Dinner is naturally a fish feast.

All kinds of river fish, carp, tilapia, grass carp, bream, silver carp... various ways of cooking, steamed, braised, boiled, barbecued, fried... everyone can eat it Very happy, very satisfied.

Only the empress felt a little uncomfortable eating, and felt a little guilty, because there was always a pair of resentful eyes looking at her next to her.

Under the gaze of these eyes, she felt like a gleam on her back and a stick in her throat.

Finally, he couldn't help it any longer, picked up a piece of fried and fragrant fish, put it in Lin Beifan's bowl, and said with a smile:"Ai Qing, you have worked so hard today! I'll give you a piece of fish to replenish your health!"

Lin Beifan put down his bowl and chopsticks and persuaded:"Your Majesty, you are the king of a country, how can you slack off playing with things? You even forgot about state affairs when you were fishing! The most important thing is that you left me alone in the room and worked tirelessly to review the memorial. , is it appropriate for you to go and play wildly outside? And you ran away for two hours, and you almost forgot about me!"

The empress said embarrassedly:"Dear, I haven’t had so much fun in a long time, so I can’t stop playing! But it won’t happen tomorrow. I will definitely handle the government affairs seriously tomorrow. Dear dear, please rest assured!"

"Your Majesty, you must keep your word!"Lin Beifan said.

The empress said in a sonorous voice:"I am a majestic emperor, and I have a golden tongue. How could I lie to you?"

Seeing the empress' serious look, Lin Beifan believed it!

As a result, on the second day

"Wow! There are many, many fish here too!"

"Get my fishing rod quickly, I want to catch them all!"

"Today, I am going to fish ten tanks!"

"Wow! Catched another fish, the empress sister is so awesome!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"


The empress is having fun again, and she’s even more excited than yesterday!

Lin Beifan once again sat in front of the piled desk, correcting the memorial with a look of emotionless expression.

My heart is full of mom buying batches!


You woman's mouth is deceptive, I really believe your lies!

At this moment, there was a person who looked very cute.

Lin Beifan waved:"Little Princess, why are you here?"

The Little Princess ran over with something in her hand:"Lin Beifan, I'm here to see you! These are the candied fruits and sweet-scented osmanthus cake that I brought to you specially. How about you come and taste it?"

Lin Beifan was very moved:"Little princess, you are the best to me!"

The little princess smiled proudly:"Of course, you are my man, who should I treat if I don't treat you well?"

Lin Beifan:"……"

"Try it quickly. How does it taste?"The little princess brought up the food.

Lin Beifan carefully picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and ate it. The sweet-scented osmanthus cake melted in the mouth and was swallowed in two or three mouthfuls. He also picked up a piece of candied fruit, which was sweet and soft. , not sticky at all.

Lin Beifan nodded repeatedly:"Not bad, not bad, they are all very delicious. I like them very much. Thank you for your hard work, little princess!" The little princess took the opportunity to claim credit:"Lin Beifan, seeing as I've been so kind to you, shouldn't you show something?""

"What does it mean? Lin Beifan asked in confusion.

The little princess blinked her eyes like an experienced person:"You know!""

Lin Beifan was so angry that he was shaking all over!

I treat you as a friend, but you are greedy for my body!

I thought there was a relationship between us, but in the end it was just a business!

Lin Beifan's heart dropped, and he opened his arms in despair. :"Little princess, come on, be gentle to me!"

The little princess immediately rushed over and hugged Lin Beifan like an octopus.

Holding the little man in her arms, Lin Beifan felt more comfort.

Although he was once again abandoned by the empress, there was still the little princess. Still not giving up, he felt a little warm in this empty and cold cabin.

At this moment, the empress's cry came from outside:"Yunying, I caught another big carp!" This carp is very plump and lively. You must love to eat it!"

"Where is it... Sister Empress, here I come!"The little princess slipped out with a whoosh.

Lin Beifan:"……"

Unknowingly, the fleet had sailed more than 100 miles away, left the boundaries of the capital, and arrived at Xianzhou Prefecture.

All the officials of Xianzhou Prefecture, as well as many ordinary people, all came out to pick him up.

"Farewell to Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"Dear dear friends, please be happy! The empress frowned as she looked at the Xianzhou Prefecture officials who were all dispatched and the densely packed people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait:"I have repeatedly warned you on this patrol to travel lightly and not to disturb the people!" Your government officials should each perform their duties, instead of all coming to see me! Except for the main officials, everyone else is here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The officials of Xianzhou Prefecture were trembling.

"And these ordinary people don’t need to make arrangements! I really don’t like this kind of meaningless big scene. It wastes people and money and is very undesirable! If I find out again, be careful with your heads!"The empress shouted.

The magistrate wiped the sweat from his face and said with fear and fear:"Your Majesty, they really were not arranged by the ministers, but came spontaneously! Because the opportunity to meet the Emperor was so rare, I couldn’t help but come after the news spread!"

