As the prime minister of the dynasty, Lin Beifan personally gave the order, and the local prefect and officials immediately took action.

The first point is to post an official list to prohibit others from approaching the river.

This matter broke out in the city

"We are not allowed to get close to the river. Are we going to die of thirst?"

"that is! How can we live without water?"

"We are currently farming and need water very much. How can we farm without water?"

"I have to go out to fetch water for washing clothes and cooking. You tell me that I can’t use water. What should I do?"

"Who gave this order, so inhumane?"

"Is this how the government does things?"


Everyone complained and was very dissatisfied.

The official stood nearby and said loudly:"Folks, please calm down for the time being, we understand you very much! But the reason why we do this is that we have no choice but to do so! Because our river water is polluted, and there are poisonous insects in it. You will get sick! If not treated in time, you may become seriously ill and die!"

"This disease is called worm disease, and is also called schistosomiasis by the Prime Minister. It was once widespread in Jiangnan, and tens of thousands of people were infected each time! Once infected, you will experience vomiting, diarrhea, fever, dizziness, and severe cases may be life-threatening! So for the safety of the people in the city, we have to do this!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone panicked again.

"Hundreds of thousands of people are infected. Is it that serious?"

"And he will die, so don’t be alarmist!"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are not scared!"


The official said loudly:"This matter has been confirmed by the Prime Minister and several well-known doctors. It is absolutely true! If you don't believe it, you can go to the medical clinic and have a look. It is clear at a glance whether it is true or false!"

Listening to the official's words, he looked conclusive. , everyone gradually believed it

"But even if there are insects in the river, we still have to drink water, otherwise we will die of thirst!"

"Yes, we can work together, but how to solve the water problem?"

"Otherwise, we will die of thirst before we catch the disease!"


"Dear fellow villagers, we have long considered your water problems! The official said loudly:"Only boiled water is safe to drink!" Therefore, villagers have the conditions to boil water at home and can boil water themselves to solve the problem of drinking water! If this condition is not available, our government will boil water and supply it to you!"

Hearing that there was water to drink, everyone finally calmed down.

"Dear fellow villagers, we are seizing the time to clean up the river water and get rid of the bugs in it, so that everyone can get closer to the river water! However, due to the shortage of personnel, we are now recruiting people with water connections from all over the city to go to the river to find the source of insects and kill them! The bug problem will be solved as soon as possible, and everyone can use water normally as soon as possible!"

"Our work is not free. We are responsible for three meals a day during work! If you find the source of the insect, you will also be rewarded with money! We hope you will support our work!"

When they heard that the government was in charge of food, and there were rewards for finding the source of insects, many people's eyes lit up.

Since we can't use water now, we have nothing to do when we are idle, so just do it!

The government will cover three meals a day, and if you find it, Chongyuan also has additional rewards, which is not a loss no matter how you look at it.

So, many people signed up enthusiastically.

"Count me in!"

"I am good at water and am known as the Little Baitiao in the Waves!"

"I can swim since I was a kid!"


So, this group of ancient volunteers were taken to the river to look for snails.

Once the snail is found, all the soil around the snail is immediately dug out, dug to the shore and burned.

On the other side, the imperial court organized a large number of people to boil water and supply it to the people in the city.

Although the workload is huge and consumes a lot of firewood, these are difficult times and this has to be done.

In the medical center, it is basically overcrowded now, but more and more people are getting sick.

Originally, less than a hundred people were sick, but now the number has reached three to four hundred.

Generally, when seeing such a situation, everyone will be very panicked.

However, when he saw that the then Prime Minister Lin Beifan was here, his face was so calm, as if there was nothing he couldn't solve, and his mood gradually calmed down.

Lin Beifan was indeed calm. With successful experience from another world, he firmly believed that he could win this battle.

It was this confidence that deeply infected the people around him.

At this time, confidence is more important than anything else.

The empress walked over slowly, looked at the wailing patients, and said with some worry:"My dear, can this situation really be contained? Look, there are already so many people here.……"

"Your Majesty, it can definitely be done! Lin Beifan said confidently:"Now is the outbreak period. People who have been infected before have been exposed. Fortunately, we found it in time!" Once we clean up the snails in the river and improve hygiene, schistosomiasis will be solved!"

"good!"The empress nodded.

"But Your Majesty, we may have to stay here for a few more days and delay our trip! Lin Beifan said.

