The young apprentice asked in a panic:"Master, what should we do next?"

"What else can be done? Of course it's served cold!"Taoist Master Kong Kong said angrily. Looking at the many masters outside, there were as many as 20 innate masters, including grandmasters. He felt dizzy and dizzy. How could he escape under such a defense?

Xiao Xiao The apprentice became even more panicked:"Master, we can tell His Majesty that Tuberose did this! It was he who pretended to be a master and deceived His Majesty!"

"useless!"Kong Kong Taoist Master's face was full of bitterness:"Even if this matter hadn't happened, His Majesty would have forced us to make elixirs! So, let’s think about how to escape!"

In the following days, Taoist Master Kong was trying his best to escape.

However, they all failed in the end.

Every time he showed his head, he would be discovered by the so-called master here and had to go back home.

This happened every time The whole day has been tortured, like a countdown to death!

On the other side, Tuberose has returned with all the gold, silver and jewelry.

"What this unscrupulous Taoist priest thinks is that it is too difficult to be greedy. He has only been in Dayan for more than half a year and has already stolen nearly 20 million taels of gold, jewelry and genius treasures! When I saw it, I was shocked! Of course……"

Tuberose's eyes turned to Lin Beifan:"Compared to you, he is not even hot enough!"

Lin Beifan looked at the gold and silver jewelry in the room and was very satisfied.

At the beginning, he put in a long line just to catch big fish, but now he has succeeded, and this wave has made his wallet bulging.

"Tuberose, it’s been a hard journey! As agreed, you can pick three things you like! After you finish picking, please send the rest to my house!"

"You're welcome, sir!"Tuberose immediately picked three treasures with joy.

Then she lay lazily on the chair and said with a smile:"After doing so much work for you, I finally see the money back! However, why are there so many things going on? Isn't it better to just kill the demon who secretly and abducted her? Lin

Beifan smiled mysteriously:"He also has wonderful uses!""

Then, Lin Beifan and the empresses were still patrolling the south of the Yangtze River, visiting the mountains and rivers.

Unknowingly, seven days passed.

At this time, Lin Beifan and others had arrived at the southernmost place in the south of the Yangtze River, and they were less than a hundred miles away from Dayan. If you stay here for another day, you can basically turn around and go back to Jiangdong.

That night, Lin Beifan shared a room with Li Shishi and asked him to help cover him. He sneaked out secretly, then walked against the wind and quickly flew to Dayan. The capital.

And this night was also the time for refining the medicine promised by Taoist Master Kong Kong.

That night, the capital of Dayan was under curfew, and officers and soldiers guarded all the important roads, and the guards were very tight. Emperor Dayan led all the civil and military officials to come together The Imperial Preceptor's Mansion welcomed the Imperial Preceptor out of the customs with great ceremony.

"Imperial Master, the time has come! How prepared are you? Can you refine the elixir of life? Emperor Dayan asked with concern.

Taoist Master Kong Kong solemnly said:"Lord Immeasurable Life!" Your Majesty, Pindao is ready! However, the elixir of immortality is the magic medicine that conquers the heaven and earth. Whether it can be successfully refined or not, I can't guarantee. I can only say that I will try my best!

Emperor Dayan nodded understandingly:"National Master, I understand!" Throughout the ages, there is indeed no precedent for Dan Cheng! Even if you give it a try, I won't blame you if you don't succeed!"

Kong Kong Daoist secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just don't blame him!

He has given up the idea of ​​​​running away now and plans to refine the elixir as required.

He will definitely not be able to refine this medicine, but for himself He still has to fool around with his life.

He wants to play a trick.

What do you mean?

It means that in the process of refining the elixir, he will exhaust himself, make him exhausted, make him physically and mentally exhausted, and finally vomit a few times. Lao Xue...

All in all, he looks like he is working very hard and putting in a lot of effort.

In this way, the inability to refine the elixir of life is not a matter of attitude, but a matter of ability.

I have worked so hard, and you are too embarrassed to blame me. Well.

Of course, although the elixir does not have the effect of immortality, it must also add some other effects, such as prolonging life, beautifying and nourishing the liver, curing diseases and saving people, etc., to give your Majesty some hope.

In this way, this can be successfully completed Fool it over.

After you fool it over this time, then consider running away.

"Your Majesty, and all ministers, please come in!"

Under the guidance of the unscrupulous Taoist priest, everyone walked into the Imperial Master's Mansion and came to the courtyard.

At this time, there was a huge alchemy furnace in the courtyard, and his young apprentice was adding firewood below to make the fire blazing.

Alchemy The furnace was burning red, and waves of heat were rolling in.

Next to the alchemy furnace, there were also filled with various genius treasures, Ganoderma lucidum, and many unnamed medicinal materials, which made people confused at first glance. The unscrupulous Taoist priest stood in front of the alchemy furnace, looked at the moon in the sky, and said seriously:"Your Majesty, and all your lords, now is a good time and the poor Taoist is going to start refining alchemy!" During this process, Pindao cannot entertain you all distractedly, so we ask for your understanding!

Emperor Dayan said excitedly:"National Master, what did you say?" You can refine the elixir of life for me, but I am too late to be happy. How can I blame you? The Imperial Master can do whatever he wants, but don’t worry about me!"

"Imperial Master, you can just refine the magic elixir, but don’t worry about us!"

