HxH: God Of Choice System

Chapter 392 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)


A few minutes later, Allan and the other four came to a cell.


Several people looked into the cell through the cold iron door, only to see a man with a big back and a long cross-cut scar on his face. The man wearing a white striped prisoner was chained inside.

That's right, this man is Krokdal, one of the former Seven Wuhai members.

Krokdal is nicknamed "Sand Crocodile", not only Qiwuhai, but also the president of the Baroque Working Group of the criminal group, and has many titles.

"Is it you?"

For the appearance of Mr, Mr2 and Mr3, Krokdal, who was locked in the cell by the huge sea-building stone chain, raised his head, and it was rare to have a strange expression.

"What's the matter, why are you here?" As the president of the three Baroque work club members, he was a little surprised.

Mr. Dazbonis said respectfully in a deep voice: "President Krokdal, we are here to rescue you specially."

Hearing that, Krokdal was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "Haha, great, I never thought that my subordinates would come to rescue me, it really won't kill me."

Mr3 used his ability to make a candle key, easily opened the huge iron door, and then opened all the iron chains trapping Krokdal.

Krokdal, who was regained his freedom, walked out of the cell, took a deep breath, and said with some sorrow to the three subordinates:

"To be honest, I thought I would never be able to come out. After all, this place is known as a copper wall and iron wall. No one has ever escaped. I didn't expect you to come to rescue me."

Mr2 Feng Kelei said: "In fact, we were able to save the president, but thanks to Allan's help."

Krokdal had already noticed Allan behind the three of them, and looked at him twice. Seeing that he was not wearing a prison uniform, he guessed that he was not a prisoner here.

Klockdahl first spoke: "Although I don't know how you got in, but you can rescue my subordinates and me, our Baroque Work Agency owes you a favor."

Allan said: "I heard about the name of President Krokdal for a long time, and I saw it today and it was really extraordinary."

Klockdal said: "Your name is Allan, right? Although you haven't heard of your name, you must be able to lead my men to the sixth floor to save me. How about it, do you want to cooperate?~ ?"

Allan smiled faintly, and said, "Let's talk about it when you escape, I believe Magellan will be here soon.

Magellan "Well? It's really tricky guy, but I'm not afraid of him."

When Klockdal said this, he was inexplicably domineering.

Of course, he is definitely not arrogant or underestimating Magellan, but he does have the capital to fight Magellan.

"Then let's go quickly." Mr3 said.

"Wait a minute, there is one more person, please rescue him too." Klockdal said.

"Oh? President, is there anyone you know who is locked here?" Everyone was a little surprised, even Allan was a little curious.

Klockdal said: "It's an acquaintance."

After that, they came to another cell.

Through the huge iron gate, they saw a strange guy inside.

It has a blue complexion, a wide body and a fat body. It has two large teeth on its lower jaw, a short beard, and a lightning-like scar on the corner of its left eye. It looks absolutely different from ordinary people.

"President, who is he?" Mr2 Feng Kelei asked.

"He is Jinping, the seaman who is also one of the Seven Martial Seas with me." Klockdal replied.

"What, he is Shiping? It turned out to be a murloc.

Except for Allan, Mr1, Mr2, and Mr3 are all the first time they have seen Haixia Jinping, but their resounding name is already like a thunderbolt.

Seeing a real person with my own eyes at this moment is naturally quite controversial.

"Why is even Haixia Jinping locked up here?" Mr1 asked.

Even Krokdal was curious about his doubts.


At this time, Jinping also looked at Klockdal who was standing outside the cell in surprise, wondering how he escaped as a mortal.

"Jinpei, it's been a long time since I saw you. I'm also very curious about you being kept here." Klockdal said.

"The old man didn't commit anything." Jinping obviously didn't want to say more.

Klockdal smiled, didn't ask much, and said directly to Mr3 beside him: "Let him out."

Subsequently, with the help of Mr3, Jinping regained his freedom.

"Hey, Krokdal, why do you want to save me?" asked Jinping, who walked out of the cell.

"Hehe, you and I are both Qiwuhai. People like you shouldn't be locked up here at all. Besides, I really can't understand the proud faces of the navy, they are not qualified to imprison us here. "

Klockdal's remarks can be regarded as an indirect answer to why he should save Jinping.

Although Jinping didn't know whether Klockdal was well-intentioned, one thing is certain, that is, he was indeed saved by him.

"Well, no matter what, I owe you a favor." Haixia said very peacefully.

Klockdal seemed very satisfied, after all, not everyone could make Seaman owe favor.

"By the way, who are these people?" Jinping's eyes swept across Mr1, Mr2, Mr3 and others one by one, and finally fell on Allan.

Among these people, only Allan was not wearing a prison uniform.

In other words, Allan was not a prisoner advancing the city, but came in from outside.

Therefore, he is most curious about Allan.

Krokdal said: "" These three are members of my Baroque work club, and the code names are Mr1 Dazbonis, Mr2 von Krei, and Mr3 Galdino.

As for this one, I just met him, but thanks to him, my men and I, including you, were able to get out of that damn cell.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Haixia couldn't help but look up and down Allan.

Allan opened the mouth and said: "Da Ming, I am Allan."


Jinping thought for a while. I really haven't heard of Allan's name, but thinking that since he has the ability to come to advance the city, he is not a waiter, and said politely: "Brother Allan, although I don't know your purpose, I still want to thank you. You come to help."

Klockdal said: "Okay, let's go out and talk about it if you have anything. We are still on the sixth floor.

Everyone nodded, and it was true that they had to leave here first.

Ever since, everyone took action.

As they passed by other cells, the pirate prisoners who were trapped inside said one after another:

"Hey, let us out too."

"Yes, please do (good King Nuo) a favor."

Hearing this, Allan stopped, but sneered:

"Hehe, aren't you afraid that we will drag you into the water? So, why are you rescued?"

"Why..." The prisoners were a little embarrassed. When Allan and the others entered and passed through the sixth floor, they did express their dissatisfaction, but they did not expect Allan to take revenge directly.

Allan said: "You ah, you always stay inside until it dead so far.

"Damn it!"

Allan, who looked away, those pirates who are also criminals in there is regret.

On the other side, there are already a large number of jailers were gathered up, ready to deal with trying to escape from the sixth floor of Allan et al.

Command team of people, nature is to promote the boss of the city, the Magellan.

In addition, there will be two long and five deputy warden and four guards colonel long.

Spray, there are four jailers beast.

All in all, the Magellan has brought together all the main propulsion city, ready to catch Allan them.

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