Lin Beifan pointed towards the sky:"Thunder is coming!"

Following Lin Beifan's command, terrifying thunder brewed in the sky, and thunder and lightning crackled loudly in the sky, making those who watched panic.

Emperor Dayan and others looked sad and worried.

"Even thunder and lightning are coming, it looks like it’s going to rain!"

"God is not good at it!"

"It's still windy and thundering, can you still refine elixirs?"

"Could it be that the alchemy was about to fail?"

"What should I do?"


An old minister advised:"Your Majesty, it might rain. Let's go inside to take shelter from the rain!"

Emperor Dayan pointed at the unscrupulous Taoist priest and said,"Then the Imperial Master……"

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Master is an innate master and possesses a unique ability. Everything will be fine!"The old minister advised:"Your Majesty, it's better to go inside the house first, so as not to distract the imperial master!"

"Alas...that's fine!"Emperor Dayan and others walked under the eaves, and then continued to watch Taoist Master Kong making alchemy with a worried look.

However, in such a harsh environment, the unscrupulous Taoist smiled happily.

Even thunder and lightning came, and this time it was safe It's guaranteed that the elixir refining will fail!

Let's rain a little more, and the acting must be complete!

Lin Beifan seemed to hear his call, so he waved his hand, and there was a crash in the sky, and a majestic heavy rain began.

The pouring rain fell on The red-hot alchemy furnace made a hissing sound, and countless steam evaporated, as if it wanted to extinguish the alchemy furnace.

Emperor Dayan and the civil and military officials were even more worried! However

, the unscrupulous Taoist priests were even happier!

God is helping me!

I am indeed God’s father’s favorite cub!

It seems that it is time to call it a day!

He is going to have a soul-stirring ending and draw a successful end to his efforts!

I saw him raise his head , roared at the sky:"God, are you preventing me from refining the elixir of life? I tell you, don’t even think about it! Even if you are God, I still have to go against heaven!"

The unscrupulous Taoist priest raised the alchemy furnace with both hands and expressed his fateful struggle against God.

"For God's sake, come on! I control my own life!!!

Lin Beifan smiled faintly:"I'll help you!""

With another wave of his hand, a purple thunder pierced the sky and hit the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion with lightning speed. Taoist

Master Kong's face turned green on the spot!

I just said it casually, you actually came here for real?

Holding your arms. Just run away from the alchemy furnace, so fast!


The purple thunder fell down, and it happened to land where Taoist Master Kong was. It smashed out a huge deep pit, filled with smoke and earth and rocks. Taoist Master Kong took out a breath with lingering fear. Fortunately, just now I ran fast.

Otherwise, I would have been hit by this lightning, and my skin would have peeled off even if I didn't die.

Then at this moment, Lin Beifan waved his hand again, and another thunder struck down.

Taoist Master Kong's face turned even greener!

Just do it once. Enough, you came here twice?

Once again you ran away with the alchemy furnace in your arms

""Boom!" Thunder and lightning fell again.

Taoist Master Kong Kong once again narrowly avoided it.

He was left disgraced and very embarrassed.

Lin Beifan above the dark clouds sneered:"Let's see how long you can hide?"

As he said that, he rode two bolts of lightning down.

Taoist Master Kong's face turned green to black!

God, you've had enough. Two bolts of lightning came this time. Are you unwilling to kill me?

I'm you. My most beloved cub, how could you do this to me?

""Boom" and"Boom" two thunder and lightning fell at the same time.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest didn't know whether it was luck or the use of his potential in desperation, but he successfully dodged it again, with only a small skin injury.

However, Lin Beifan was addicted to playing. It felt like whack-a-mole.

So, driving the thunder and lightning, one after another fell down.


Taoist Master Kong was jumping up and down, feeling extremely regretful!

If I had known earlier, I would not have provoked God, but for a moment, I was being punished by God!

I just hope that this matter will be over as soon as possible, and then I can burn incense and apologize to God.

And Emperor Dayan and others under the eaves were already confused.

"What's going on? Why are thunder and lightning chasing the national master?"

"It's like it has eyes!"

"This is because you don’t want to kill the Imperial Master!"


Emperor Dayan stretched out his trembling hand:"Dear dear friends, who can tell me what is going on?"

Everyone shook their heads, not knowing how to explain this strange scene.

Finally, everyone looked at the young apprentice of the unscrupulous Taoist priest, hoping that he could answer.

The young apprentice could only bite the bullet and said:"Your Majesty, and all my lords, the master is refining the elixir of immortality. This is a divine elixir that defies the heavens. It is an elixir that should not exist in the mortal world! So the gods descended from the sky. As punishment, come and stop Master from refining alchemy!"

