Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 945 Fourth brother is so bad!

"My blood rain has no effect on you?"

When Jiang Suisui spoke out, the man took out a gun and pointed it at her head.

She looked directly at the black muzzle of the gun, without showing any fear on her face, and only said:

"Are you my brother?"

The bullet was loaded. Jiang Suisui had no intention of avoiding it. She asked again:

"Are you Jiang Li's child?"

The man's hand holding the gun trembled slightly.

Jiang Suisui sat up straight on the bed and continued to talk to the man:

"The blood rain is made by my mother, Jiang Li, who used my umbilical cord blood to make medicine. In addition to me not being hurt by the blood rain, my close relatives who are related to me will not be hurt by the blood rain either. .

Are you my closest relative? "

The man didn't answer her.

"You look almost exactly like me. You must be my closest relative. How old are you? Do you know Zong Yue, Luo Junhe and Luo Si Nian?

Is your father Si Wenyuan?

I heard brother Jun He call me Xiao Wu. There should be a fourth brother above me, but I might also have a younger brother..."

Jiang Suisui changed her position again and sat cross-legged on the bed. She was full of curiosity about this man and had endless questions she wanted to know from him.

"May I have your name?

The crane in the mine suddenly fell, was it you who did it?

Why did you arrest me? Where is this place? The hotel in WH city, or have we left WH city? "

As Jiang Suisui spoke, she got out of bed directly, completely unafraid of this man's death threat to her.

The lights in the room were dim and the curtains were tightly closed, making it impossible to tell whether it was day or night.

She opened the curtains and saw the endless ocean through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The sun is shining brightly outside, thin clouds are floating in the sky, the sea and the sky converge into a line at the end, waves are coming in waves, and the endless sea makes it impossible to see any buildings on the land.

Jiang Suisui turned around and looked at the man who looked exactly like her.

The sunlight shining in from the outside outlined a perfectly curved golden line along half of her face.

"We are at sea now." Jiang Suisui murmured softly.

The man stood up from the ground. He stood four or five meters away from Jiang Suisui. The gun in his hand was not put away.

When looking at Jiang Suisui, his pupils shrank slightly.

The sunlight reflected on her face, and her body exuded a warm aura.

"You are Huo Linxi's woman!"

He spoke in a cold tone, but when his voice fell in Jiang Suisui's ears, she felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

When Jiang Suisui first learned to change his voice, he tried to speak with a male voice, and the sound quality was very similar to his.

"She is Huo Linxi's wife."

She corrected the other person's words, and she used almost the same voice as the other person.

The man heard her voice and sneered, "So what if you are my sister? If you become Huo Linxi's woman, you are my enemy!"

Jiang Suisui didn't look at him, only looked out the window at the boundless sea.

"You won't kill me." Her tone became a little more firm:

"You arrested me to use me to threaten my husband?"

The man laughed coldly and arrogantly: "I really want to see what Huo Linxi, who is unparalleled in the world, amazing and talented, looks like when he collapses and goes crazy.

He is a fool! Created a weakness for yourself! And you are his weakness! "

Jiang Suisui didn't speak. She looked out the window and didn't even look at the other party.

The man sat on the bed and watched as holes were corroded into his gloves and clothes.

There was a mocking look on his face.

"Fifth sister?" The man murmured this. It was a particularly unfamiliar title to him, and the contemptuous tone in his cold voice was obvious.

"My name is Si Junjue, named by our mother herself.

Si Junjue, bid farewell to you. After she gave birth to me, she ran away and left me in Wujizhou, letting me live in the gutter!

When she abandoned me, she should have just strangled me to death! Letting me live was the worst decision she made! "

Jiang Suisui turned his head and looked at his fourth brother.

The man grinned, his smile as strange and cold as evil spirits.

At this time, many people came in from outside. They surrounded Jiang Suisui and fastened metal cuffs on her wrists and ankles.

Si Junjue tilted his head and gave an order in an evil tone: "Bring her to the auction. She is the final item in the Dark Area Auction!"

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