In WH City, the collapsed mining area has been cordoned off.

Han Xiu was sitting in the ambulance. After the wound on his forehead was briefly treated, he jumped off the stretcher.


The nurse called him from behind, but Han Xiu ran towards the mining area.

But before he reached the cordon, he was stopped by more than a dozen security guards.

"The mine has collapsed. It's very dangerous here. Please don't come any closer!"

Han Xiu looked at the mining area that looked like a huge cave, his face turned gray.

"How many people went down to rescue? My school girl is trapped down there!"

"Rescuers have entered the mine for rescue. Please leave the scene first."

Han Xiu was pushed away by two security guards. At this time, a mine cart slowly rose from the mine shaft more than ten meters deep.

A man in black sportswear jumped out of the mine car.

Several people gathered around him, offering him water and towels.

Han Xiu recognized the other person as the bodyguard following Jiang Suisui.

"Where is Suisui? Where is Suisui?" Han Xiu shouted at him:

"As Sui Sui's bodyguard, why don't you protect her?! If anything happens to Sui Sui, I won't let you go!"

Huo Linxi sat on the ground. Because the air under the mine was thin, he gasped lightly when he reached the ground.

He turned his head and glanced coldly at the emotional Han Xiu with his dark eyes.

Huo Linxi's face was stained with a lot of soot, especially his whole hands were dirty.

Two security guards were using mineral water to wash the soot off his hands.

"Eh?! Master, you're bleeding!"

After the mine collapsed, Huo Linxi contacted his subordinates, who had followed Huo Linxi and Jiang Suisui to WH City.

Originally, they were all waiting in the hotel, but now they all rushed over to support Huo Linxi.

Halfway through rinsing Huo Linxi's hands with mineral water, they saw bright red wounds on Huo Linxi's fingers.

His fingers were cut several times. They were cut by sharp rocks when he was pushing aside gravel and soot with his bare hands under the mine.

Huo Linxi didn't seem to notice at all that there were injuries on his fingers.

His expression was gloomy, and his whole body exuded a violent aura that wanted to kill someone.

He raised his hand and tore off his human skin mask from his neck. After tearing off this layer of restraints, his emotions leaked out even more wildly.

When Huo Linxi's true appearance was revealed to everyone, Han Xiu, who was shouting at Huo Linxi, his voice suddenly got stuck.

The human skin mask Huo Linxi wore was very breathable, and sweat would seep out from under the human skin mask.

But in the sweltering environment in the mine, he sweated a lot. When the human skin mask was torn off, large beads of sweat flowed down his forehead.

His hair was already wet. The man gasped and stood up from the ground.

After he revealed his true face, the look on his handsome face became even more sinister and terrifying. Even the bodyguards who were still following him subconsciously took a step back!

They had seen the terrifying Huo Linxi countless times, and had seen him kill without blinking an eye, but this time, Huo Linxi didn't say a word, and their legs started to tremble in their pants.

Han Xiu opened his mouth wide, and the words he originally yelled at Huo Linxi were cut off mid-sentence.

He naturally recognized this man, how could Han Xiu not recognize him.

This handsome face that astounds the world will never be forgotten even if it is just a glimpse.

Something exploded in Han Xiu's head, and all his thoughts and emotions disappeared in his mind.

Huo Linxi spoke, and there was no emotion in his low and hoarse voice.

"Contact the traffic department and ask them to track down all vehicles leaving this mine!"

Speaking of this, Huo Linxi suddenly remembered something, and he asked:

"How far is it from the coastline?"

Someone familiar with WH City replied, "12 kilometers."

Huo Linxi's face was as cold as a frozen pool. He suspected that Jiang Suisui might have been kidnapped.

He knew that the airport was more than 40 kilometers away from here. This was a mine, sparsely populated, with very little vegetation, and not many places to hide.

But it is only 12 kilometers away from the coastline. If Jiang Suisui is really kidnapped, it would be most convenient and quick for her kidnapper to take her to the sea!

The man added: "Search all ships entering Weihai Port within 24 hours!

I want a list of all ships leaving Weihai waters in the past 30 minutes! "

Even though the subordinates knew that this was a task that was difficult to complete in a short period of time, they still responded and went ahead with it.

At this time, a bus drove towards the mining area.

The bus stopped outside the mining area. The board members, president, and managers of Weihai Mining got out of the bus one after another, and were forced into the warehouse by Huo Linxi's men one by one for interrogation.

The interns who originally went to the Weihai Mining Company building were also brought to the mine.

They got off the car and saw hundreds of people standing guard outside. Everyone's face was full of curiosity and timidity.

What's going on?

They were originally in the company building of Weihai Mining, drinking tea and snacks while discussing the acquisition with the board of directors.

Why were they suddenly transported to this desolate mine together with the people from the board of directors?

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