In the end, he simply used the space gem to release a layer of energy similar to bat sound waves. Within a radius of thirty meters from him, Mercer could clearly perceive all living creatures within this range with his eyes closed.

It is precisely because of this that the higher you go, the more people there are and the more secluded it becomes.

But Mercer was always able to escape, because he released such energy feedback, allowing him to sneak into the castle easily.

From time to time, patrolling guards passed by in the corridors of the castle, and a guard stood by the door. The door next to him suddenly opened, and he looked over there subconsciously.

As soon as his head reached the door, two hands quickly stretched out from behind the door. One hand covered his mouth, and the other hand pulled his clothes and pulled him directly behind the door.

The guard reacted, his eyes widened in vain, and his right hand had already touched the dagger hidden in his waist, but he couldn't help but the strength of the hands holding him was too great.

He didn't even have time to draw his sword before he was dragged directly behind the door.

The door closed quietly.

The next second, the guard came out neatly again, unchanged from before.

"The physical fitness of an ordinary guard can reach the level of a special soldier? It's really amazing. It's at least one-half of Carter's physical fitness."

The guard now was Mercer. He used the black light virus to easily devour the unlucky guy, marveling at the latter's terrifying physical fitness.

It can reach half of Carter's physical functions and can easily break world records in various sports games.

And this guard looks like an ordinary guard, nothing special. It's shocking that such a person has that kind of physique.

"'Fountain of Life'... It turns out they rely on this kind of thing to strengthen themselves, but the consequences are huge."

Mercer went through the memories of this guard in his mind. This group of assassins would take a spring called "Fountain of Life" given by the Assassin King every year.

Only the amount of a mineral water bottle cap can change their bodies, improve their body functions and reduce their pain.

But there is a fatal flaw, bloodthirsty.

They need to drink human blood from time to time, otherwise their emotions will be uncontrollable anger and violence. This is the consequence of the Fountain of Life.

Because the amount they took was too small, and the Fountain of Life was still available once a year, they could only use blood to suppress this impulse.

Once this impulse arises, even the people around him who live with him day and night will be tempted to kill him.

Therefore, Mercer also knew that the projections he had seen in Ancient One before, the nobles who had turned into mummies inexplicably, were all because their blood was drained by those assassins.

Fortunately, the black light virus is very powerful, and even if Mercer absorbed this person, he was not infected by the bloodthirsty bacteria.

Compared with the black light virus, these things are child's play.

Transformed into the appearance of an assassin, Mercer walked around the castle struttingly. Anyone who had doubts about his identity was immediately caught in a corner and absorbed.

Mercer had to lament that it was great that there were no cameras in this place. As long as he kept silent, no one would know what he was doing here.

Of course, if he wanted to answer their questions or passwords, Mercer could easily answer them. After all, he also had their memories.

There are not many people in the castle. There are only about a hundred people in the huge castle, plus a few people who are performing tasks outside, it can be counted as two hundred.

There are only a few in number, but they are all good soldiers and generals.

The reason why there are no weak people is because of the scene that Mercer is watching.

He now came to an inner hall, where there were five assassins dressed like Mercer, surrounding a person in a circle.

The man surrounded by several people looked a little lean. He was wearing a long black coat and was standing there holding the tail of a long sword with both hands. His slightly squinted eyes made it difficult to see what he was thinking.

The assassins looked at each other in silence for more than ten seconds. They seemed to sense the impatience of the man in black, and finally an assassin stepped forward.

The sharp dagger slipped out of his sleeve and was held directly in his hand, and he wiped it towards the neck of the man in black with a fierce murderous intent.

This move is a killer move!

Completely aiming to kill the other party!

Facing this fierce attack, the man in black remained completely unmoved. It wasn't until the opponent's attack was only half an arm's length away from him that his body suddenly moved.

With this move, which was faster than that of the assassin, the man in black directly put the knife in his hand against the assassin's neck, and without stopping, he directly wiped the assassin's neck.

The man in black did not continue to move, but retracted his weapon and closed his eyes again, not taking it seriously at all.

The assassins looked at each other in confusion, hesitated for a moment, and then took out their daggers and attacked the man in black.

Among these assassins, only one escaped the attack of the man in black and survived in the end.

Several others were killed by the man in black with one move.

This man in black is the current king of assassins, Occam.

His attack is no longer a simple killing, but more like an artistic harvest.

Those assassins who were wiped out did not fight back at all before they died. As their bodies twitched slightly, their consciousness also faded.

"Obviously he is one of our own, but he still kills. It is indeed the strongest killer organization in the world. This training method is too abnormal."

Looking at that scene, Mercer knew that battles like this would happen every once in a while through the assassins he had absorbed.

Every time it is a life and death training. As long as the man in black takes the first move, the opponent will slow down the second move and will no longer defeat the enemy with one move.

This is the man in black's inspection of them as the leader, and no one dares to underestimate this inspection.

Because once you underestimate it, you will pay for it with your life.

This is why the assassins of the Assassin's League are the top killers in the world, just because they risk their lives every time they undergo training and assessment.

It would be easier to survive the attack of the King of Assassins and go out to perform missions.

"No wonder there are so few people in the Assassin's League. Although they are few, everyone is strong. Unlike the mercenaries from the outside world, many of them are strong on the surface but very weak in reality."

Mercer couldn't help but say that this was completely different from the fighting skills he knew now. Fighting skills focused on frontal confrontation. Although there was a move to defeat the enemy, it required a lot of strength.

Assassination is more of a technical job, with a unique and extremely powerful force that allows them to do the most with the least effort.

"What are you looking at there? Come here too!" The man in black saw Mercer hiding not far away and peeking, and asked the latter to come here too.

To have such an opportunity to contact the other party openly and openly, Mercer couldn't ask for it, so he walked towards him openly.

The man in black said to the assassin who had just survived next to him, "You two come together. If you can get out of three moves, the fountain of life will be released in advance."

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