not discovered.

Jiang Suisui hit the opponent's chest with a palm. This man was not a vegetarian. He grabbed Jiang Suisui's shoulders and was about to crush her bones!

Jiang Suisui fell on the bed. At this time, the dust scattered in the air turned into bright red blood rain, dripping on both of them.

The fabric was corroding, and Jiang Suisui kicked the mask off the opponent's face!

She was pushed down on the bed, and the man's big hand grabbed her chin forcefully!

Jiang Suisui fell on the bed, her pupils dilated in vain, and she saw the true appearance of this man.

This man looks almost exactly like her!

His facial features are slightly tougher than those of women. But among men, they tend to be feminine.

The rain of blood fell down on his face, but it did not corrode his skin. The blood stains made his face look strange and evil.

Jiang Suisui seemed to have seen himself in another world!

Otherwise, how could there be someone who looked so similar to her in this world? !

Moreover, the rain of blood that corroded all things had no effect on him at all.

The other party's hand exerted such force on Jiang Suisui's shoulder that it almost crushed her shoulder blade.

However, she stretched out her hand and touched the man's face with her pale pink fingertips.

Being touched so lightly by Jiang Suisui, he jumped two or three meters away like a frightened cat!

He landed at the end of the bed, the sheets were silky, and he fell down along the sheets, sprawled out, and fell to the ground.

As for Jiang Suisui, who was lying on the bed, she was in shock. She slowly got up, put her hands on the bed, and crawled towards the end of the bed.

A few drops of bright red blood fell on Jiang Suisui's fair face, and several holes were corroded into her clothes.

She put her hands on the edge of the bed and looked down.

The man who fell on the ground had already stood up. The bed was nearly one meter high from the ground. The two of them stood up and down, looking at each other with their eyes facing each other...

Jiang Suisui opened his lips slightly and tilted his head, like a deer who was ignorant of the world. His eyes were pure and innocent, and he looked at the man squatting on the ground with curiosity.

The two of them were like looking in a mirror, as if they could see their own expressions at the moment on each other's faces...


[But now, the fourth brother still doesn’t have a name~ The fourth brother’s name will be announced at noon tomorrow! 】

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