Another day passed, at dusk, Princess Ziyue returned to the bustling capital with her maid.

"Miss, do we really want to go find Lin Beifan? He knows our identity, and we are still members of the imperial court. Once he reports us, we will be in great danger!"The maid whispered, her face full of worry.

Princess Ziyue looked firm:"In the past two days, I have deeply reflected and found that we have indeed taken many detours, which has led to the delay in restoring the country! I don’t want to waste any more time! I don’t want those who follow me to be disappointed again and again! I don’t want to think that when I die in old age, I still have no way to take revenge!"

"Lin Beifan gave me hope! He is far-sighted and strategizing. With just a few words, he cleared away the clouds and pointed out the direction for us! I believe that if we have his help and guidance, our great cause will surely flourish and eventually start a prairie fire! Therefore, I must find Lin Beifan and take him for my own use!"

"But miss, it’s really dangerous……"The maid said anxiously

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs? When I came, I had already considered all the pros and cons, and the worst possible outcome would be to pay for it with my life! And my life is nothing compared to the great cause of restoring the country!"

Princess Ziyue's firm and unafraid eyes made the maid feel dazed for a while.

Suddenly there was a feeling in her heart that the princess had matured!

"Miss, Luoxia is willing to go with you!"


The two of them whispered and arrived at the Lin Mansion unknowingly.

After knocking on the door and getting permission from the other party, they walked into the Lin Mansion.

At this time, everyone saw this scene.

"That's Miss Ziyue! Miss Ziyue came to visit the Number One Scholar!"

"It's over, girl Ziyue won't also like the number one scholar, right?"

"Probably! I heard that at the poetry meeting a few days ago, Miss Ziyue couldn't wait to drag the number one scholar into the boudoir. For nearly half an hour, the two talked happily and affectionately!"

"My heart hurts so much! Another courtesan was picked by the number one scholar!"

"Can you leave some soup for us?"


Countless men are all heartbroken.

At this time, Ziyue had already walked into Lin Mansion.

Along the way, I felt very strange.

Because there were almost no people in the huge courtyard, it was very quiet.

I have some doubts in my heart, isn't Lin Beifan a corrupt official? He has stolen so much money, why doesn't he hire a few more servants?

Otherwise, what are you doing with so much money?

Just then, she saw two monks, one old and one young, sweeping away fallen leaves.

The young monk looked quite young and had some cultivation skills.

But the old monk looked so ordinary, as if he blended in with the surrounding environment.

If the other party wasn't sweeping the floor, they might not even be aware of the other party.

His heart trembled, he was worthy of being a powerful master!

At this time, the old monk realized that someone was looking at him. He stood up straight and bowed slightly, clasped his hands together, and recited the Buddha's name:"Amitabha! Donor, you are so polite!"

Like the sound of the great avenue, it was deafening and awakened all the thoughts in her heart. Gone!

"Master is right!"Ziyue immediately returned the salute.

She did not dare to neglect the powerful master at all.

After the salutation, the old monk continued to sweep the floor, and Princess Ziyue continued to move forward.

Finally, she entered the lobby and saw three beautiful women. Master Li, the little princess, and Mo Rushuang.

The little princess wrinkled her nose and said somewhat unhappily:"You woman, why are you here?"

"Ziyue has met Princess Yunying, Mrs. Lin, and Miss Rushuang! Ziyue smiled slightly and said with a smile:"My little lady is here to visit Young Master Lin. We have something important to discuss in detail!" The little princess was even more dissatisfied:"What's the big deal between you and that big bad guy? Aren't you just here to fall in love?""

"Little princess! Master Li scolded.

The little princess waved her hand:"Okay, okay, I don't care anymore!" Master Li came over with a smile:"

Miss Ziyue, welcome to the Lin Mansion!" My husband is currently handling some official business in the study. I will take you there right now!"

"Sorry!"Princess Ziyue lowered her head and thanked her.

Several people came to the study room chatting and laughing.

Lin Beifan was a little surprised when he saw Princess Ziyue:"You actually dare to come?"

"Why not? The little girl admires Mr. Lin very much! Especially your talent, I admire you so much as a little girl! Since Mr. Lin didn't come to see me, I had no choice but to pay him a visit!" Ziyue gritted her teeth and smiled.

Seeing Lin Beifan, she remembered that night again, when she was blackmailed by the other party for millions of taels, and she was so angry that her teeth itched!

How long had she ever been so wronged?

This man is really You don’t know how to care for women!

Master Li felt that something was not right, so he pulled away and said:"I will go and prepare tea for you, and you can talk slowly!""

"Master, Miss Ziyue is a distinguished guest, bring me the Golden Dragon Tea!"

Jinlong tea is a kind of top-quality tea. One tael is worth a thousand pieces of gold, but it takes a very long time to brew.

Master Li understood the code and told her that the matter they were talking about was relatively private and it would take a long time. You don't have to come over.

"Husband, I know!"Master Li walked out of the study and closed the door.

Princess Ziyue's maid followed and watched the door outside.

"Okay, there's no one around now. If you have anything to say, just say it! Lin Beifan asked straight to the point.

