"Mr. Fu Cheng is definitely not like this!"

"You misunderstood the official!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"


Lin Beifan shouted:"Stop pretending to me! Who you are, I know better than you! Before you argue, think about how you got the extra hundreds of thousands of taels of silver at home!" The officials present, He stopped talking angrily.

Lin Beifan said angrily:"I'm talking about you! As the saying goes, the emperor's salary is the source of the emperor's worries. You receive the imperial salary. You should not share the imperial palace's worries and enforce the law impartially! But you yourself ignore the law for your own selfishness. You Are you worthy of the imperial court's expectations of you? Are you worthy of His Majesty's trust?"

The officials present lowered their heads one after another.

Lin Beifan continued to reprimand:"The common people have already suffered enough, why do you still use your power to bully others and use your power to oppress others? Common people are very capable of enduring hardship, and many times they will be over after just enduring it! If they really weren't intolerable, how could they sue?" How can officials sue powerful people? Don’t they understand the principle of hitting an egg with a stone?"

"It would be better for you to kill other people's hopes without giving them a way to survive! As parents and officials, are you worthy of millions of Li people?"

The officials were speechless.

"Moreover, what we have read since childhood are the books of Confucius and Mencius, and what we have learned are the rites of saints! The sage tells us that scholars should regard the country, the country, and the people as their own responsibilities, and they should devote themselves to it until death!"

"Where have you gone after reading so many books for so many years? Are you worthy of your own conscience? Aren't you afraid of being stabbed in the back by the common people?"

The officials who were reprimanded all looked ashamed.

"What the adults have taught me is that I am extremely ashamed!"

"I won’t dare to do that again after I’m dismissed!"

"From now on, we will definitely enforce the law impartially, live up to the emperor's favor, live up to the people, and live up to our conscience!"


Lin Beifan nodded happily:"It's not too late to find your way back! But I have considered your difficulties. Sometimes you should be greedy, but you should be a little greedy, otherwise your life will be difficult!" The officials looked at each other, you let me We don’t want to bully the common people, and they tell us that we can be greedy. What does this mean?

Isn't it fishing law enforcement?

One of them asked cautiously:"Sir, what do you mean? I can't understand you, sir?""

"Let me first tell you how you got your money! Lin Beifan said with a slight smile:"It must be that one party gave you a benefit during the trial of the case!" For the sake of each other's money, or because you are afraid of the other's power, you naturally gravitate towards the rich and powerful party. Am I right?"

"this……"No one dared to admit it, but it was equivalent to acquiescence.

Lin Beifan shook his head:"It's too small, your structure is too small! How much money can you steal by doing this? No wonder you have only stolen hundreds of thousands of taels over the years, and you still can't get an official position!"

Everyone looked at each other again in disbelief. , I felt that I was despised by the other party.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that the other person despises you.

The other party had been an official for less than a year, and had embezzled several times more money than them. However, he was promoted rapidly through the ranks, jumping several levels, and now he was riding on them.

Compared with the other party, his life is like a dog's.

Thinking about it, it’s really frustrating

"Mr. Fu Cheng, what should we do?"A general judge handed over his hand and humbly asked for advice.

"You have asked the right person, I will tell you now! Lin Beifan shouted:"If you want to be greedy, you should be greedy for the money of rich people!" If you want to bully, you should also bully someone with power!"

"How much money do ordinary people have? Their entire net worth combined may not be enough for you to eat for one meal! It's better to bully the rich. The combined wealth of thousands of ordinary people is not as rich as one rich person!"

"What power does a white man have among ordinary people? Is it fun for you to bully them? It’s time-consuming, laborious, and of no benefit! It's better to bully powerful people, and you will get pleasure from torturing them!"

Officials:" Damn it!"

"But, how can we be greedy for these people’s money?"An official asked tremblingly.

Lin Beifan said angrily:"How stupid are you, you can't understand such a simple truth? As long as they are convicted and arrested, won't there be room for movement?"

"For example, according to the law of Dawu, Yuanwailang, whom I have just arrested, must be beaten with a cane to 80% and served in prison for five years! Do you think a person like him, who has tender skin and tender flesh and cannot endure hardship, would be willing to pay to avoid being beaten, or would he have to endure 80 yuan?

