Seeing their affectionate looks, more talented people got drunk late at night.

Lin Beifan, on the other hand, carried a huge sum of money, chatted and laughed with the girls, and returned home with a full load.

Ziyue, the princess of Xianyue Dynasty, escaped from the imperial city overnight with her cronies.

After wandering around many places until they were sure that no one was chasing them, they ran towards a quiet and mysterious valley. There was a small village there, which was their hidden residence.

As soon as he came back, he immediately alarmed the people living in the village.

"Your Highness, why are you back?"

"Didn't you go to the capital to settle the score with Lin Beifan's dog official?"

"What happened in such a busy time?"


Princess Ziyue smiled bitterly and said:"My identity has been exposed. For safety reasons, I have to flee the capital!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Your Highness, has your identity been exposed?"

"How can this be?"

"Who else knows your identity?"


"It’s Lin Beifan, the dog official!" Ziyue gritted her teeth and told what happened.

One of the powerful old men said aggressively:"He actually knew the identity of the princess and ruined our plan twice. This person must not be left here. I will kill him right away. he!"

"right! Go kill him immediately!"Everyone shouted

"I can’t kill him! The other party is in the imperial city and is protected by the court! There is an unfathomable master in the family. If I could kill him, I would have killed him long ago. How could I be threatened by him?"Ziyue is very helpless.

Everyone is angry, hateful, and feels very helpless.

"Everyone, let’s put aside the dog official thing for now. There is a more important thing at the moment, which is related to our restoration plan! Ziyue's face became serious:"

Is our current action strategy wrong?" Have the efforts of more than 20 years gone in the wrong direction, which is why progress has been slow?"

"Why did the princess say this?"Everyone is puzzled

"Take this Tianyijiao uprising as an example. First of all, the location was chosen wrong!"

Princess Ziyue explained Lin Beifan's theory.

Everyone suddenly understood.

"After hearing what Her Royal Highness the Princess said, I realized now that I had indeed chosen the wrong location!"

"It is indeed inappropriate to choose a place in Jiangdong, facing the Dawu court! In fact, there is a better choice, and it is good to be in the land of the feudal lord. You can survive in the cracks, accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity!"

"For example, the Wuxi land that the princess just mentioned is very good!"

"The people there are relatively ignorant, making it easier for us to preach! There are not many people, so we can quickly form an army! Moreover, the vastness of the place makes it convenient for us to hide and is not easy to be eliminated!"

"Apart from facing King Wuxi’s million-strong army, there is no downside at all!"

"Why didn't you think of that before? If I had known earlier, I would have chosen Wuxi!"

"Talented princess!"


Princess Ziyue's eyes were filled with admiration from everyone.

Although, this is not what she sees.

But everyone has vanity, and being admired by others still brings great satisfaction. This feeling has never happened before.

"But I think the reason why we failed was because of Lin Beifan, a dog-eat-dog!"

A young man gritted his teeth:"If he hadn't exposed our tricks and destroyed the foundation we had worked so hard to build, great things would have been expected by now! Hateful!"

"Yes, I hate it so much, I can’t wait to kill this bastard Lin Beifan!"

"Without him, our great cause might not have been possible!"

"The dog officer must die a good death!"


A group of people were angry and cursed Lin Beifan.

Ziyue couldn't help but said:"Actually, even without Lin Beifan, our uprising would probably fail! Either it would be destroyed in his hands, or it would be destroyed in the hands of others, even ours!""

"Princess, why do you want to speak for the dog officer?"

"It was obviously him who caused it!"

"I really want to rush to the capital and kill him!"


"Please listen to me explain the reason in detail!"

Princess Ziyue threw out the theory behind Lin Beifan.

After listening to it, everyone was thoughtful and regretful.

"The princess is so right! Pretending to be a ghost and deceiving others is not a long-term solution at all! You can be deceived for a while, but you can't deceive forever. Sooner or later, you will be exposed! Once exposed, our foundation will collapse!"

"Without Lin Beifan, there would be other smart people!"

"A team without experience is simply a mess and cannot deal with the regular army!"

"Timing is also very important! But in the fog, who can see clearly?"

"If you want to establish a qualified reward and punishment system and lead troops in battle, you must have a master of the art of war! But who among us can lead troops to fight? How to do this?"

"No wonder we lost, we didn’t lose unjustly!"


Ziyue concluded:"If you are not sincere in your beliefs, you cannot unite people! If your team is not strong, you will have no fighting power! If rewards and punishments are unclear, there will be no military discipline and military spirit! If you do not have the opportunity, you will not be able to ride on the wind! If your tactics are not good, you will be tired." The three armies are dead! If you don’t have enough money and food, you will be defeated before fighting! Only by mastering these can we be invincible and great things can be expected!"

At this time, a young man looked at Ziyue excitedly:"Your Highness, did you come up with all this? ?so amazing!"

"It must be Her Royal Highness, otherwise who else could it be?"

"With such a wise and powerful princess leading us, there is hope for revenge and restoration of the country! Ha ha!"

"That’s so true!"


Everyone was extremely excited, as if they had seen a bright future!