"Compared with the important matter of refining medicine, our affairs are nothing!"

"Imperial Master, please!"


"Thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty and all the adults, let’s begin!"Taoist Master Kong Kong bowed again, then took a deep breath, and walked further to the alchemy furnace, his face more serious than ever before.

Everyone knew that the Imperial Master was about to start refining the elixir of life, so they all held their breath, Look carefully

"The wind is coming!"Kong Kong Taoist Master shouted.

His whole body was shaken, and all his strength was released. The strong wind blew, rolling up the fire in the furnace, and it started to burn.

"Come fire!"Kong Kong Daoist shouted again.

Then he lit a fire in his hand and drove it into the alchemy furnace. The fire burned even more intensely.

"Come on water!"Kong Kong Daoist shouted again.

Water droplets condensed on his hand, turning into a ball of water, which he drove into the alchemy furnace. When the fire in the alchemy furnace met the water, not only was it not extinguished, but it was added to the fire. The oil burned even more vigorously, and the fire soared into the sky. The scene was spectacular.

The people around looked at it intoxicated and were greatly impressed.

"The master's level of alchemy has reached a state of perfection! Every time I see it, I am impressed!"

"Your Majesty, the National Master is a god, and only a god can refine the magic elixir!"

"What Aiqing said is absolutely true!"


Then, Taoist Master Kong Kong threw the medicinal materials placed beside him into the alchemy furnace in a certain order.

Under the burning of the fire, these medicinal materials actually fused together, and then produced a strange fragrance, which gradually filled the room, making people feel refreshed after smelling it.

"It smells so good. Is this the fragrance of red dandelion?"

"Only a true magical elixir can be worthy of such a fragrance!"

"Just one whiff will make you feel refreshed and ecstatic!"


Once again, everyone was full of praise.

Then, Taoist Master Kong rushed to the red-hot alchemy furnace, muttering words in his mouth, condensing thick zhenqi in his hands, then picked up the alchemy furnace and threw it vigorously.

When the alchemy furnace fell, he caught it lightly and then threw it up again.

This goes on and on, like a juggling act.

However, in the eyes of everyone, this scene seemed so enigmatic and contained some kind of mystery, and once again they couldn't help but nod in praise.

At this time, the unscrupulous Taoist priest's face turned red, and then he spit out a mouthful of old blood, which stained the alchemy furnace.

Emperor Dayan was shocked:"What happened to the Imperial Master? Why did he suddenly vomit blood?"

"Your Majesty, this is normal operation! The young apprentice of the unscrupulous Taoist priest said respectfully:"The elixir of life is a fairy medicine that should not appear in the mortal world. It is very difficult to successfully refine it!" Therefore, my master is using his own essence and blood as a guide to refine the magic elixir, which can increase the chance of the elixir being produced!"

"It turns out that the sacrifice of the national teacher is too great!"Your Excellency, the Emperor said distressedly:"When the deed is accomplished, I will definitely reward him generously!"

Then, the unscrupulous Taoist priest vomited out several mouthfuls of old blood, until his face turned pale!

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and they couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

This blood vomiting... is just like diarrhea!

The master has paid too much to refine the elixir of life!

After the deed is accomplished, he must treat the master well!

The unscrupulous Taoist priest secretly saw everyone's expressions in his eyes and secretly smiled in his heart.

Is it distressing? It's okay to feel distressed.!

Look at how much I put into refining the elixir, and even vomited several liters of blood. Don’t blame me if it doesn’t succeed in the end! You’re really smart like me, and you can come up with such a good idea!

Look, it’s already getting late, Play him for another half hour, and you can call it a day!

Thinking of this, the unscrupulous Taoist priest"performed" even harder.

So, another mouthful of old blood sprayed on the alchemy furnace.

At this time, a thick flower floated from the sky Thick dark clouds.

Lin Beifan stayed inside the dark clouds, watching the unscrupulous Taoist priest playing monkey tricks so hard, and secretly smiled:"It's time to add some seasoning to you! The wind is coming!"

Under Lin Beifan's operation, the strong wind blew, blowing sand and rocks, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

Everyone was also shocked.

"Why did the wind blow suddenly?"

"What a strong wind!"

"This is a demonic wind, not normal!"


"Clouds are coming!"Lin Beifan said again.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered faster. It turned out to be only a small dark cloud, but it quickly condensed into a huge dark cloud, covering the capital. There was a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city and threatening to destroy it.

Everyone was once again surprised.

"Is it going to rain?"

"Why does the weather change so easily?"

"Weird thing!"


Emperor Dayan was worried:"Now is the critical moment for refining the elixir of immortality. It is suddenly windy and rainy. What should we do? Will it affect the master's elixir refining?"

Everyone was not sure and did not answer..

The unscrupulous Taoist priest who was performing hard was overjoyed!

This storm comes well, God helps me!

He found the perfect excuse for why he couldn't make the elixir!

Look, it’s windy and rainy, and the weather is unpredictable, which really affects my alchemy!

It’s not that I can’t make the elixir, it’s that God doesn’t give me this chance!

Ha ha!!!

The unscrupulous Taoist priest roared in his heart: Let the storm come more violently!

At this time, Lin Beifan, who was in the sky, rubbed his hands and said excitedly:"It's time to show real skills!"

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