I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Chapter 803: Phishing Law Enforcement Program

Jiu Zhu and Thunder Dragon went out to "work" separately, leaving Mu Feng frowning and thinking in place.

There is flower millet in the front and this dragon horn in the back.

The two people ran up to him and made a fuss, which seemed to be accidental, but in fact it was inevitable.

After all, the city has been open for so long, and the tribes and people who come here are different every time, and the minds are naturally even more different.

Coupled with the fact that there are far more tradable things on the market than they have been in contact with before, it will inevitably attract the attention of "wishful people".

Here is the salt that is most scarce in Changli's territory, as well as the scarce weapons of small tribes, as well as the living cows, horses and mounts that many tribes hope to obtain.

If it is said that the Red Luan Ministry was making trouble because of Wolf Hill's "wrong guidance", then this Horned Dragon Ministry definitely had this intention.

Under the banner of "protecting the city", they are actually thinking of getting a share of the pie.

In other words, they charge protection fees like the ruffians in previous lives.

It's just that they accidentally kicked the iron plate.

"I received the protection fee on my head!" Mu Feng frowned angrily, "Is it really a bully?"

Thinking about it, he felt angry in his heart: "No, you can't passively wait for someone to come and shit, I have to find the place!"

"But how can I get it back?"

He thought about it, thought about it, and slapped his forehead: "Yes!"

"You are greedy for others to be cheap, and if you want to pick up the ready-made ones, then I will pick them up for you!" He hehe weirdly smiled, "Don't you want good things, I'll give them to you!"

He thought of an excellent "fishing law enforcement" plan!

This plan is very simple. It is to use the city to tell those tribes with ulterior motives in the Changli realm: You want good things, I have them here!

I believe that some ignorant tribes will come up to "give off people's heads" like the Horned Dragon Club.

When the time comes, it's okay for them to throw themselves into the net, or if he takes the opportunity to attack, Da Jiang can take this opportunity to rob other ministries and **** people and territory!

Thinking of this, Mu Feng grinned and laughed strangely: "Being a man and doing things, you have to pay attention to a good word. If you trade in the market, then trade well. If you don't follow the rules, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

But immediately he made trouble again.

Because it spreads too widely to publicize through the city.

He still had to wait passively for someone to come.

The best way is to find someone, take the initiative to "show the rich", and arouse the covetousness of the interested tribe.

And when you first choose a tribe, you must not be the small tribe, nor the six big tribes, otherwise the former is too wasteful of energy, and the latter is too easy to expose the goal.

If you think about it in this way, you have to find someone who is familiar with Changli Department, has a clear mind, and can "show the mountains" but not "dew".

But where is such a person?

Mu Feng frowned, thinking hard, and finally thought of someone to come to him-Mo Xiongbu's hump tail!

This guy is too familiar with the big and small tribes of the Changli area, and with his infamous manner, once he goes out to "wander" fishing, he will definitely catch a lot.

For one thing, the people of Mo Xiong's tribe are famous for being lazy, and no tribe wants to see them.

Secondly, because of the virtue of humptail, no one would believe that he could get acquainted with any big tribe.

Thirdly, the humptail has been in Dajiang from beginning to end. The cognition is still at the level of Dajiang being only two to three thousand people, more than 800 soldiers. Even if he goes out to shake Dajiang, others will only think that Dajiang is powerful. Not strong, it's a tribe that can ask for anything!

The most important thing is that the hump tail has expressed his attitude through Changshui Xiang Mufeng more than once: he is willing to do things for Jiang, just begging not to raise cattle and watch sheep.

The plan is determined and the candidate is determined, so what he has to do next is to put his pockets in the city and wait for people to get in.

"The things on the market are attractive enough now. What happens if you occasionally put two defective copper or iron knives?" Mu Feng grinned and laughed strangely, "Even gold knives can be traded, don't believe anyone Not tempted!"

Unknowingly, with the addition of the Dragon Tribe, the population of Da Jiang has increased sharply, and the number of soldiers has also increased, and Mu Feng's heart has gained a lot of confidence.

Many plans that were afraid to think and implement are now being implemented one by one.

It just so happened that he also took this opportunity to let the warriors of the dragon branch win a battle, increase the sense of identification with Da Jiang, and accelerate the process of assimilation.

Although there is the attraction of totem belief, it is spiritual after all.

In addition to the spiritual level, assimilation of these people must be tangible benefits to attract.

Material in one hand, spirit in the other.

Both hands must be grasped, both hands must be hard.

This is the only way to steadily develop and grow the tribe.

There is definitely not a separate existence between the two.

He can use this kind of fishing law enforcement to launch a battle against other parts to divert the attention of the antelope fighters, and he can also enhance their confidence through a series of victories: there are enough things in the big ginger, the weapons are sharp enough, and the soldiers are enough. Strong, the tribe is strong enough!

In this way, the existence of the city is particularly important.

Its own existence is to continuously collect information from other ministries through transactions, and to bind many small tribes with Da Jiang through transactions and currency.

Now Dajiang can use the city to "fishing and law enforcement", under the pretext of annexing other ministries and launching war.

It can be said that a small market has too many aspects involved, and the impact is far beyond the simple transaction on the surface.

It can be regarded as an indispensable springboard for Da Jiang to become bigger and stronger!

"Trade, war, totem beliefs, plus text penetration..." Mu Feng secretly calculated in his heart, what else could be done to accelerate Da Jiang's expansion.

Originally he thought that Jiang would have to wait a long time to make a big stride, but now it's alright, as soon as the dragon branch joins, many plans that were originally step-by-step can be arranged in advance.

"Thunder Dragon is going to fix this horned dragon, and it should attract the attention of that Lilong branch. They can't let them notice my **** on this joint. They have to put some eyedrops on them!" Mu Feng thought to himself, "Don't steal the chicken. He didn't annex the rice and horned dragons, and caused a big mess for himself."

He thought of the agreement with the Blue Bird Club.

When he finished fighting the Dragon Division, he had already made an appointment with Koyowu, and if necessary, he would act on the Changli Division.

Now it seems that "when necessary" is no longer needed, and now is a good opportunity.

Let the Blue Bird Ministry initiate an infestation on the dragons on their northern line to restrain the attention of Li Longbu, and then Da Jiang will profit from it.

Anyway, the Blue Bird Ministry didn't have a good impression of the tribes in the Changli realm.

The two thousand slaves promised to owe in the Dragon Department just before, can also take this opportunity to see if they can pay back some.

The best thing is to pay it all at once.

After all, the feeling of arrears is really bad!

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