"dong dong……"

At this time, the sound of drumming came from outside. This was someone coming to report the crime.

Normally, Lin Beifan doesn't need to take care of the case, but he is in a good mood now:"I happen to have time, so let me handle this case!"

Lin Beifan walked to the lobby of the Yamen and saw an attractive man kneeling below. The woman was really wearing some shabby clothes and looked very sad.

Lin Beifan slapped the hall in shock and shouted majestically:"Who is here, please tell me your name?"

"I would like to report to your lord, the daughter of the people, Qi Zhang, came here from Huzhou to complain to the emperor, and please make the decision for the daughter of the people!"The other party kowtowed and said pitifully.

Detian Mansion, where Lin Beifan is located, is the political center of Dawu.

It has very large authority and can accept complaints from all over the country. It is equivalent to a small criminal department.

Generally speaking, the complaints against the emperor come from It was filed here.

If it cannot be resolved here, it will be reported to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and other judicial departments to organize a three-court trial.

"Mr. Qi Zhang, if you have any grievances, tell me quickly! Lin Beifan said

"Yes, my lord!"The other party told her grievances.

She and her husband used to make a living by doing small business in Huzhou. Although they lived in poverty, the husband and wife respected each other as guests and raised eyebrows together, so they lived a happy life.

However, because of her appearance, Because of her beauty, she was attracted by a local Yuanwai Lang.

The other party threatened and lured her, but the couple still refused.

But one day, four masked men smashed up their shop and beat her husband at the same time. She broke her leg.

She immediately reported it to the government, but the local government colluded with the other party and refused to accept her complaint at all. She was also threatened by local bullies, and her life became more and more difficult.

So she had no choice but to come all the way to the capital to complain. The imperial decree

"Sir, this is absolutely not the case!"

At this time, a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes ran in from outside.

"Who are you? Without being notified, he ran into the hall for no reason. What crime should he be punished for?"Lin Beifan's official authority is very tight.

"My lord, he is the Yuanwailang who broke the legs of the civilian woman's husband, and he is asking you to make the decision for the civilian woman and bring the real culprit to justice!"The civilian woman who reported to the official said bitterly

"My lord, she is full of nonsense and falsely accusing good people!"The foreigner shouted loudly:"She kept saying that I harmed her, but she couldn't produce any favorable evidence. Why did she say it was me? I just want to take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail you, and I want you to make the decision for me!

Lin Beifan nodded:"That's it!" Come on, give me 30 hits with the stick!"

Two policemen immediately walked out and held down the civilian woman Qi Zhang.

Mrs. Qi Zhang panicked:"My lord, the civilian woman was unjustly accused! Lin

Beifan waved his hand and pointed at Yuan Wailang:"You have mistaken the wrong person. It is him I want to beat!"

Yuanwailang was dumbfounded:"Sir, why do you want to hit me?" The common people are innocent!"

"Do you dare to say that you are innocent? Lin Beifan was stunned and shouted:"You didn't do it, so why should they sue you?""

Yuanwailang:" Damn it!"

What kind of gangster logic is this?

If the other party accuses me, it means he is a bad person?

Lin Beifan waved his hand again:"No need to say anything, just give me 10 canes first!"

The judge sitting next to him opened his mouth:"Master Fu Cheng, this is a bit suspected of abuse of lynching."……"

Lin Beifan shouted:"I am reviewing the case, please don't interrupt!"

The judge shut his mouth honestly.

Then, two detectives held down Yuan Wailang's body, and another detective came out and beat him hard with a stick, making him scream in agony and in agony, almost killing him half of his life.

After the 10 sticks were finished, Lin Beifan asked:"Ms. Qi Zhang, you said he killed your husband, do you have any evidence or witnesses?" Ms.

Qi Zhang shook her head and said bitterly:"At that time, it was just me and my husband. There was no evidence or witnesses! But the woman recognized it. One of the masked men was a servant of Yuan Wai Lang's family. His name was Liu San. He was highly valued by Yuan Wai and would only obey Yuan Wai's orders.!"

"Sir, you have also heard that she wanted to frame me with no basis at all. I was really unjust! Yuan Wai Lang wailed.

Lin Beifan shouted:"You still dare to talk too much. You obviously haven't been taught enough. I'll give you another 10 canes!""

Yuanwailang:" Damn it!"

Then there was another wailing sound, and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Is Liu San here now?"

"Sir, Liu San followed the officer to the capital!"

"Very good, pass on Liu San!"

A thief-minded servant came up.

When he saw the miserable condition of his master, he was shocked:"Master, what are you doing?……"

Lin Beifan shouted:"Here comes someone, give Liu San 100!"

Liu San was startled again:"Sir, why do you want to hit me?"

Lin Beifan shouted:"Because your master has already done it! He said it was You coveted Qi Zhang's beauty, so you teamed up with others to break Qi Zhang's husband's leg!"

Liu San panicked:"Impossible! How could I do it?"

Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Because I, You surrendered!"