Princess Ziyue's face straightened up and she said with tears of gratitude:"I have benefited a lot from Mr. Lin's guidance before!" After I went back and thought about it deeply, I felt more and more that the young master was talented and had a deep chest. He was a rare talent for the king!"

"Therefore, I came here this time to worship the young master as a military advisor, to make suggestions for our court and to train troops for combat! In the future, once my great achievements are accomplished, I will definitely worship you as my prime minister, one person below me and one above ten thousand people!"

"Mr. Lin, please don’t refuse! Lin

Beifan shook his head and chuckled:"Miss Ziyue, are you kidding me?" You asked me to abandon my present glory and wealth and splendid future to fight for an uncertain future with you. Do you think this is possible?

Lin Beifan put down his pen and said loudly:"Look, I live in a top-notch mansion now, wear silks and satins, drink palace wine, eat imperial dishes, and I am transported in and out by luxury cars!""

"Although I am only a small fifth-grade sesame official now, I can still control the situation in the court and give guidance to the country! With the Empress' favor, you may not be unable to step into a phase in the future!"

"Now I can say that I have it all!"

"A winner in life, nothing else!"

"But now you are just a group of rats on the street, not only being hunted by the Dayue Dynasty, but also wanted by Dawu. You are homeless and in danger! I'm afraid I'll go crazy before I follow you!"

"So, Miss Ziyue, please come back!"

Lin Beifan waved his hand.

"It is true that the situation is as the young master said. It is very unrealistic for you to abandon all the glory and wealth and bright future you have now and fight for an uncertain future with us! But, Mr. Lin, you have to understand that everything you enjoy now is just a flower in the mirror! Because Dawu is going to be in chaos! Princess Ziyue said loudly:"

In today's Dawu Dynasty, the vassal kings are separatist and have strong military strength. Corruption and corruption are common in the court. There is no peace in the world. There are also major dynasties looking around... There are constant internal and external troubles and they may fall apart at any time!""

"Even if you have great talents, there is no way to save yourself! Under such a general trend, your ability alone is insignificant, and even self-protection is a luxury. It is better to find a way out for yourself as soon as possible!

Princess Ziyue said excitedly:"Master Lin, your talent is very admirable to us!" As long as you join us, we will definitely treat you with the courtesy of a national scholar! Don’t you want to make great achievements? Don’t you want to leave your name in history? We will definitely give you enough space to fully display your talents!"

"What you said makes some sense, but a loyal minister will not serve his two masters! Lin

Beifan was righteous and awe-inspiring:"I have been favored by the emperor and trusted by the empress, so naturally I want to do everything I can to repay the emperor's grace!" If you ask me to betray His Majesty and Dawu, you are betraying my own conscience. This is absolutely impossible!"

Princess Ziyue was very shocked and moved!

I didn't expect this corrupt official who was hated by everyone to be so loyal!

It seems that he is not without merit!

Am I going to fail?

Princess Ziyue has not given up.

She risked her life and returned to the capital, having already made adequate preparations. She immediately took out dozens of banknotes from her pocket, with a total value of 1 million taels, pushed them in front of Lin Beifan, and said very sincerely:"Mr. Lin, As long as you agree to join us, these are yours! If you make great achievements in the future, you will be rewarded heavily! We will never treat anyone with meritorious deeds unfairly!"

Then, Lin Beifan laughed:"Ha! Princess Ziyue, you want to buy me with money, I tell you, NO~~"


Princess Ziyue was confused:"What do you mean?""

"Meaning, no problem! Lin

Beifan quickly put the money into his arms and said with a smile:"Princess Ziyue, this is a great trick!" Except for sugar-coated bullets, I can't be defeated by anything! Nothing can stop you except temptation! From today on, I will be your military advisor, helping you make suggestions! If you have any questions, just ask, I will tell you everything you know!"

Princess Ziyue:" Damn it!"

I had already prepared to go back disappointed, but I didn't expect a sudden turn of events!

One million knocked him down!

If I had known earlier, why did I bother just now?

I wasted a long time talking!

There are also feelings!

Princess Ziyue looked at Lin Beifan and smiled. He opened his face and opened his mouth:"Master Lin, didn't you just say that a loyal minister will not serve the two masters?"

"Yes, a loyal minister will not serve two masters, unless they are both female masters! Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Princess, you are a woman, and you are also a rich and beautiful beauty. I think there is no problem in working for you!""

Princess Ziyue:" Damn it!"

"Didn’t you say you wouldn’t betray the Empress or Da Wu?"

"I did not betray, I just worked two jobs! Things are so difficult and money is getting harder and harder to earn. Can't I just work part-time? Lin Beifan spoke plausibly.

Princess Ziyue:"Fuck!"

The princess asked loudly:"Where is your conscience?" Lin

Beifan waved his hand decisively:"Don't ask, just ask and you won't find it!""

Princess Ziyue:" Damn it!"

"If there is, I hope it is sold by the pound!"

Princess Ziyue:" Damn it!"


Lin Beifan became angry:"Princess, are you finished yet? How long has it been? Does it make sense to still care about these small details? No wonder it hasn't been a big deal for so many years! Let's get to the point quickly. This 1 million can only last Half an hour later, the next time I come back, the price will be recalculated!"

Princess Ziyue:"Fuck!"

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