Only Princess Ziyue felt guilty:"This……"

One of the old men stood up and said with a bright smile:"Although I also want to think about it, the person who proposed these theoretical methods is definitely not Her Highness the Princess! Her Highness the Princess has been wandering around since she was a child, running for great causes, and has not received a relatively systematic education.! Otherwise, the princess would have seen it a long time ago, why would we do this?"

Princess Ziyue blushed.

As the old man said, if she had this ability, she would have pulled up the team in 20 years!

Where are they like now, running around like rats on the street?

"Those who can say this are definitely not ordinary people!

The old man said excitedly:"Your Highness, can you find this person and worship him as a military advisor?" Let him guide us and lead the troops into battle, and we will be absolutely successful and great achievements can be expected!"

"Is he really that powerful?"Princess Ziyue was a little bit harsh.

Although she also admitted that the other party was very powerful!

But when she thought of the other party stealing millions of taels from her, she was so angry that her teeth ached!

"This man is a great talent, his intelligence is comparable to Wolong Kongming! In just a few words, we were able to clear away the clouds, see the way forward clearly, and find the direction for our efforts! The old man was extremely excited :

"I have spent half my life in court and half my life in the military. I have seen all kinds of talented people!" But this is the first time to see such a great talent! If back then, our dynasty could have had such talents as Wang Zuo, it might not have happened.……"

At this point, I burst into tears and couldn't talk anymore.

"Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Xu!"


Everyone expressed their condolences.

This is a highly respected and loyal veteran. When he was young, he scolded Fang Qiu in the court and fought for the cause of the dynasty!

Now that he is old, he is running around with everyone again, working hard to restore the dynasty!

Dedicated your whole life to the dynasty!

He has noble character and selfless dedication, and everyone respects him very much.

"Mr. Xu, stop thinking so much!"

Princess Ziyue comforted her softly,Guang Jianjian:"We will definitely take revenge and restore our country! The Xianyue Dynasty will definitely rise again in the hands of this palace and become powerful in all directions!"

"The veteran also believes that Her Royal Highness the Princess can definitely do it! The old man said with hope:"

However, if we can find that talent, we will get twice the result with half the effort!" By the way, Your Highness, who is this person? Such a great talent will definitely not remain unknown!"

"Yes, who is this person?"

"Your Highness, please tell us!"

"Even if he is tied up, he must be tied up to us!"


Everyone asked curiously

"This person is exactly……"The corner of Princess Ziyue's mouth twitched:"The dog official you call...Lin Beifan!"

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed!

"What? That talent turned out to be Lin Beifan?"

"This super dog official ruined our plans!"

"How could it be him!"

"Princess, are you kidding me?"


Everyone can't believe it!

The old man asked:"Your Highness, is that really Lin Beifan?"

"It's indeed him! There is no need for me to deceive everyone. Luoxia can testify for me!"Princess Ziyue smiled bitterly and told the situation at that time.

After everyone heard it, they still couldn't accept it and felt very uncomfortable!

Such a super bad official and corrupt official is actually a super talent comparable to Wolong Kongming in Mr. Xu's mouth!

Both of them are They can't be connected at all!

Moreover, this big dog official personally ruined their rise plan and turned them into street rats!

If the other party is allowed to be a strategist and command them to lead troops into battle, they will never accept it.!

Mr. Xu sighed:"Alas! I have long heard that Lin Beifan, the new number one scholar in this year's class who won three consecutive prizes, is the most outstanding number one scholar since the founding of Dawu! He is known as a fairy in heaven because of his elegant literary talent and smooth speaking skills! In a short period of time, he was promoted to three levels in a row, and he was able to play both sides of the aisle in the officialdom. He was very trusted by the empress. Now it seems that he is indeed a very capable person!"

"It's a pity that the other party is from the Dawu Imperial Court and is on the opposite side of us! Moreover, he has a bright future and will not abandon his own destiny and start an uprising against us! In addition, he is also a huge greedy person……"

"Such talents will not be used by us!"

"Time is fate, what a pity!"

Shaking her head and sighing, she walked toward the inner hall. Her figure was a bit older.

Everyone dispersed in disinterest.

Princess Ziyue looked at everyone leaving, and saw the disappointed expression of Mr. Xu who had worked hard for the dynasty all his life. She was very unhappy. It feels good.

However, this is the fact. She can't deceive everyone.

Everyone is disappointed. In fact, she is also very disappointed in her heart.

What if that great talent is not Lin Beifan, a bad official?

It's a pity that there is no if!

Fate has played a cruel trick on her What a joke!

In the next two days, Princess Ziyue was sorting out Lin Beifan's theory as her own guiding ideology.

Then the more she sorted it out and thought about it, the more she felt that this method was profound and useful.

At the same time, she also admired Lin Beifan's talent even more. You know, at that time, he just said casually and analyzed the situation clearly, which brought her so much benefit.

If you give the other party time and a chance, it is not impossible to restore the dynasty.

On the third day , Princess Ziyue handed the compiled information to Mr. Xu.

Then, she said to the maid:"Luoxia, let's go back to Beijing!

The maid was dumbfounded:"Back to Beijing?""

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