HxH: God Of Choice System

Chapter 404 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

405[Bucky the Clown)

After Allan and a group of six warships sailed away from the windless sea all the way, they finally had a moment of peace.

However, if someone passes through the windless sea area they left at this time, they will definitely be stunned by the scene there.

Because of that sea area, it has now become a burial place for many sea kings.

At least more than thirty giant sea kings were beheaded by Allan and the others. Their huge mountain corpses floated in the windless sea at this moment, and were eaten away by the rest of the same kind.

Two hours after leaving the windless waters, they finally arrived at an island.

Everyone was exhausted all the way from Pushing the City. At this moment, they were eager to go to the island to rest.

However, when they leaned the warship to the shore, just a few steps after boarding the beach, they found that someone had already logged on to the island one step ahead of them.

The evidence is that a pirate ship was docked on another shore not far from their warship.

"Hey, there are pirates here, what should I do?" Mr~3 Galtino asked.

Mr.1 Dazebonis gave him a blank look and said, "What are you afraid of, aren't you a pirate?"

"Uh, that's what I said." Mr.3 Galtino scratched his head, and then said: "I'm not afraid of them, but I want to ask you what you plan to do."

Klockdal said coldly: "Anyone who dares to provoke us, I will make him regret it?"

What this meant was that if the pirates didn't come to provoke them, Klockdal wouldn't bother to take care of those people.

Then the group found an open space on the island to rest.

Mr.3 Galdino and Mr.2 von Krei were responsible for collecting firewood and starting a fire, while Mr.1 Dazbonis went into the jungle to find food.

With the ability of Mr.1 Dazbonis, he soon hunted a huge beast in the woods.

The crowd roasted the beast with fire to eat, and finally filled their hungry stomachs.

"President, why are we leaving here?" Mr.1 Dazbonis asked after eating.

Klockdal replied: "Anytime.

Haixia said calmly: "The news that we escaped from Propulsion City must have been known by the navy headquarters. Now the navy should have sent troops to chase us down. If we continue to stay on this island, I believe not. It will be discovered by the Navy in a day.

The implication of Jinping's remarks is that if they don't leave the island now, they will inevitably have a fight with the navy they have found. This is obviously something he doesn't want to see.

Everyone turned their eyes to Allan, and Jinping asked, "Brother Allan, what do you plan to do? Do you want to stay here or leave now?"

Allan shrugged and said in a lazy tone: "I don't care, but everyone's condition should not be very good now. I suggest staying on this island for a day's rest. It is not too late to continue to set off after the condition is adjusted.

Hearing this, Jinping thought about it and proposed: "Then, let's vote. If you want to leave now, raise your hand, and if you want to stay on the island for a day's rest, you don't have to raise your hand."

As a result, with the exception of Jinping and the more timid Mr. 3 Galdino who raised their hands, the remaining four people, including Krokdal, did not raise their hands.

Allan smiled and said, "It seems that everyone prefers to stay on the island for a day's rest.

Zhiping nodded and said, "Well, then don't leave."

Although Jinping wanted to leave, the others were unwilling, and there was one ship that left, so he could only obey the minority and the majority to stay with Allan.

Just as everyone was planning to stay on this island to rest, there were noisy footsteps and words in the distance.

0……Look for flowers………

Allan and the others naturally noticed it the first time, but they didn't hide.

Soon, a group of people walked out of the woods, without seeing or knowing it was a group of pirates.

This group of pirates discovered Allan and the others only afterwards. They were startled first, and then they became vigilant.

Seeing them panicked, Allan knew that these people were just pirates who were not influential, and there was no threat at all.

Krokdal didn't even look at them straight, obviously disdainfully.

"Captain Bucky, there are people here," a pirate said, rushing to the back.

As a result, a clown-like man walked out from behind, with a big red nose on his face, which was very conspicuous.

This pirate who looks like a clown is really Bucky the clown.

Allan naturally recognized this guy at a glance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which was interesting now.

Bucky the clown also quickly recognized Krokodall and Seaman Zhiping. The original arrogant posture immediately weakened by three points.

"The fact that there are two Qiwuhai here, I really scared this uncle." Bucky the clown was secretly surprised, but his face was pretending to be calm, and he didn't dare to show his feet in front of the little brothers.

A younger brother said: "Captain Bucky, these people don't seem to be afraid of you at all. Do you want to kill them?"

Hearing this, Bucky was so frightened that he sweated, his little brother really had no eyes, and he didn't even know Qiwuhai.

Bucky plucked up the courage and stepped forward and said, "Ahem, the Seaman is very flat, and Krokdal, I didn't expect you to appear on this island. It really surprised this uncle. You come to this uncle's island. , What's the point?" Guang,

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