Liu San:"Damn it!"

Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Have you seen the miserable situation of your master? This is the fate of 20 big blows! Tell me, what will happen if you get 100 big blows?"

Liu San was so frightened that he shivered!

The 20 big boards are half-lived, how can the 100 big boards still survive?

The adult in front of me is a wolf killer!

More terrifying than the Lord of Hell!

"Sir, this is unfair! Things are definitely not like this……"

Liu San knelt down with a plop and cried bitterly:"It is true that we did it to Qi Zhang's husband, but if there was no instruction from my master behind it, how could we dare to do it? We are just ordinary people!"

"It was my master who fell in love with Qi Zhang, but he couldn't get what he asked for, so he had to kill her in the end! We are just accomplices, the master is the real murderer, please be aware!"

"So that’s it! However, your master said it was you who did it, and you said it was your master who did it. Who do you think I should believe? Lin Beifan clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"The adults, the children, and the witnesses, they work together with the children, they can testify for the children!"

"Are they all here?"


"Now that they are here, pass them on!"

After a while, the other three people came tremblingly.

Lin Beifan shouted:"Put them into a room for interrogation. If one person's testimony does not match the other three, it will prove that this person is lying. He If you are guilty, give me 100 beatings with the cane first!"

In the end, in order to protect themselves, everyone confessed honestly.

All the testimonies were the same, and they all pointed at Yuan Wailang.

It was the other party who was greedy for Qi Zhang's beauty, but couldn't get it, and became angry with him, so he sent them to beat the other party's husband.

Later, when the other party reported it to the official, they obstructed it even more.

Some of the details were clearly written on their testimony.

"Yuanwailang, what else do you have to say? Lin Beifan shouted

"The common man pleads guilty and please be given a lighter sentence! Yuan Wai Lang shivered.

Lin Beifan was stunned:"Just plead guilty!" According to the crime you committed, according to my Dawu law, you must be beaten with a cane 80 times and imprisoned for 5 years! And he must compensate the injured for all losses and all medical expenses, totaling 300 taels!"

"Yes, my lord!"Yuanwailang lowered his head

"There are four of you, can you plead guilty? Lin Beifan shouted

"The grassroots plead guilty!"The four servants were shivering.

"According to my Dawu law, you must be beaten 50 times with a cane and imprisoned for 3 years as a warning to others!"

In this way, the case was quickly concluded.

"Thank you for taking the initiative for civilian women! Thank you sir! Lord Qingtian!"Qi Zhang cried with joy.

She originally came to the capital to file a petition, but she didn't have much hope.

After all, officials protect each other, and she, a commoner, couldn't win.

Unexpectedly, she met a young adult who solved the case neatly. Not only did he bring the real culprit to justice, but he also helped her get compensation. Happiness came so suddenly!

"Thank you sir! Thank you Mr. Qingtian……"The other party kept kowtowing.

Lin Beifan smiled and waved:"You go down, and then I will let people keep an eye on you until they hand over the money to you!"

"Thank you, sir. The civilian woman has resigned first!"

After the case was over, Lin Beifan smiled and asked the general judge, judge and others present:"Everyone, how is my level of handling cases?"

"Lord Fu Cheng, high! It’s really high!"Everyone gave a thumbs up.

Lin Beifan smiled slightly, very proud of it.

"It’s just adults, what if you hit the wrong person?

A general judge smiled bitterly and said:"You have already beaten others with a cane before the case has been heard clearly. At worst, it can be said to be an abuse of lynching!" It can range from being demoted or demoted, to risk losing your head!"

"This is not a problem! Lin Beifan smiled and said:"When the foreigner came in, I saw a trace of obsession, ferocity, and regret in his eyes!" Obsession is greed for Qi Zhang’s beauty! Fierceness comes from the fact that you can't get it, which inspires the ferocity in your heart! I regret it because I didn’t have time to stop it and let the other party report it!"

"Therefore, I concluded that the other party was most likely the real culprit, so he took advantage of the scheme and directly 'framed' them. Only in this way could he break their psychological defenses and elicit a series of witness evidence!"

"Sir, tall, really tall!"Everyone started flattering again.

"Now, I want to ask you a question! Usually when you encounter such cases, where people sue officials or accuse powerful people, how are they tried?"

"Mr. Fu Cheng, of course, will try the case in accordance with Dawu legal procedures! First ask about the reasons for the case, then call the parties for further questioning, finally look for witness evidence, investigate the real culprit, restore the truth of the case, etc., and finally decide the sentence!"A general judge said eloquently.

"One thing I would like to add to Xiaguan is that as a court official, you must be fair and strict in enforcing laws on behalf of the court, and you must not favor anyone!"An official added

"Yeah? Lin Beifan tilted his head and said with a smile:"But I discovered that my office has taken over many cases of people suing officials and powerful people. In the end, the people were defeated!" Where does this justice and strictness begin? Didn't you just get your money from greed?"

The officials present were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat!

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