Comments section.

Captain America:"It is hard to imagine that the gods would go to such lengths for mankind."

Black Widow:"It is not enough to give up one's own life, but to completely give up one's own existence and erase everything about oneself from this world!"

"I finally understood what it means for God to truly love the world."

God's love for the world means caring for them and doing everything he can to protect them, rather than threatening them with various heavens and hells from time to time, threatening them with natural disasters, and finally saying, I love you!

This is completely different from the God she understood.

Iron Man:"Void! ? Using the wisdom of dreams. This, is this a super human brain computer made using the redundant computing power of the human brain?"

"Anyway, it’s just for dreaming, how nice it would be to use it for doing serious work!"


X:"Using dreams and the computing power of the human brain, we can solve problems just like a supercomputer.……"

He suddenly felt that this seemed feasible.

This was much more reliable than what he had previously imagined, using his own abilities to find those past consciousnesses that had been dormant, thereby modifying the past and changing reality.

With his abilities, he could definitely do this.

Simply put, control other people's dreams and let everyone in the world solve some technical and tactical problems in their dreams, so as to fight against the Sentinel robots.

This is not outrageous. There are too many inventions and creations in this world, and too many inspirations for literary and artistic works, all of which come from dreams!

Then delete the dreams after they wake up, and no information will be exposed.

No matter how powerful the Sentinel robots are, they can never fight against the wisdom of all mankind!

It's feasible, it's absolutely feasible!

If Professor X had done this before, he might have hesitated, but now, the mutants are at a time of life and death.

He won't hesitate anymore!

Angel King Kesha:"King of the Great Compassionate Tree, on behalf of the angel civilization, I express my most sincere respect to the King of the Great Compassionate Tree."

"Your light is enough to illuminate the entire universe."

Protective Star God Klipper:"I feel His protective will, it is extremely pure!"

Abundant Star God Pharmacist:"Their world may have some problems, they are sick, the host can let me go over and help them heal."

Hunting Star God Lan:"Heal? It's more like a disaster, don't let this guy go, he will destroy this world……"

Yae Shinko:"This is the disaster that happened 500 years ago. The source of everything is Kanreya. Inazuma paid a huge price at that time." Qin

:"Which country is not like this? In the dragon disaster 500 years ago, Mondstadt lost almost all of the four wind guardians."

"It is said that Liyue's Thousand Rock Army also suffered heavy losses, and fortunately, an immortal was also lost."

Kong:"Before you curse Kanreya, you should look at what the Seven Gods did?"

"The host completely sided with the Seven Gods and did not mention the sin of the Seven Gods destroying Kanria.……"

When Yingmei saw this, she hurriedly asked in the comment section:"Sora! Is that you? Sora!"

Unfortunately, there was no response!

Winter Queen:"Great Kind Tree King! I have to admit that you are a perfect god, but this alone cannot completely save the world!"

Paimon:"Winter Queen? Is she really the Winter Queen? The leader of the Fatui, the leader of the Young Master?"……"

Prince:"Tuo (艹皿艹) emergency food, watch your words! Be humble in front of the Queen and don't talk nonsense."

Paimon:"Prince, you bad guy! I'm not afraid of you, Lululu……"

The scene continued, and the audience saw the Great Compassion Tree King hugged Nashida, and Nashida cried and cleared everything about the Great Compassion Tree King from the World Tree. The

Great Compassion Tree King disappeared in Nashida's arms!

Her voice echoed in the world for the last time:"Farewell, people of Xumi, may you have a good dream tonight!"

Nashida and the other two returned to reality, and Nashida burst into tears:"We just saved the World Tree, right!?"

"But why do I seem to be crying?"At that moment, the whole Xumi was in tears!

The angry people rushed into the House of Ordinances and beat up all the sages, leaving countless injured.

At the final count, they found that the great sage was trampled to death by the crowd!

Not only Xumi, but countless people in Teyvat shed tears at this moment.

Xiangling:"Woo, the Great Kindness Tree King, she is fine. I saw that the little auspicious grass king forgot her existence, I felt sad, I wanted to cry!"

Barbara:"Lord Great Kindness Tree King, may you rest in peace."

Klee:"Klee doesn't understand, but Klee feels a little sad and wants to cry."

Alice:"Klee, don't cry, next time mom comes back, I will find the cutest Duduko for you to play with!" Qiqi:

"Qiqi also wants to cry, but Qiqi is a zombie and has no tears. Write it down……"

Liuyunjiefeng Zhenjun:"Farewell to the Great Compassionate Tree King."

Ganyu:"Farewell to the Great Compassionate Tree King."

Ningguang:"Farewell to the Great Compassionate Tree King."

Xiao:"Farewell to the Great Purple Tree."

Rich man:"Although, but... the Great Compassionate Tree King died a long time ago! That was just a wisp of His consciousness left. Did you touch the wrong place?"

Ye Lan:"What do you bastards of the Fatui know? People die twice. The first is the demise of the physical body, and the second is that no one remembers her anymore."

Rich man:"Haha! No matter how much you flatter Him, He won't be able to come back to life"

·· ·······Request flowers·· ·········

Ye Bai said,"Not necessarily."

He was very happy because the activity level finally exceeded 60% and reached 73%.

Hearing his words, the whole world was quiet again!

Nashida at the scene said in surprise:"Sir Ye Bai, can you revive the dead gods?"

Uchiha Madara:"I was resurrected by the host."

Golden Rhinedot:"Can this kind of thing be done? But reviving ordinary people and reviving gods are two different concepts. If both can be done, it would be really amazing!" Lei

Dianying and Nashida were extremely excited.

Zhongli and Wendy were the same. They also thought of their deceased old friends, but their emotions soon calmed down.

The world is constant, but life and death are separated.

If you revive the dead because of your own selfish desires, wouldn't that disrupt the laws between heaven and earth?

For one's own selfishness, cholera in the world is not done!



Ye Bai continued,"After listening to the story of Mr. Zhongli and the Great Compassion Tree King, I believe everyone has a clear idea of how the gods and spirits love each other!"

"Next is the story about the water god"

"Ms. Funina, how about you tell me yourself?"

Funina was already in tears. She looked at Ye Bai and gritted her teeth and said,"Can you really guarantee what you said?"

Ye Bai nodded and sent a message with his telekinesis,"I promise you, but you still don't believe me! Then do you want me to let the law of nature guarantee it for you? When I first came to this world, I chatted with Him."

"Tiantiantiantian...Reason?" Funina immediately covered her mouth.

As a god for 500 years, how could Funina not understand what Heavenly Law represents?

This person could actually negotiate with Heavenly Law?

However, he could easily control the gods and even revive them, so it's not surprising that he could do such a thing, right?!

I won't say anything, and I can't stop him from saying it!

Funina sighed, looked at the screen, and said:"About 500 years ago, when I was about to succeed the throne of the God of Water"

"I saw another me in the mirror"

"She told me about the prophecy about Fontaine, and she said that the disaster was bound to happen and no one could escape it."

"I was very scared at the time, because if that happened, everyone would die, and as a Fontaine person, I would also be dissolved."

"But the me in the mirror told me that there are miracles in this world, and she told me a way that everyone can be saved."

"I just might have to suffer a little.……"

"I was really relieved at that time. It turned out that there was still hope."

"As long as I endure a little pain, I can save Fontaine, so what to do is no need to think about it.……"Soil.

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