Lin Beifan could tell at a glance what the unscrupulous Taoist priest was capable of.

Although he has some skills, he may be able to refine some elixirs, but he will never be able to refine the elixir of life.

Moreover, the other party also knew in his heart that he knew how much he weighed, so he had been relying on the magic pill to secretly deceive him, and he could survive as long as he could, and he could be greedy as much as he could.

After you can no longer be deceived, switch to another one.

"Now there are rumors that they are going to refine the elixir of life. Maybe they have had enough greed and are planning to run away! It's also possible that Emperor Dayan couldn't wait any longer and forced him to refine the elixir of life. If he couldn't refine it, he would definitely run away!"

Lin Beifan was thoughtful in his heart.

No matter what the possibility is, he will run

"This guy is so useful, we can't let him run away! Lin

Beifan found Tuberose, who was accompanying him, and said,"Tuberose, can you help me go to Dayan Capital to do something?""

Yellow primrose opened the folding fan in her hand with a snap, and while shaking the fan, she said in embarrassment:"You actually ran so far? Prime Minister, aren't you making things difficult for me? Let me tell you, I will never do anything that is not beneficial!"

"Don’t worry, the benefits this time will definitely exceed your imagination! Lin Beifan smiled and said

"Oh~~What is that?"Ye Laixiang asked curiously

"let me tell you……"Lin Beifan leaned close to the other party's ear and told the matter.

Tuberose's eyes gradually brightened

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, I will definitely help you get things done!"

On the same day, he immediately used the Supreme Qinggong and rushed to Dayan Capital, which is thousands of miles away.

Dayan Capital, the Imperial Master's Mansion.

At this time, Taoist Master Kong Kong and his young disciple were busy packing their luggage.

"Disciple, you should hurry up! Don’t take away those big and bulky things. Instead, pick those priceless small items. You can discard all other things! The young apprentice looked at the gold, silver and jewelry in the room and was very reluctant to part with them:"But master, we will lose a lot of money this way!""

"A loss is a loss, it's better than losing your life, right?"

"Master, can you not leave? Taoist Master

Kong Kong sighed, with a wry smile on his face:"Disciple, master doesn't want to leave either, but we can't leave now!""

"Master, why?"The young apprentice asked in confusion.

Taoist Master Kong Kong sighed again:"Originally, with our ability, there is no problem in living comfortably in Dayan for a few years! But who knew that the situation in Dayan would change so quickly?"

"After the ice disaster, the people revolted one after another, all targeting us! They say that we are a demon that is causing harm to the country. We have deceived His Majesty and the civil and military officials of the day, and are plundering the people's wealth and anointing everywhere, making their lives miserable and full of disasters!"

"The most important thing is that under such a situation, His Majesty has become impatient and has given us a deadline to refine the elixir of life! But where can we refine such magic medicine?"

Kong Kong Taoist Master's face was full of bitterness:"If we can't refine the elixir of life and the lies are exposed, the entire Great Flame will not be able to accommodate us, and we will be cut into pieces by His Majesty! Therefore, we must run, otherwise it will be too late! After hearing this

, the young apprentice was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat:"Master, you are right, let's run away!""

At this time, a joking voice sounded in their ears.

"escape? Where are you going to escape to?"

The two people in the room were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat.

Taoist Master Kong looked around with vigilance and shouted:"Who is it? Who is pretending? Get out of here!"

The door suddenly opened with a bang, and a white figure rushed in. He stood in front of the two people, then opened the folding fan with a bang, and said with a smile:"As the saying goes, it's better to come sooner than later. What a coincidence, I didn't expect that this young master would hear such a top secret. This trip is worthwhile!"

"You...who are you?"The empty Taoist priest's face was full of vigilance.

There was a deep murderous intention hidden in those big eyes.

"That’s a good question! This young master will not change his name in office, nor his surname in office. He is none other than Dawu’s royal cat Ye Laixiang!"Ye Laixiang said very proudly

"You are tuberose!"Taoist Master Kongkong and the other two exclaimed in surprise.

"Looking at you like this, it seems that you know my name. I am very pleased! Ha ha……"Tuberose burst out laughing, very proud.

But at this moment, Taoist Master Kong suddenly burst out and came with overwhelming murderous intent.

Ye Laixiang moved around and dodged the killing move of Taoist Master Kong Kong very lightly. She shook her finger and said tut-tut:"Taoist Master Kong Kong, please don't do it! Even the master can't kill me. You don't have this ability! You Do you know why I came here?"

"Why? Taoist Master Kong Kong said fearfully.

Ye Laixiang waved his fan and said with his head held high,"I am here under the orders of the Prime Minister of Wu and the Marshal of the Army, the Loyal and Brave King Lin Beifan!""

"Lin Beifan!!!"Kong Kong Daoist exclaimed again.

He will never forget this person, because it was this person who forced them to defeat Dayan.

Moreover, the other party has been holding his handle.

As long as this handle is exposed, he will definitely You will be torn apart by Emperor Dayan and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

Taoist Master Kong Kong had a bad premonition in his heart:"What did he ask you to do?"

"In fact, you should know what you asked me to do!"Ye Laixiang said with a smile:"He asked me to tell you that if you want him to continue to keep the secret, you have to pay a corresponding price!"

