I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Chapter 802: Leave them to have a good chat

"Huh?" Dragon Horn frowned, vaguely feeling bad, "You, what are you going to do?"

Mu Feng waved his hand and smiled: "Don't do anything, just leave you here, and start protecting the city today! Didn't you say that you want to protect the safety of the city, just start this time!"

After a pause, he said again: "My people live here to protect the city, and you have to stay here too!"

Long Jiao frowned, and the anxiety in his heart grew stronger.

He calmly said: "Next time, I will go back and invite my warchief to come and discuss with you face to face!"

"I said it will start this time!" Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "You didn't hear clearly, or did you hear clearly and pretended to be confused?"

Long Jiao's heart suddenly became cold, because he really felt the indisputable meaning revealed from Mu Feng's words, and the murderous aura that made his heart palpitations!

He has only seen that kind of power in the warchief, it is a kind of power that has been in a high position for a long time, and it is growing!

He no longer doubted that the young man in front of him was indeed a great chief.

But since he is the warchief, why was he so polite to himself just now?

He was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to respond.

After Mu Feng spoke, Jiu Zhu directly grinned and summoned a dozen **** fighters from outside, and before the horned dragon fighters reacted, they knocked down all of them to the ground.

Only then did Long Jiao react: he has entered the "black market"!

But it was too late.

Seeing that all the people who followed him were knocked down and controlled, Longjiao felt frightened.

He shouted: "What are you doing?"

Then he hurriedly shouted outside: "Warriors of the Horned Dragon Club, come and save people!"

Mu Feng grinned weirdly: "You shout, no one will come to rescue you if you scream at your throat!"

Long Jiao realized that he was behind the city.

There is a mess in front of the city, who can hear him screaming here alone?

So he stopped screaming seriously, and asked Mu Feng tremblingly, "What are you going to do?"

He looked like he was clearly chased to the corner to avoid the inevitable Xiao Niangpi, so he had to hug him in front of him and watch the person in front of him vigilantly.

"What are you doing?" Mu Feng laughed strangely, "What do you mean?"

Dragon Horn's head roared: "You guys, aren't you going to kill me?"

"Kill you?" Mu Feng smiled, "That's not true, just talk to you about opening the city together!"

"Let's open the market together?" Long Jiao asked tremblingly.

He didn't believe that the other party was going to open a market with them in this battle.

"Don't worry!" Mu Feng came to him with a smile, patted him on the shoulder again, and asked with a smile, "Have you ever heard of working with a tiger for skin?"

"Huh?" Long Jiao shivered, "and, and, and the tiger, what are you looking for?"


"Ah, yes, it's skin, right?" He shook his head in horror, "No, I haven't heard of it!"

"That's good!" Mu Feng smiled, "I'll tell you!

The meaning of "seeking a skin with a tiger" means that one person goes to the giant tooth tiger for its fur, understand? "

Long Jiao didn't dare to be presumptuous at this moment, and trembling honestly answered, "No, I don't understand."

Mu Feng turned and smiled and asked Lei Long and others: "Do you understand?"

Thunder Dragon thought about it seriously and said: "Now my body hasn't recovered. Let me return to my previous strength. I should be able to kill a giant tooth tiger!"

Mu Feng rubbed his head and waved his hand: "Forget it, let me ask him!"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and patted Thunder Dragon: "Do you understand?"

Thunder Dragon said in a crying voice: "Da, Chief Chief, I, I can't beat Megalodon!"

Mu Feng knocked him to the ground with a slap: "Can you beat Me Da Jiang if he can't beat Megalodon?"

Then he waved his hand and said to Jiu Zhu: "Tie him up!"

Jiu Zhu nodded and agreed.

Poor Longhorn hadn't understood what it meant by "seeking a skin with a tiger", so he tied it up.

Thunder Dragon was puzzled: "Warchief, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Mu Feng smiled. "Others ran to me and shit, so I can still get used to him?"

Thunder Dragon was surprised.

He didn't expect such vulgar words to come from the chieftain's mouth.

Mu Feng turned to him and asked him: "If it's you, what should you do?"

Leilong was taken aback, and then asked: "From the beginning, or now?"

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Start!"

Thunder Dragon frowned and said, "I don't know the so-called people like this. If I put it before, I will definitely let the clansman kill!"

Mu Feng is not surprised at all.

Because Thunder Dragon's reaction just now told him the answer.

A tribal leader unexpectedly blows his beard at the Thunder Dragon who was the chief chief of 10,000 before. How can Thunder Dragon be tolerated?

So he just raised his eyes and glanced at Longjiao, obviously wanting to ask him: "How dare you in front of the two warchiefs?"

Mu Feng didn't want to study this issue carefully, anyway, Thunder Dragon had been in a high position for a long time, and his self-respect status could not be changed in a day or two.

He then asked again: "Then what will you do next?"

"Next?" Thunder Dragon looked excited, "Since you have captured him, let them take my Da Jiang warriors over and destroy their tribe!"

He got more excited as he talked, and after thinking about it, he said, "If the warchief can trust me, I can use five hundred, no, three hundred people! Go and destroy their tribe!"

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng nodded and shook his head: "It's half right!"

"Half?" Thunder Dragon frowned puzzled.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Why are you so strenuous? We are running away, so why not let them come by themselves!"

"Come on?" Thunder Dragon was surprised.

Mu Feng began to elaborate: "Wait for any of you to go out and tell the nearby horned dragon fighters, let them send a few people back to the tribe to inform the news, and the rest will be left behind!"

Thunder Dragon frowned and thought: "I understand, then I will go!"

Mu Feng waved his hand: "Just forget it, you are like this now, it's not like a good one..."

Thunder took a deep breath, turned to look at the chilling dragon horn, and snorted heavily.

Suddenly he realized the problem and hurriedly changed his words: "Jiuzhu, go ahead, just say something nice to make those people happy when they go back. If it doesn't work, just grab it, and release two deserters!"

Jiu Zhu didn't react: "Go back happily, and say a few good things?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It means that their leader had a very happy conversation with me, or that he was invited to the tribe as a guest by me. I would like to invite their warchief again!"

Jiu Zhu grinned and laughed: "I understand!"

Then turned and left.

Thunder Dragon then asked in a deep voice, "What about me?"

"You?" Mu Feng nodded and smiled, "Looking at you being so angry, should you let this Horned Dragon Club take care of it?"

A surprise appeared on Thunder Dragon's face: "Really?"

Mu Feng nodded and smiled: "Really! As long as their great chief comes, you will find a way to keep him, and I will take him to Dajiang Longcheng to talk about the opening of the city!"

"Okay!" Thunder Dragon also grinned...

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