These light words instantly ignited the SHIELD personnel present. The direction of the guns in everyone's hands was changed, and they were pointed at the staff member that Ganata was holding.

They know the current situation of SHIELD, and the people present are all carefully selected by Nick Fury, people he thinks he can trust.

They also all know that Hydra members have poisonous fangs in their mouths. What could Mercer mean by saying this at this time?

Hearing this, Nick Fury's face gradually darkened, and he quickly walked up to the staff member.

Because Ganata was choking him, the staff member had his mouth open and could not move. He could only let Nick Fury check his teeth.

A few seconds later, Nick Fury reached out and pulled out a tooth from the staff member's mouth, his face looking terrifyingly gloomy.

This is a fang!

"Vermeer! You are actually a member of Hydra. You have been in S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years, have you been a member of Hydra from the beginning!"

There was a tremble in anger in Nick Fury's voice. It seemed that this staff member still had some friendship with him.

"Well done, Ganata, come back."

Mercer said to Ganata, and then used the thunder fruit to condense into several thunder beads in his hand, and threw them directly to Ganata, who caught them.

"I asked you to pretend." Ganata snorted, "I'm not your servant, calling you here and there."

Mercer smiled awkwardly, quickly condensed a few more lightning beads, and said with a sneer: "I definitely didn't mean that. I couldn't help but say that in the situation just now."

Seeing Mercer's sincerity, Ganata took the thunder bead in his hand, hummed lightly and stopped arguing with him.

Seeing that his fangs were pulled out, Mercer and the two were still flirting, and the man named Vermeer sneered.

"That kid was so surprising. I didn't grasp my emotions. I didn't expect that after hiding him for so long, he would be exposed like this.

However, it is useless even if you find out about this now, the ceremony is already underway, you all just wait to die! "

There was a hint of madness and excitement in Vermeer's eyes, and even a touch of admiration.

"The person we are summoning this time is an evil god from outside the earth. When he comes to the earth, it will be the day you surrender!

He is, the God of Trickery, Loki——! "

After shouting this sentence crazily, Vermeer let out a burst of crazy laughter, extremely arrogant.

After not laughing for long, he gradually felt something was wrong and seemed to be a little quiet.

He looked at the people in front of him, and they all had different expressions.

There was shock, speechlessness, and confusion, but there was no fear or panic that Vermeer wanted to see.

"Surprisingly, it will be Loki." Mercer shook his head helplessly. Where are the sub-dimensional creatures that he promised?

Fortunately, I learned the Weishan Emperor's technique for one night, just to fight against that terrifying sub-dimensional creature. But now you tell me that the person here is Loki?

I have fought with him a long time ago, and he was beaten away. What is there to be afraid of?

The three members of S.H.I.E.L.D. were also speechless and choked. When they heard the first half of Vermeer's words, their hearts were indeed in their throats, and a fierce battle was already imagined in their minds.

But what happened in New Mexico, Coulson has sent back all the information, but only Nick Fury and the other three people know about this matter.

Hydra had previously sent people to New Mexico to investigate for information, but the two people disappeared without any reason, and Hydra also stopped hearing about them.

At that time, Nick Fury and the other three were quite surprised. They were surprised that Mercer was so powerful that he could actually fight against the alien gods without falling behind. At the same time, they also learned about the existence of the alien gods.

The atmosphere relaxed from the initial tension, and Nick Fury waved his hand, "Lock him up."

Then several people returned to the conference table to discuss the plan.

Vermeer was dragged away with a confused look on his face, not knowing why they were not surprised when they heard this.

Ten minutes later, several people finalized the plan.

Nick Fury said: "Okay, Alex, then our plan is decided like this. You first sneak into the campus to see where Hydra plans to find out its location, and then tell us. The next thing will be left to us." Solve it for us."

"Yes." Mercer nodded, "Then we will set off immediately. There is no time to say more now."

After deciding on the matter, everyone set off immediately.

Mercer and Ganata went to school, but the latter was originally not allowed to go because the latter's figure, appearance and hair color were too conspicuous, which was not conducive to sneaking in.

But when Mercer asked her what she was going to do, the latter took out a palm-sized "flashlight" and shined it on her face.

Her originally beautiful face turned into an ordinary one. Except for her body shape, her disguise skills were exactly the same as Mercer's, without any flaws!

As a technology geek, Stark immediately ran over when he saw this thing and reached out to take it. Ganata moved the "flashlight" away with quick eyes and hands.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to give it to him, Stark stood nearby and looked at the "flashlight" carefully, and asked, "Can this thing change its appearance at will?"

"Well, I've been to many planets, and many of them are not in human form like ours. So I developed a technology that can transform my body and appearance into another form."

After saying that, Ganata demonstrated it again.

Everyone, including Mercer, was stunned as they saw wooden life forms, stone life forms, and beast life forms. In less than a minute, everyone saw dozens of alien creatures.

"You said you developed this?"

Stark noticed the details in Ganata's words and asked in shock, this level of technology cannot be developed by him now, but this young girl in front of him, who is as young as sixteen or seventeen years old, can actually develop it?

Ganata naturally understood the meaning in the other person's eyes. She snorted softly and said, "I am older than all of you here combined, and my knowledge covers all the intelligent planets in the universe." The level of technology, your Earth’s technology is nothing in my eyes.”

Mercer murmured beside him: "It turns out she is an old woman..."

Ganata: (╬◣д◢)!

The purple figure flashed to Mercer's side and picked up his collar...

"So old? So you're not from Earth?"

He was despised for no apparent reason. If anyone else had said this, Stark would have exploded, but Janata was completely impressed by his looks, figure, and intelligence.

Looking at Ganata who picked up Mercer like a little chicken and "beat her up", a flash of regret flashed in Stark's eyes. It seemed that it would be impossible to catch him.

At least, study the other party's technology.

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