"Oh~~That’s it!"Everyone remembered the reluctance shouted by the

Imperial Master just now, and nodded in agreement. Emperor Dayan sighed deeply:"The elixir of life is indeed a magical medicine that defies heaven. God does not allow it to exist, so it is windy and rainy. , and even attracted thunder and lightning to stop it! It seems that this elixir may have failed!"

Everyone sighed in disappointment.

At this time, Lin Beifan was tired of playing and was about to fire a big one.

I saw his hands holding a few thunderbolts each, and then smashed them down together.

The huge thunder pillars, It almost lit up the sky!

However, the unscrupulous Taoist priest was so frightened that his face turned pale!

It seems that I can't escape this time, and my life is at stake!

Emperor Dayan and others who were hiding on the beams, at this time He was also so scared that his face turned pale!

"Your Majesty, get out of here!"

Two court ministers suddenly appeared in front of Emperor Dayan. One grabbed the emperor's shoulders and fled quickly, while the other helped the officials block the incoming thunder.

As for the national master who was in the center of the thunder, they could no longer care about it. Up!

The thunder finally fell


They all hit the unscrupulous Taoist priest and the alchemy furnace in his hand.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest let out a miserable cry.

The alchemy furnace exploded with a bang.

Then at this moment, a golden light emerged from the alchemy furnace.

Floating in the air, bathed in thunder and wind and rain, exuding bright light, sacred and inviolable!

Everyone took a closer look and found that it turned out to be a round golden elixir!

And it’s really amazing that it can float in the air without any support!

"That's...the elixir of life!!!"

This sentence rose up in everyone's heart.

Only the legendary elixir can have such miraculous and inexplicable performance.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's breathing became rapid!

This is the legendary elixir. , as long as you eat it, you will have the chance to live forever and become an immortal!

This is an irresistible temptation for anyone!

"quick! Please help me get the magic medicine!"Emperor Dayan said anxiously

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The masters of the imperial court were dispatched one after another.

Especially the two ministers of the imperial court took the lead and flew towards the magic pill.

However, at this time, more than a dozen top masters rushed in from outside the house, and they also rushed towards the magic pill..

It turned out that they were all people from all walks of life lurking in the Great Yan Capital City, and they had long noticed the situation in the Imperial Master's Mansion.

Seeing that the unscrupulous Taoist priest had really refined the magic pill, they took action without hesitation.

People from both sides They refused to give in to each other and started fighting over the elixir of life.

Emperor Dayan shouted angrily:"Call all my masters here quickly! Anyone who dares to steal my magic medicine will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Team after team of imperial soldiers and horses rushed over.

The two sides fought fiercely, bloody and bloody, with blood flowing into rivers and corpses everywhere.

In the end, Dayan was the better one, eliminated all the enemies, and obtained the divine elixir. Ownership.

However, just when the court was enshrining the magic elixir for grasping, several thunderbolts struck from the sky and destroyed the elixir.

Emperor Dayan cried out heartbroken:"No! My miracle medicine!"

The wind stopped, the rain stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and Lin Beifan patted his butt and left.

Only the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion with broken pieces of jade was left, full of corpses, scarlet blood, and the mournful Emperor Dayan.

That day What happened that night quickly spread throughout the world, and the whole world was shocked!

"Daoist Master Kong Kong, the national preceptor of Dayan, actually refined the elixir of life!"

"However, when the elixir was completed, he was punished by heaven because God did not allow this heaven-defying magic medicine to exist!"

"On that day, there were many experts trying to grab more elixirs, but they failed in the end!"

"But despite this, no one can succeed! Because it is a pity that the miracle medicine was destroyed by God!"

"It’s a pity indeed, it almost happened!"


Although many people felt sorry, their thoughts were alive.

You know, this is the elixir of life!

For countless years, countless emperors and heroes have refined the elixir of immortality, neglecting food and sleep, and paying countless huge prices, but none of them have succeeded!

Everyone has always felt that the elixir of immortality is a magical medicine that can defy the heavens and cannot be refined at all.

However, this time, everyone's understanding was broken.

Someone actually refined the legendary elixir!

Although it was ruined in the end, this was the closest to success!

As long as we follow this direction of research, and then make more preparations to resist the natural punishment of the elixir, won't we be able to refine the legendary elixir of life?

The more I think about it, the more excited I become, and I can’t remain indifferent!

Therefore, various emperors and ambitious people sent spies one after another to inquire about the method of refining the elixir.

Even if you pay a huge price, you won’t hesitate!

The world has become more chaotic because of this!

At this time, the Empress, who was boating on the lake with Lin Beifan, received an urgent message from Dayan.

After reading the news, he handed the note to Lin Beifan with a faint smile:"Aiqing, do you think there is an elixir of immortality in the world? Do you think Dayan has really refined the elixir of immortality? ?"

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