The officials' eyes lit up:"They must be willing to pay!" Lin

Beifan added:"He will sit in our jail for five years. Do you think he is willing to spend money to eat and drink well, or does he want to eat chaff and drink bad water like others?"

The officials' eyes lit up again:"You must spend money to enjoy it!""

"The conditions in the cell are very difficult and there is no freedom. Do you think he would like to have his sentence commuted and get out?

The officials' eyes brightened:"I definitely want to!""

"So what should he do?

The officials said in unison:"Spend money to commute your sentence!" Lin

Beifan slapped his thigh and said with a smile:"Look, aren't these all opportunities?" As long as we capture them, we can impose conditions within the scope of our responsibilities! This is not a one-and-done deal, it’s gone once the case is over! We can go through it from beginning to end. As long as he can't bear the grievance, he can only spend money continuously!"

In this way……"Lin Beifan smiled proudly:"We can uphold justice for the people, and we are worthy of the court, the people, and our conscience! We can also make a fortune from it, and achieve multiple things with one stone. Isn't it great?"

"grown ups! High, really high!"Everyone gave a thumbs up one after another and was so impressed that they fell to the ground.

"Congratulations to my colleagues! Lin Beifan smiled and said:"So when you try cases in the future, favor the common people!" Ordinary people have a hard life and can easily be killed, so they cannot be bullied! But these powerful people can bully them to death! As long as they are not beaten to death with a stick, they will admit defeat!"

Everyone nodded with a smile, as if they had seen a road to make money open to them.

Lin Beifan whispered:"As long as this is done well, I promise that you can take 20% of the money stolen from them. , the remaining 80% belongs to me!"

Everyone's eyes were shining brightly.

However, one judge was not satisfied:"Sir, can you add a little more?

Lin Beifan smiled and nodded:"Yes, I can give you 80%!"

The other party was ecstatic:"Thank you Mr. Fu Cheng!""

"However, in the future, if you bully powerful people, such as the officials in the court, you will take the lead!"

"Damn it!"

The other party's face instantly turned red.

He, a small official, can't stand it at all!

If anyone pops up, he can be wiped out without even ashes left!

The judge smiled bitterly:" Let Mr. Fu Cheng take the lead! Sir, you are under so much pressure and you should take more, so I agree with both hands and feet!"

"The lower official also agrees that the Fu Cheng should take more!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Fu Cheng!"


"Not hard at all! Lin Beifan said with awe-inspiring righteousness:"Dear colleagues, for the sake of Your Majesty, for the sake of the people, and for our upright hearts, let us all work hard together!" Work hard and die!"

All the government officials were completely convinced!

Look at this person, he can be said to be so fresh and refined when he is greedy for money, so tall and majestic!

No wonder he is so prosperous in the officialdom, he is a person with real ability!

So, under Lin Beifan's Under the chairmanship, all officials mobilized to deal with some old cases first.

People's complaints against officials and powerful people were dealt with first.

After the trial, many powerful people were thrown into jail.

Many involved The powerful people in charge were all frightened.

They wanted to give gifts, but found that giving gifts would not work. The other party looked at them with green eyes, as if they wanted to swallow him.

Others gave gifts and sent them to the hands of the officials in the court. , I hope I can say a few words and be accommodating.

As soon as I learned that the matter was related to Detian Mansion, I immediately returned the gift.

I really can’t afford to offend that person!

It’s better to offend less!

The people in the capital gradually discovered that, Detian Mansion has changed. Instead of being protected by officials, it has become fair and impartial in enforcing the law. It often targets powerful people and safeguards the interests of the common people.

As a result, the common people are becoming more and more courageous and can go forward with confidence and boldness to sue!

For such litigants, Detianfu welcomes and warmly receives them.

We also guarantee that as long as your litigation demands are reasonable and legal, they will definitely redress the grievances of the people and make decisions for the people.

Many powerful people are scared to death!

No! If you don't tuck your tail between your legs, you'll cause less trouble. If the accused gets to Detian Mansion, he will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die!

As a result, the phenomenon of bullying others and bullying has become less common. Everyone acts honestly and according to the rules. The atmosphere of the entire capital has been completely renewed, and the common people's Life was much better

, and Lin Beifan made a lot of money from it, and he lived a happy life.

The officials under him also reaped a lot of benefits, and lived a happy life.

It can be said that from beginning to end, , everyone benefits!

Only those who bully others deserve to die!

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