"That’s it, I can’t blame you for this! However, now that we are busy with spring plowing and farming, we need people in the fields. Send them all back!"The empress waved her hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait were sent back.

The empress also set foot on Xianzhou and began to inspect the construction of Xianzhou.

There were not many people accompanying her, mainly experts.

Along the way, the empress was filled with emotions:" Before I ascended the throne, I once came to Xianzhou and stayed for a few days! Now, only 10 years have passed. There are more people on the street, more houses, and the streets are wider. I almost can’t recognize them! Magistrate Liu, it seems that you have done well in the past few years, so you can mention it to someone higher up! The magistrate of Xianzhou was overjoyed and said with sincere fear:"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty. I am ashamed that I can't deserve it!" In fact, when it comes to changes, they mainly started last year!

The empress was a little surprised:"It only started last year?""

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The magistrate of Xianzhou paid homage and said,"I dare not deceive your majesty. A year ago, Xianzhou didn't actually change much! But in the past year, our country, Dawu, has ended the civil strife, all rivers have been connected, hovercrafts can flow unimpeded, and the transportation of various materials has been accelerated, and the economy has been improved as a result!"

"There is also the promotion and use of cement, a magic weapon for house building, which has released many jobs. Many people have jobs and can afford to live in spacious and strong houses. The economy has once again been boosted!"

"And the imperial court’s methods of recuperation and recuperation……"

"Under these various measures, the changes in Xianzhou are really changing day by day, and the people's lives are getting better and better. These are all due to His Majesty! Long live your Majesty!"

"Long live your Majesty!"All the officials said in unison.

The empress shook her head and smiled in her heart, how can this be her credit?

This is all Lin Beifan's credit. Without him, all these changes would not have happened!

A capable minister has a great influence on the country!

Especially this. A comprehensive and top-notch talent like Lin Beifan has an even greater impact!

He saved a country by himself!

However, Lin Beifan's function can also be regarded as hers! After all, we will be a family from now on, and there is no need to be so arrogant!

Then, Accompanied by everyone, the empress quietly went to the fields to check on the spring plowing situation.

At this time, when spring plowing was busy, the common people had rolled up their sleeves, rolled up their trousers, and some were shirtless and working enthusiastically in the fields. The empress once again expressed deep emotion:"Last year, we encountered a once-in-a-century ice disaster, but luckily we survived! I just hope there will be a good harvest this year and no more hardship!"

"Your Majesty, since last year, we have built many water conservancy facilities with cement, and we have also vigorously promoted various fertilizers and the eight methods of agriculture! In the spring of this year, we are planting high-yielding Taiping rice again. The start is better than ever. There will definitely be a good harvest this year!"Someone advised.

The empress nodded:"I hope so!"

The empress was tired from walking and came to a teahouse not far away to have something to eat.

While resting, the empress did not forget to look at the fields. She felt something in her heart and said with a smile:"Ai Qing, you are the number one talent of our Dawu. , seeing this bustling work scene, don’t you want to recite a poem? Lin

Beifan, who was eating, thought for a while, nodded and said:"That's fine, I'm showing off my shame!""

Amid everyone's expectations, Lin Beifan read the song"Compassion for the Farmers" that has been passed down through the ages. Plant a grain of millet in spring and harvest ten thousand grains in autumn.

There is no idle land in the world, and farmers are still starving to death.

It is noon on the day of hoeing, and sweat drops There is soil under the grass.

Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard work?


After everyone listened, they were greatly impressed

"What a poem, what a poem! The whole poem is very simple and unpretentious, but also sincere and emotional, highlighting all the hard work of the farmers!"

"Especially the last sentence: Whoever eats the food on the plate has worked hard for every grain of it! It reveals the value of food and the difficulties faced by farmers, and educates us to cherish food and not waste it!"

"I also think that the last line of the poem is the best and has the finishing touch!"

"This poem should be spread out and recited by everyone!"

"He is worthy of being our number one talent in Dawu!"


"The poem is a good poem, but……"

The empress looked over with strange eyes and suppressed the smile in her heart:"My dear, it would be more appropriate for you to put down the drumstick on your hand first, then wipe the oil off your mouth, and then recite this poem!"

Lin Beifan:"……"

After only staying in Xianzhou for two days, the fleet continued southward.

Then I visited several state capitals along the way, and I was generally satisfied.

Along the way, Lin Beifan has also used his abilities to improve the weather conditions and soil environment here, so that he can have a good harvest this year.

At this moment, news came from the Great Yan Dynasty in the south.

Daoist Master Kong Kong, the national preceptor of Dayan, has now gathered all kinds of genius treasures and is preparing to refine the elixir of immortality.

This matter attracted the attention of emperors from various countries.

However, when Lin Beifan received the news, his first reaction was——

"Is this unscrupulous Taoist priest planning to run away?"

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