The empress shook her head and smiled:"These are all trivial matters!" As long as we can solve the disease and save the people from suffering, what if they stay a few more days?"

"Your Majesty, you are a wise king! However, the minister may be busy dealing with this matter and really has no time to attend to it. He cannot review the memorial. I hope your majesty will understand! Lin Beifan said eagerly.

The empress rolled her eyes.

This guy is still thinking about being lazy.

However, the other party is indeed working hard, so let him be lazy for a few days.

In this way, after one day, three hundred more patients will be added. On the second day, another 400 patients were added.

On the third day, there were also 300 patients.

Seeing such an increase in speed, everyone was frightened.

However, Lin Beifan remained confident:"Everyone, hold on! The sun is always thereAfter the rain, the difficulties will soon pass, and we will definitely have a day of victory!"

Perhaps it was Lin Beifan's words that played a role.

On the fourth day, the number of people dropped to just over 200. On the fifth day, there were only 100 people.

On the sixth day, there were only a few dozen people.

Every day after that, there were basically only A dozen or so people. In this way, everyone finally saw the dawn of victory.

All this shows that Lin Beifan's policy worked, and he curbed the spread of schistosomiasis.

At this time, the people infected with schistosomiasis , under the treatment of the doctors, has gradually improved.

Some young people with relatively good health have recovered and returned home.

All this has strengthened everyone's confidence!

Lin Beifan once again shouted:"Folks , if you bear with it a little longer, we will win soon!"

"The Prime Minister is right!"

Seeing hope, everyone felt better and their emotions were very stable.

At this time, good news came from the Jinsha River outside.

After two searches and salvages, basically all the snails have been found. , and has been burned.

It has been searched for the third time now, and the snails can no longer be found.

"Prime Minister, can the Jinsha River be opened now?"The prefect asked expectantly.

His thoughts also represented the thoughts of the common people.

Lin Beifan was very happy, shook his head and smiled:"Don't be anxious, find some livestock and poultry to try first, if there are no problems after a week, then It proves that the water here is clean and you can drink it with confidence!"

"Yes, Prime Minister!"Everyone was happy.

In this way, a week has passed.

During this week, the livestock and poultry that drank the river water continuously showed no abnormality.

This basically means that the water here is clean and can be drunk normally.

In addition, On the other hand, there were no new patients in the hospital, but more and more people were cured, and everything was getting better.

So, two weeks after the discovery of schistosomiasis, Lin Beifan was treated as a patient who had recovered from the disease. Among them, it was announced that the plague of poisonous insects was over and everyone could live a normal life.

Everyone was happy and very excited.

"Great, the bug infestation is over!"

"It only took us two weeks to eliminate the bugs! Ha ha!"

"Finally living like before!"


One of the old doctors was so excited that he burst into tears:"This is really a miracle! From ancient times to the present, everyone has been helpless in the face of coyote disease! But today, it has been eliminated under my eyes!""

"Yes, it is really unbelievable that the upcoming outbreak of the worm disease was actually contained! Thank God for blessing!"Another doctor said

"It’s not God who bless you, but the Prime Minister! The Prime Minister was wise and brave, discovered the disease in time, and led us all to defeat the Gu insect! From now on, we will no longer be helpless when facing the poisonous insects in the water!"

The doctors and people familiar with the matter all looked at the young man with an indifferent face, and their hearts were filled with excitement.Feeling of reverence.

It was him who led everyone to win this impossible battle!

He is a miracle!

The empress was also very excited:"My dear, this method is very good and should be applied to the whole country, especially the Jiangnan area that is often hit by disasters! With this method, Jiangnan will no longer be plagued by poisonous insects!"

Lin Beifan said with a smile:"What your Majesty said is absolutely true! However, we still focus on prevention! Discover the snails and diseases in time, and then eliminate them in time to nip them in the bud. This is the real way!"

"Aiqing, you are right!"The empress nodded, and asked people to record Lin Beifan's prevention and control methods, and then spread them to all the prefectural government offices, asking them to act according to the above methods.

"My dear, you have made another great contribution. How do you think I should reward you? Apart from holidays, I reward you with everything!"The empress smiled. In those beautiful eyes, she seemed to have seen through Lin Beifan.

"Your Majesty, I just want a vacation! I don’t want more, just 10 days or half a month! Lin Beifan said eagerly.

The empress said angrily:"You have a beautiful idea!" You've been off for so long, come back to work!"

The fleet set off again, this time the target was Northern Hebei.

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