I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Chapter 804: We are all descendants of Zulong

Because Longjiao was so noisy, Mu Feng lost interest in this city.

Jiu Zhu went out and came back and told Mu Feng that the two hundred and fifty warriors had left him with two hundred people, and the others had gone back to move their warchief happily.

At the same time, he also told Mu Feng that he sent a big Jiang warrior to follow all the way to find out his trace.

After thinking about it, Mu Feng asked him to pass a letter to Huang Chuan Fei Ge in the Yiluo Department, and he asked Huang Chuan to send a team of soldiers there to help prevent accidents.

Jiu Zhu led away.

Subsequently, Mu Feng took Leilong and the others around the city for a few laps, and hurriedly left Paixiu City before the end of the city.

Thunder Dragon looked very excited along the way, obviously looking forward to the arrival of the Horned Dragon.

It only took six or seven days for the one-way trip from Longjiao's mouth to Xiaoshi, which was a bit far away.

He had to wait patiently.

On the road, Mufeng told him some matters and points derived from the city, including the "fishing law enforcement plan" he had just thought of, and also gave Leilong a brief introduction.

Thunder Dragon heard this with horror.

He was shocked that Mu Feng was obviously not very young, but he was terrified by his deep mind.

Before, he thought he was incomparable in wisdom, but now he suddenly felt like a child's play compared to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's understatement of a few words has counted those tribes who are greedy for cheap to their bones.

Thunder Dragon has no doubts about the feasibility of this plan-after all, there is no such plan, people will be on the pole to find the ballast!

But he was very surprised that the hump tail that Mu Feng said could disturb the wind and rain was unreliable, after all, he was tortured enough in that cow and horse stable.

He soon knew the answer.

The first thing Mu Feng did when he returned to the tribe was to go straight to the cattle and sheep pen to find the hump's tail.

Seeing Mu Feng's hump tail was very excited, and bowed down on one knee to salute him.

Thunder Dragon's expression was moved, he thought that he would almost fall into this field.

Mu Feng smiled and looked at the hump tail: "How is this period of time?"

Humptail cried a face, miserable.

But after seeing Mu Feng watching him, he immediately accompanied a smiling face: "For Da Jiang, okay, okay!"

"Oh?" Mu Feng smiled, "Since it's okay, then you can stay here!"

With that, he turned to leave.

Humptail quickly changed his face and said anxiously: "No, Warchief, I don't want to be here anymore, I don't want to be here anymore!"

Mu Feng smiled and turned back: "Why, sure you don't want to stay here anymore?"

Humptail nodded hurriedly.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, since you don't want to stay here, I'll give you a chance and see if you can grasp it!"

"Yes, yes!" Humptail promised in a hurry.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Okay, then I will tell you how to leave here completely."

Then he listened to Humptail about his fishing law enforcement plan.

Of course, what he was talking about was how he went out to "expose the rich" and how to "hook up" with those tribes with ghosts.

Mu Feng didn't tell him how to arrange the rest of the follow-up.

Even so, Humptail fell silent.

He is not stupid, knowing that doing this kind of thing is risky.

In case he is not sure about the scale of his wealth, and before Jiang takes the opportunity to destroy other ministries, he will "kill others and overpower" for others. Wouldn't it be worth the loss?

Mu Feng knew that he had doubts in his heart, and said with a smile: "What I want you to do is not difficult. As long as you want, I can mount you and protect you with warriors, just let you show off in the realm of Changli.

It's done, you leave from here, and I will put the new chieftain here to replace you.

If you can't do it, then you can still raise cattle and horses here!

To be honest, in addition to the unpleasant smell here, at least my big **** has never shortened your food, right? You don't have to worry about safety issues, right?

But having said that, if you really want to, you may not need to stay here in the future.

You can do what you can do like other tribesmen, even if I give you a leader when the time comes, it will not be a problem for you to be a leader! "

After a pause, Mu Feng smiled and looked at him again, with a voice enchanted: "How about it, do you agree or not?"

Humptail was struggling, obviously considering it carefully.

On the side Thunder Dragon sighed inwardly: "The chief has really thought of everything he thought of!"

Sure enough, after struggling, the humptail turned his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I am willing!"

"That's good!" Mu Fengxiao said, "Then you don't need to stay here today, go take a shower and change into clean fur clothes.

I will give you a good horse, a golden knife, and a leather armor later. As for the soldiers, I will make arrangements for you later! "

Humptail was full of joy: "Yes!"

Mu Feng waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Then he looked at Thunder Dragon and asked with a smile: "If you give you five hundred people, can you win the Horned Dragon Club?"

Leilong shook his head and said, "No, three hundred people are enough!"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "At any rate, Da Jiang is now a big tribe with a big door, and there are enough warriors. Winning or losing in wars is only a moment, and clan talents are long-lasting!

You can't let a general of my department take risks for the sake of a little horned dragon club! "


"It means a strong warrior!"

Thunder Dragon took a look at himself, and made an unprecedented joke: "Warchief, where do you see me ‘take a side’ with Strong?"

Mu Feng accidentally said, "It wasn't you who said, could you kill a giant-toothed tiger by yourself before?"

Thunder Dragon sighed helplessly: "That was what I did when I was in my twenties!"

"Oh, how old are you now?" Mu Feng was surprised.


"It's only thirty-five, if you don't tell me, I thought you were going to be gone!"

Thunder Dragon looked sad...

Because of the accident of the horned dragon, Mu Feng temporarily suppressed the going to the valley.

Now that the dragon is just flat, whether the Thunder Dragon is worthy of trust is not yet known, he needs to observe again.

So after confessing the precautions with Thunder Dragon, he was sent to follow Asuka with three hundred generals and two hundred war slaves to the city to wait.

There, there are the hundred soldiers of the general!

And he took the dragon's horns tied to the general, came to the totem pole and the totem strokes, and looked forward to the dragon's style.

After seeing the image of the majestic dragon, Dragon Horn shuddered.

He naturally saw that the image of "Zulong" absolutely surpassed their Totem Horned Dragon!

Mu Feng saw his expression and turned on his magic stick flicker mode again.

"Lord Dragon Horn, do you know why I didn't kill you?

It is because of our Totem Zulong!

I learned through meditation that a long time ago, my ancestor dragon had many descendants, including husky, horned, flying dragon, azure dragon, Lilong...

Of course, there are some descendants that are not dragons, just like my Ancestral Dragon, including many tribal totems!

According to your offense to me today, I could have killed you.

But Zulong guided me and told me that people of the same ancestor can kill as few as possible, so I keep you...

We are all descendants of Zulong! "

Longjiao was frightened by the bluff, and he was extremely grateful.

He finally knew why he could live till now!

He shouted "ancestral dragon, ancestral dragon", and then knelt down on the ground...

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