Amid the angry voices, the scene slowly unfolded.

It was a world so beautiful that it was almost a dream, with lavender lawns, lavender flowers, and a huge lavender tree that blocked out the sun!

Nashida, Yingmei, and Paimon slowly walked over, and at the end of the tree stood a person who looked exactly like Nashida.

Through the conversation between the two, the audience knew that it was the Great Kindness Tree King. They were in the space of consciousness, so two gods with the same essence showed the same appearance.

Because the Great Kindness Tree King is the incarnation of the World Tree, the Little Auspicious Grass King is the purest branch of the World Tree.

Joyful Star God Aha:"So this World Tree is the aggregation of all the consciousness in this world?"

"The conceptualized tree also has its own ontology, and I don’t know if the imaginary number tree also has its own ontology!"

If this is feasible, then by breaking off the branches of the imaginary number tree, can we create a universe?

Not a bad idea, haha, I'll use this to deceive people next time!

Iron Man:"Human consciousness, the consciousness of all living things, come together to form a tree! ?"

"Isn't this like a data disk for this planet?"

"As the incarnation of the World Tree, can the Great Compassionate Tree King rewrite the information of the World Tree?"

"If 610 can do it, it's really ridiculously strong.

Angel King Kesha:"I'm afraid it will be stronger than we think.""

"The information will not disappear, it will only become silent. If the Great Compassion Tree King can rewrite the past information of the World Tree, maybe he can even change the past."


"It's really amazing."

In the known universe, various civilizations are as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges, but she has never seen anything like it.

The laws of different universes can be so different!

Professor X:"The World Tree is the aggregation of all the consciousnesses of the world in the past.……"

He recalled the situation when he put on the helmet and perceived the consciousness of human beings all over the world.

Those thoughts that kept surging, gathered together, really looked like a big tree with lush branches and leaves.

Then, I who can control the consciousness of others, can I modify the"data" of the past world as they said, so as to save this world and save mutants.

The premise is that I have to find those silent consciousnesses and silent information.

Nashida, who was at the scene, looked at her future self and the Great Compassion Tree King who was exactly the same as herself, and she couldn't calm down!

So, this is how I was"born"!

The Xumi people still have many believers of the Great Compassion Tree King. Seeing that the Great Compassion Tree King has become like this, only the last bit of consciousness is left, and he is still encouraging and supporting the Little Auspicious Grass King.

Thinking about what the Order House has done over the years, they are all furious.

The sages of the Order House, especially the subordinates of the Great Sage, know about this directly, and they are all trembling.

They are afraid of being beaten to death by the people.

The guards on one side could not give them a sense of security, because with the appearance of the Great Compassion Tree King, even the guards who were loyal to them began to look at them differently.

Even Paimon in the picture was complaining:"Now that I think about it, the vision of the sage of the Order is really hopeless.……"

Many people were immersed in the warm atmosphere!

But finally, the Great Kind Tree King talked about everything about the World Tree:"At that time, the seven gods except me were summoned to the country called Kanreya, but I had another more important mission."

"That is to protect the world tree"

"The disaster came with the contamination of forbidden knowledge. Almost at the same time, I, whose consciousness was connected to the World Tree, noticed something strange."

"Mental pain began to torture me, and when I rushed to the World Tree, it had been eroded by forbidden knowledge."

"If I had not worked with the Scarlet King to control the pollution of forbidden knowledge a thousand years ago, I would have been at a loss at that time."

The world became very quiet.

And the high-level officials of this world, such as the Seven Stars of Liyue, the Knights of Favonius, and the Fatui executives, all listened quietly to these secrets and knowledge belonging to the gods!

Some things really subverted their imagination.

Some people looked up at the sky in worry. If such things were said in public, would the law of nature really have no reaction?

The law of nature on the Sky Island was watching this scene helplessly.

She promised Ye Bai that she would not interfere. The most important thing was that she had no power to interfere!

She only hoped that Ye Bai could really do what he said.

Otherwise, this world would be in danger!

However, with such terrible weapons and such magical powers, he should be able to do it, right!?

At this time, Nashida asked the question that many people wanted to know most:"What exactly is forbidden knowledge?"

The Great Compassion Tree King said:"It is knowledge that does not belong to this world, and it is also a truth that cannot be understood."

"It comes from the abyss itself, and even I cannot comprehend it"

"The world is constantly rejecting it, and as a result, the World Tree has developed various bad symptoms."

"If the forbidden knowledge is allowed to continue to pollute the World Tree, I am afraid that the whole of Teyvat will fall apart."

Seeing this, the Grass Dragon King Apep snorted.

But he had to admit that the forbidden knowledge was more difficult to deal with than he had imagined, or he was tricked by the Red King!

The Great Compassion Tree King in the picture continued:"At that time, I knew that I could not expel the forbidden knowledge with my own strength."

"So I created a device that integrates human wisdom and named it the Void"

"I have always believed that dreams are the crystallization of human wisdom. Although it is a bit selfish to do so, I still use the void to borrow people's dreams. I will integrate the wisdom of Xumi and contribute all my strength.……"

"In this way, almost all forbidden knowledge was cleared from the World Tree."

"But things didn't go as smoothly as I thought.���The headache gave me a bad feeling."

"I just remembered that my consciousness is connected to the World Tree. The World Tree brings me knowledge and wisdom, but forbidden knowledge also finds me."

"From the beginning, I have been contaminated by forbidden knowledge."

Nashida said:"I have experienced that kind of pain in your consciousness. It must be very uncomfortable, right?"

The Great Compassion Tree King said:"Yes, but my feelings are not important. The most important thing is that even if I die, my existence and my past will still be preserved as memories and knowledge in the World Tree!"

"That forbidden knowledge can never be eradicated."

"And I can never eliminate myself, it's a paradox"

"So I broke off the purest branch of the World Tree as my reincarnation and left a clue……"

"Just so that you can come here, I will completely erase the polluted me from the World Tree."

Nashida shook her head fiercely:"No, this is not right!"

The Great Compassionate Tree King smiled with relief:"You are really smart, you understand what that means!"

"Just as you imagined, the World Tree stores all the knowledge and memories of this world. If I am erased from the World Tree, it would be like I have never been to this world!"

"You are the god of wisdom, Buyel. You know this is the only way to save the world!"

At this moment, the entire live broadcast room and the entire Teyvat were so quiet that even breathing seemed to stop.

The audience finally understood what Ye Bai said, that the gods love the world.

They love this world and the people in this world more than they love themselves!

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