Taoist Master Kong Kong closed his eyes in despair. He knew that this day would come sooner or later.

This greedy corrupt official would definitely not let him go.

"How much does he want?"Kong Kong Taoist asked

"He wants as much as you have! Tuberose pointed at the gold and silver jewelry in the room:"If you offer all these things, it will basically satisfy his appetite!"

Taoist Master Kongxu let out a breath of cold air:"He has such a big appetite!""

The corners of Tuberose's mouth twitched a little:"He has a really big appetite. Even the peerless treasure that I finally managed to steal was stolen by him! Even this young master fell into his hands, so stop resisting and cooperate obediently! Otherwise, once he leaks your information, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Taoist Master Kong's face was uncertain.

At this moment, dozens of plans flashed through his mind, but in the end he rejected them one by one.

Because these methods were useless unless he could escape from the Great Flame immediately. Or have the strength of a grandmaster level, otherwise it will be absolutely doomed!

Taoist Master Kong threw the two packages in his hands with a look of reluctance:"Take it!

Tuberose opened it and said with a smile:"What a wise choice!""

Then, Ye Laixiang ran back and forth several times, and finally emptied the room of all the gold, silver and jewelry.

Taoist Master Kong's heart was bleeding when he saw it.

He spent more than half a year risking his life for this. How dangerous. He spent all his efforts to deceive him.

He thought he could retire and enjoy himself, but in the end, he became someone else's wedding veil.

In other words, he took Dayan from top to bottom. I offended them all, but in the end I didn’t get a single hair out of them.

"Damn Lin Beifan, I'm so incompatible with you!!!"Kong Kong Taoist Master's eyes were spitting fire.

The young apprentice looked at the empty room and said with dull eyes:"Master, are we still running? Taoist Master Kong Kong gritted his teeth:"

Of course I run, I must run!""

At this moment, the door opened with a click, and Ye Laixiang walked in casually. Taoist Master Kong Kong was shocked.

Ye Laixiang quickly said:"Don't be nervous, I'm not a good person.……"

Taoist Master Kong Kong and his young disciple:"……"

"Sorry, I said it wrong! Tuberose patted her head:"Although I used to be a thief, I have now changed into a good person. I am a royal cat who specializes in catching thieves!"

Taoist Master Kong suppressed his anger and said,"Why are you back again?" There is nothing here anymore for what you want!"

Ye Laixiang waved her fan and said with a smile:"Of course I know, but I still have a task and need to perform a play. I hope you will cooperate!"

"What drama?"Kong Taoist Priest asked.

At this time, Ye LaiXiang suddenly took action, and Kong Taoist Priest resisted.

In terms of strength, the first two people both have fourth-grade cultivation, and their strength is comparable.

However, Ye LaiXiang is very good at Qinggong. He was fast and had the knife that Lin Beifan gave him, so he had the greatest advantage. He quickly subdued Taoist Master Kong Kong and tapped his acupuncture points.

His little apprentice was also subdued.

"Tuberose, what do you want to do?"Taoist Priest Kong Kong roared.

"Didn't I just say that I just want you to cooperate and help me put on a play? Don’t worry, the acupuncture points on your body will be unlocked in an hour! This young master is going!"

With that said, he patted his butt and left.

When he appeared again, he had turned into the appearance of the empty Taoist priest. He came to the palace in a dignified manner, and the Dharma Prime Minister solemnly said:"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, I am a poor Taoist priest. Please report important matters to His Majesty, please send a message!"

"Yes, Master National Master!"

Not long after, Ye Laixiang met Emperor Dayan in the palace.

"Imperial Master, what do you mean by your late night visit?"

"Infinite Heavenly Lord! Tuberose said with a solemn face:"Your Majesty, I am observing the stars at night, and on a whim, I feel that the next seven days will be a God-given opportunity to refine the elixir of immortality!""

"Therefore, Pindao plans to fast for seven days in his mansion, calm down, and make preparations to refine the magic medicine! This matter cannot be taken carelessly. Your Majesty is also asked to send some experts to protect the Imperial Prefecture. I am very grateful!

Emperor Dayan was very happy after hearing this:"Okay, okay!" Just make preparations, Imperial Master, I will arrange the other things for you!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty!"Worship the evening primrose.

An hour later, the acupoints on Taoist Master Kong Kong's body had just been unlocked. Chaotian's imperial edict and a group of masters came.

"Emperor Fengtian Chengyun issued an edict: In 7 days, the Imperial Preceptor will refine the elixir of immortality. He needs to fast in his mansion and be calm. I am very relieved, so I sent the imperial court to worship and a group of experts to protect the Imperial Preceptor's mansion! Admire this!"

Taoist Master Kong was completely stunned!

After 7 days, I will refine the elixir of immortality. How come I don't know about this?

Just practice it, why do you need the protection of an expert?

Are you afraid that you can't run away? ?

Taoist Master Kong Kong made insidious inquiries, and finally became extremely angry!

"It must be tuberose! This guy actually pretended to be a poor man to make a speech to the emperor. This is a rhythm that will drive a poor man to death! Pindao and you are at odds with each other!!!"

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