HxH: God Of Choice System

Chapter 405 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

406[big shots)

"They are Sea Xia Jinping and Krokdal? Isn't that Qiwuhai?"

All of Bucky's little brothers were stunned. Although they were small characters, they were permeating the names of the seven pirates of Qiwuhai.

Haixia Jinping and Krokdal are two of Qiwuhai.

Bucky said: "Yes, these two people are Qiwuhai."

After getting the affirmative answer from the captain, the little brothers suddenly became angry and all hid behind Bucky.

Bucky felt bitter, but he didn't expect his little brother to be even more angry than the captain himself.

Although he was also afraid of Qiwuhai, in front of the little brothers, he could only take courage.

"Hey, I said to you, this island was the first thing this uncle took a fancy to. You didn't go through the "Nine-Six-Three" and I agreed to come to the island. What do you want to do?"

Haixia Jinping and Krokdal had never seen Bucky the Clown, so Bucky didn't bother to pay attention to him just after casting his eyes.

As the strong, they can see that Bucky has nothing to do with it.

If you are not a powerful guy, it means there is no threat to them.

"Damn fellow, actually underestimated me."

Bucky the clown is very angry, but thinking that the other party is Qiwuhai, it is not easy to have an attack.

After all, the opponent's strength is above him.

If he really annoys these two Qiwuhai, he doesn't have to confuse him Bucky.

Bucky's little brothers also persuaded: "Captain, the other party is Qiwuhai, we can't afford it."

Bucky was speechless. He didn't expect his little brothers to be so eager.

Forget it, "My uncle Bucky is also a crew member of One Piece, so I don't care about you."

In order to save some face in front of the little brother, Bucky had to say so.

Sure enough, all the boys were shocked when they heard Bucky's words.

It turned out that "Captain Bucky is a crew member of One Piece, this is too great."

"Could it be that Captain Bucky was talking about the Pirate King Gold Roger?"

Bucky the clown held his hands and said with a proud expression: "Of course, I didn't lie to you. This uncle used to follow Captain Roger across the sea."

At this moment, Bucky's little brothers all cheered.

After all, his captain has actually followed One Piece, isn't this something to be bragging about and proud of?

"This guy is a crew member of One Piece?"

Mr.1 Dazbonis and Mr.2 Feng Klei gave each other a glance, and they were a little unbelieving.

Jinping and Krokdal finally looked straight at Bucky and looked him up and down.

However, they quickly withdrew their eyes from Bucky.

With their eyesight, they couldn't see what Bucky was.

Therefore, they doubted that Bucky had followed Roger, the Pirate King.

"This guy is really bragging, dare to say that he is a crew member of One Piece." Mr3 Galdino rolled his eyes directly, obviously not believing it at all.

Mr.1 Dazbonis also rarely agreed with Galdino's words, and said in a deep voice: "The Pirate King Gold Roger was executed by the navy in the town of Rogge many years ago.

His crew had all been disbanded long ago and disappeared without a trace.

This guy is obviously a fake. "

Bucky the clown naturally heard their conversation. Seeing that they didn't believe it, he was a little angry and said: "My uncle Bucky never lies."

Bucky’s little brothers believed Bucky very much. It was a kind of almost blind trust. They had already reached the point of admiring Bucky.

At this moment, Allan, who had been silent, walked towards Bucky.

Bucky suddenly became nervous, and the group of younger brothers behind him immediately became vigilant.

Allan stopped in front of Bucky and smiled, "This must be the legendary Bucky God, right?"

"Bucky God?

Bucky the clown looked at Allan dumbfounded, wondering why the other person called him that way.

Bucky's little brothers also looked suspicious. Allan was surprised at the name Bucky was called the great god.

You know, a person who can be called a certain great god must be a very powerful person that can only possess 0...

Although Bucky is indeed amazing in the eyes of this group of young boys, even they think that their Captain Bucky shouldn't reach the title of great god, right?

Faced with the doubts of everyone and Bucky, Allan smiled and said: "The red-haired Shanks, one of the current four emperors, is a companion who has fought side by side with you on the same boat. The One Piece who conquered the great route and found the great secret treasure, such a legend, it is not an exaggeration to call you the Great God Bucky, right?"

Hearing this, Bucky looked at Allan with a surprised look and said, "You...how do you know me so clearly? Although I have said that I have followed Captain Roger, but...but why is your fellow even talking to me? Do you know all of them?

For Bucky, although the red-haired Shanks is now one of the four emperors, in his eyes, he will always be the companion he has ever ventured.

"Wow, isn't it, the legendary Four Emperors with red hair is actually the companion of Captain Bucky who fought side by side?"

"So, Red Hair was once a crew member of One Piece?"

After hearing the secrets revealed by Allan, Bucky's boys admired Bucky even more.

Sea Xia Jinping pulled Allan aside, 5.4 couldn't help but curiously asked: "Brother Allan, is this guy really a crew member of the Pirate King Geel Roger?"

Allan nodded: "Yes, his name is Bucky, and he has indeed followed Gold Roger."

"Then, the four emperors have red hair, are they really this fellow's companion?"

"Well, yeah, the Four Emperors Redhead and Bucky used to stay on Gol Roger's boat. At that time, they were just interns." Allan said everything he knew.

After hearing this, the very equal people all had a new look at Bucky, and they had to pay more attention to this funny-looking guy.

After all, whether it is the Red Hair of the Four Emperors or Roger One Piece, they are all big names.

People who have been able to take risks with these big shots are naturally not simple guys.

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