"Can you lend me this thing of yours to study? It's definitely not for nothing, just give me a price! I'll pay!"

Stark waved his hand and spoke very arrogantly. This is the attitude of a wealthy man.

"No, I have no interest in your planet's currency at all." Ganata curled her lips and rolled her eyes at him.

Just when Stark felt that he had no idea what to do and his cheeks felt hot, he saw Ganata throwing the transforming flashlight in her hand into Mercer's hand and said.

"Now, I'll lend you this for fun. Of course, during the time it's in your hands, you can lend it to anyone you want. Just remember to treat me to something delicious."

"It's delicious, I have it too..."

When Stark heard this, he thought he saw hope again, but Mercer was stunned. Then he raised his hand, and dazzling lightning surged in his hand, and soon shrank into a bead the size of a thumb. , handed it to Ganata.

Ganata took it, looked through it, nodded with satisfaction, and then threw it into her stomach.

Stark looked on with a speechless expression.

Do you masters like to eat such strange things? Isn't that thing just a pure energy body? Can you eat this kind of thing? !

The hope in Stark's eyes has not completely dissipated. What Ganata said when giving this thing to Mercer is a way out.

As he spoke, he looked hopefully at Stark again.

After being "beaten" by Ganata, Mercer had a conspicuous red leaf palm mark on his face. With this slap, he turned to look at Stark and coughed lightly, "After this matter is over, we will Let’s discuss it about this flashlight.”

"Okay!" Seeing the other person say this, Stark knew it was a joke. Ganata was not from Earth, but Mercer was, which meant that he still cared about money.

A disguised flashlight directly brought Mercer and Stark closer together, and they became good friends quietly discussing the price.

"By the way, take this when you sneak into the school later." Stark suddenly remembered something important, ran out, and ran back immediately, holding a round cake instrument the size of a rice bowl in his hand.

"This is an isolator that can isolate gamma energy. Although I don't know if it can be used in the face of such mysterious things, it would be good to have another insurance method. Dr. Banner and I researched it together."

"Okay." Now that they were all a team, Mercer didn't say much thanks and took the item and put it into the backpack Carter found for him.

After Natasha's preparation, Mercer was now wearing a simple plaid shirt and shorts, carrying a black schoolbag, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. With his modified face, he looked like an ordinary student.

And Ganata is also dressed in a similar way. Others would never imagine that these are two terrifying existences.

"Very good." Nick Fury nodded with satisfaction, "I will lead the team to wander outside the school. If there is any situation, report it immediately. We will act according to the situation."


After deciding on the tactics, everyone set off towards their destination.

Queens, First High School.

"There's nothing unusual at the front entrance. It seems like the SHIELD guys haven't noticed it yet."

"When we summon that evil god, SHIELD will all become our slaves, haha."

"By the way, don't be distracted by the tasks assigned by your superiors. That guy named Mercer might come out to disrupt the situation."

"Don't worry, he looks like that. He will definitely be discovered once he appears. It's impossible to sneak in."

As he said that, the two men talking looked around and saw a young man and woman walking in front of them. The boy looked ordinary, but the men were not interested and just glanced past him.

Instead, the girl asked them to take another look. Although she looked ordinary, she had a particularly good figure. The two men couldn't help but take a few more glances at her legs.

They saw the boy talking to the girl, but because of the distance, they couldn't hear what Mercer and the two were saying.

But he didn't care. After a few casual glances, he looked away and continued to monitor the outside.

"Xiao Na, you are quite popular." Mercer chuckled.

This kind of endearment made Ganata roll her eyes at him, but she didn't stop him and said, "Humph, I don't even bother to pay attention to these guys who think with their lower bodies."

"Haha, that's right. How can such a person fall into the eyes of our sister Ganata? After all, you are a god-level figure."

Mercer kept patting Ganata's rainbow fart. This was someone who could protect him. A simple food transaction would definitely not work. He had to get closer to her so that she could help her if anything happened in the future.

This kind of 360-degree rainbow fart looks very useful to Ganata.

Gradually, Mercer also discovered that although this little girl was very powerful in technology, she was very simple in interpersonal communication.

"No wonder I left her with food..." Mercer thought in his heart, and the two of them wandered around the campus aimlessly, constantly paying attention to the changes in the people around them.

"There are really a lot of people, and there is a Hydra disguised sentry every ten meters. It seems that things are not easy to handle."

Mercer's expression was solemn. Although the Hydra members were disguised as teachers, staff, and visitors, their movements still had the habits of agents or soldiers.

This is easy to see for Mercer, who has absorbed the Hydra killer.

"Hey, that's...him?!"

Just as Mercer was looking at the campus boredly, a person made his eyes freeze.

That's right, when you come to this school, you will definitely meet that person, Spider-Man, Peter Parker!

The reason why Mercer showed such a surprised expression was because the Peter Parker not far away was not the Peter Parker from the Marvel Universe, but the Peter Parker from "The Amazing Spider-Man"!

"Surprisingly, it will be him..."

Mercer's voice was trembling. This Spider-Man was his favorite Garfield version of Spider-Man who came to this world through time.

He did not use the convenience of his ability to benefit himself, but instead let himself fall into passivity.

His girlfriend Gwen's father died, and Gwen died not long after, which was a huge blow to the little spider.

This was also a hurdle that Mercer was very concerned about. At the end of the movie, the scene where Garfield stares at Gwen's grave for four seasons made Mercer even more heartbroken.

"If it were you, I would be willing to help you. At least I won't let those regrets appear again!" Mercer thought to himself.

Seeing Mercer staring at a boy in the distance, Ganata asked doubtfully: "So do you like that type?"

Mercer didn't want to explain this joke. He stared at Peter Parker and said slowly.

"It's just that I saw an 'old friend'."

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