"Learning swords?" This surprised Gu Yi, "Why do you suddenly want to learn that?"

"It's not sudden, because the weapon I have handy is a sword, so I want to learn it, otherwise it would be a waste to hold that kind of weapon."


Gu nodded, with a thoughtful look on her face. She walked around the room for a moment, and suddenly her palm pointed towards a certain bookshelf.

The invisible suction force pulled a book from the second floor of the bookshelf over, and landed firmly in her hand. The pages turned by themselves, and Gu Yi's words also sounded.

"During the days when I was sealed, my other personality told me about things outside from time to time."

"In the first half of the 19th century, a strong alliance of killers emerged in Eastern European countries. At that time, almost all the big names who could be named were related to them."

At this point, the flipping of the book also stopped, and a few rays of light burst out from the pages, floated in the air, and turned into the projection of an old-fashioned projector.

In the picture, Eastern European buildings with a strong nineteenth-century style come into view.

On the street, there were children playing around, nobles riding carriages passing by, and two or three elegant and elegant women slowly walking by holding small umbrellas.

The scene turned, and what appeared was a magnificent castle. It was very lively inside, and it seemed like a ball was being held.

The owner of the castle was entertaining the distinguished guests with a smile, and everything seemed normal.

Just when Mercer was thinking this, a group of people in black hooded clothes broke in through the door and window and rushed directly towards the guests. Each man in black held a bright dagger in his hand.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

The strange thing is that there were about thirty people present who were killed, but there was no sound at all!

Everything is like a dance drama that has been rehearsed countless times. Even if there is a bloody scene, people can't help but indulge in it.

Because it is so clean and tidy that you can’t find any faults at all!

There were about thirty killers. As soon as they entered, they immediately found their targets and struck decisively, killing them with one blow.

Ten minutes after the killers left, they were discovered by the guards outside who felt something was wrong.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the tragic scene in the field. Some of the dead still kept the smiles on their faces. How terrifying was this killing method!

And what’s even weirder is that these dead bodies have turned into mummies!

It was like a mineral water bottle that had been sucked out of the air after drinking water. It was horribly shriveled.

But the autopsy revealed that they had only been dead for ten to thirty minutes!

At this point, the projection ended, and Gu Yi continued to speak.

“The other half of my personality has learned that these killers all come from the same place, the Assassin’s League, which is a complete terrorist organization with zero mission failure!

And from my understanding of that personality, Hydra has a plan that if they still can't kill you, they will ask the leader of the Assassin League to assassinate you. Their leader is a super killer who is proficient in various martial arts, and he has never No one has been replaced! "

"Never changed people? He has lived from the 19th century to the present?" Mercer asked in surprise. He has lived hundreds of years since then.

Gu nodded, "Yes, it is recorded in the book that there is a clear spring there, and you can live forever after soaking in it. However, the disadvantage is that you cannot stay away from it. You have to soak for 10 hours every ten years, and your temperament will become violent and bloodthirsty. , is no longer a normal human being."

Mercer didn't find this kind of thing unbelievable. In the Marvel Universe, anything was possible.

The Ancient One was able to absorb Dormammu's power to live forever, and it's not too far-fetched that the King of Killers could live forever with a glance from a clear spring.

Should he go to the King of Killers to learn swordsmanship? Mercer nodded, that might be a good idea.

It is true that no one can teach you swordsmanship now. Those who teach swordsmanship that you can find on the market are all so-called "swordsmanship instructors". They are just pretentious, but in fact they have nothing at all.

"Do you have their address?" Mercer asked.

"Of course." Gu Yi smiled slightly and pointed at the book with his finger.

A ray of light emerged and turned into two lines of words.

[Kick Nigel, Inqiute Snow Mountain]

The font formed for a moment, then turned into a ray of light and flew into Mercer's mind, which gave him a specific location.

After feeling it carefully for a moment, Mercer smiled and nodded, "Thanks, I'll go now."

Just as Mercer was about to use the Cosmic Cube to teleport himself, Ancient One stopped him again.

"Wait a minute, it's too troublesome for you to hold this thing like this. Let's try this."

Gu Yi pinched it with two fingers, and a light blue ring appeared in her finger.

"This was a container that was once used to carry the Time Stone, but I thought it was too ostentatious, so I replaced it with the more concealable Eye of Agamotto. Now, I'll give this to you."

When Mercer took it, the ring felt slightly cool in his hand. It looked like it was made of jade, but when he flicked it, it made a metallic sound.


Mercer held the lower end of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and squeezed it hard. The glass-like shell shattered into slag in his palm, revealing the space gem inside.

Holding the space gem with two fingers, he moved it above the ring. The two suddenly created a suction force, and the gem fell out of his hand and was sucked onto the ring.

Mercer put the ring on and held it slightly in his palm. The space gem flashed faint light, causing ripples in space in front of him.

“It’s really useful!”

He experimented several times, and the method he used followed Mercer's ideas, and it didn't mean that he had to make a fist.

Mercer just thought it would be more handsome to make a gesture.

"If you like it, feel free to take it. I owe you a huge favor. Just this little thing can't be considered as repaying the favor." Gu Yi said with a smile.


Mercer didn't say much, looked at the time, and set off immediately!

Kick Nigel, Inqiute Snow Mountain

Night has arrived, and the lights are brightly lit on the top of the snow-capped mountains. The ancient castle seems to be entrenched on the mountain, giving people an extremely majestic feeling.

There are many hooded men in black patrolling around the castle. If there are strong people here, they can also find some killers hidden in the black shadows.

Even if ordinary people stare there, they can't see their existence.

These are the assassins of the Assassin's League. When exposed to the outside world, every one of them is extremely powerful and can easily serve as the personal bodyguard of a big shot.

Even though such a killer was present, no one noticed that a figure was flying upward from the bottom of the mountain.

Whenever someone wanted to look over, that figure would always flash past.

"The defense on the mountain is very good."

This figure galloping in the mountain forest is naturally Mercer.

He was surveying and setting up defenses in the mountains, and was almost seen several times. Fortunately, he used the space gem in time to hide.

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