Advance to the sixth floor of the city, infinite hell.

The criminals imprisoned on this level are all serious prisoners. The crimes they have committed or the identity of their own crimes are enough to make them imprisoned here for life and never see the sun outside.

At this level, there are no beasts that can eat people, there is no hot environment, and there is no cold or hunger, but it is very boring.

They will be kept in a cold and dark cell until they die.

They won't see anyone except the jailer who delivers meals on time every day.

This kind of boredom, the days that can only wait for death, are absolutely tormenting for them who used to be stunned in the sea.

When Allan brought Mr, Mr2 and Mr3 from the fifth floor to the sixth floor, their figure was soon discovered by the guards in the monitoring room 05 through the monitoring phone worm.

"If an intruder is found on the sixth floor, report it to Director Magellan.

The jailers immediately launched corresponding actions.

The sixth floor advances into the city, each cell is very huge, and there are different numbers of pirates in it.

Some cells only hold one prisoner, while others hold several prisoners.

Soon after Allan and others entered the sixth floor, they found that the stairway was closed by a huge iron fence.

"No, the stairs are closed, so I can't get out now." Mr3 called.

"That iron fence is made of Hailou stone." Mr2 Feng Kelei guessed.

"It looks like they are planning to trap us on this layer, and then grab us." Mr1 frowned.

The three members of the Baroque Working Society are all capable of Devil Fruit.

In the face of Hailoushi who is capable of Tianke, there is absolutely no way to deal with it.

Therefore, once trapped on the sixth floor, it is absolutely fatal to those with such ability.

At this time, all three of them felt a little anxious and worried that they could not leave the sixth floor.

Upon seeing this, Allan's face was indifferent, and comforted the three of them: "Don't worry, we can't be trapped by iron bars. I have the ability to take you out."

The three of them had seen Allan's strength, so there was no doubt, and they were relieved soon.

Allan said, "Let's go to Krokdal first, do you know which cell he is being held in?"

All three shook their heads, because they were also the first time to come to the sixth floor, so they didn't know which cell Krokdal was held in, so they could only look for them one by one.

Just when Allan and others were going to find the cell where Krokdal was located, suddenly a cloud of white gas gushed out of the stairs through the iron chain.

This gas is very nasal and makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Oops, it's hypnotic gas." Mr2 von Krei said.

Mrl reminded: "Don't breathe in this gas, or you will fall into a coma."

Allan and others withdrew immediately to avoid inhaling these gases.

With the emergence of this hypnotic gas, the pirates imprisoned on the sixth floor also felt bad.

Because they were locked up in a cell, they couldn't escape at all.

And this hypnotic gas was continuously released, and there was a strong momentum to swallow the sixth layer.

"Hey, four of you, although you don't know who you are, don't drag us into the water, bastards.

The pirates who were locked up in the cell made dissatisfied voices when they saw hypnotic gas drifting over like mist.

Obviously blamed Allan and the others, if it weren't for their presence here, the jailer advancing the city would not release hypnotic gas.

Regarding the protests of the pirates on the sixth floor, Allan didn't have the time to respond. He frowned and looked at Mr3:

"Mr3, is there a way to use your candle power to seal the stairs?"

"Let me try.

Soon, Mr3 finally sealed the whole stairway with a candle, and finally blocked the hypnotic gas.

However, a small amount of hypnotic gas has already entered the floor, which fortunately has little effect on Allan and the others.

"Good job," Allan said.

Mr3 smiled bitterly and was not optimistic: "Although the hypnotic gas is blocked, the stairs will also be completely blocked, and it will be even more difficult for us to get out."

It is said that M1 and Mr2 are also in trouble, which is indeed a problem.

However, Allan didn't see any worries, and said with a calm expression: "Don't worry, there are definitely other exits or passages in 963. Otherwise, how can the jailers come in and catch us?"

"makes sense."

At this point, the three of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Allan said, "Let’s go to Klockdal now. I believe those jailers will not come down so quickly. After all, the stairs have been blocked. They should come in through other channels to arrest us. When we find Klockdal. , We left along the way the jailers came in."

"Do you want to let others out too?" Mr3 asked.

"I originally planned to release them too, but they seemed very upset about our arrival just now, so forget it, just release Krokdal, and the others don't care."

When Allan said so, Mr1 and others had no objection.

After all, to them, the pirates of the sixth level had nothing to do with them except Krokdal, so it didn't matter if they were saved.

Moreover, the pirates had a bad attitude, and they might be complained if they were rescued, so they simply didn't save them.

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