This trip to northern Hebei didn't have any major events and it went very smoothly.

However, a small incident happened in Baixiang Kingdom that affected the whole world.

In order to pay the tribute to Dawu on time, King Baixiang had to exploit and suppress the people in the country, which caused widespread resentment and made the people miserable.

But now, since the elixir of life came out, King White Elephant's heart was moved.

Although he is just a king of a small country, he also has the dream of immortality!

Therefore, for the great cause of immortality, we have to harvest all kinds of geniuses and treasures like other countries.

Other countries did not dare to bully, so they could only bully their own people, which led to more chaos in the country and people's livelihood.

The people living in Baixiang Kingdom are miserable and have regretted their actions for a long time.

He wanted to escape from this place of misery, but was quickly captured by the officers and soldiers of the White Elephant King.

I want to start an uprising, but I don't have the strength.

The most capable and daring people who dared to resist had already gone to Dawu to open up wasteland and farm. Those who were left behind were all people with little ability. They could not organize a strong resistance at all and could only be oppressed by the White Elephant King.

As a result, their uprising was quickly suppressed, and their lives became even more difficult, with no chance of success.

Finally, some martial arts warriors passing by couldn't stand it anymore.

When the road is rough, draw your sword to help.

Under the opponent's force, some imperial officers and soldiers were finally killed, and a suffering citizen of Baixiang Kingdom was rescued.

"Now that you are free, run away for your life!"The hero advised.

However, these people of the White Elephant Kingdom had no intention of leaving at all, and looked very numb.

The hero was stunned:"Why don't you leave? If you don't leave, the imperial officers and soldiers will chase you!"

One of the elders sighed deeply, with a bitter look on his face:"The sky is so big, where can we escape to? We are just ordinary people. No matter where we run, we can't escape from the White Elephant Kingdom. We will eventually be captured by them! After being captured, life will only become more miserable!"

"Yes, many of us have escaped, but they were all caught!"

"After being captured, life became even more difficult!"

"Some people escaped twice in a row, but still couldn't escape the court's law! In the end, he was beaten to death and screamed all night long!"

"well! What a sin. If I had known, I would have gone to Dawu!"

"Yes, there is nowhere to escape now, we can only wait to die!"


The ranger was even more stunned:"Are you just waiting here to die?"

"Otherwise, what else could be done? The old man sighed again:"Unlike you, we have strong abilities and can live freely and do whatever we want!" The faster we escape, the faster we will die! The old man waved his hand:"

Hero, let's go!" We know you are kind-hearted, but can you help us for a while or for a lifetime? So, you'd better go and ignore us!"

"Yes, let's go! If the imperial army comes, you may not be able to leave!"

"Come on, it's time for us to get to work!"


Everyone grabbed hoes and shovels one after another and continued to cultivate and work.

My eyes are numb, like a zombie.

For the first time, the ranger discovered that he had no skills, but he could not save the world and the people!

As they said, they could save them temporarily, but could they save them forever?

If we can't save them, it will only make their lives more miserable!

The ranger felt very powerless. He had no intention of saving people and didn't know what to do.

He shouted loudly:"Tell me! Tell me how to save you!"

The people were also confused. They didn't know how to save themselves. If they had known earlier, this would not be the case.

"Maybe there is a way, but this way is difficult!"The old man sighed

"any solution?"A glimmer of light flashed in the ranger's eyes.

"Go find the Prime Minister of Dawu! Back then, he brought more than 2 million compatriots to Dawu and lived a good life! If anyone can save us from suffering, maybe it’s just him!"There was a glimmer of hope in the old man's eyes.

"Yes, go to him, he can save us!"

"He is our only hope!"


A glimmer of light also flashed in the numb eyes of other people.

Prime Minister Dawu was the largest official they had ever seen. He was more noble than their king and had greater power.

In their simple understanding, he may be the only one who can deal with their king.

At first, the other party was able to rescue 2 million people from the White Elephant King, and now it is also capable of saving them.

"Prime Minister Dawu? good! I'll go find him right now!"

The ranger left Baixiang Kingdom with everyone's expectations and came to Dawu to look for Lin Beifan.

He learned that Lin Beifan was not in the capital and had already followed the empress to patrol the world.

So he followed Lin Beifan's traces and traveled almost half of Dawu.

Along the way Come, let him feel very deeply

"Three years ago, I came here and found that the vassal kings were separatist, corrupt officials were rampant, the war was in chaos, and the people were in dire straits! Unexpectedly, in just three short years, earth-shaking changes have taken place here. The separatist situation between feudal lords has ended, the number of corrupt officials and corruption has decreased, the situation has stabilized, and peace has prevailed, and smiles have appeared on the faces of the people.……"

"Everything has changed for the better, so much so that I can’t believe it! In comparison, other countries are getting worse and worse, alas!"

"All this seems to have started to change since Lin Beifan took office!"

"This person is really strange! Call him a corrupt official, but he has done so many good things for the people! Call him a loyal minister, but he is greedy and known to all the world. It is not an exaggeration to call him the most corrupt official in the world!"

"Oh, it’s really strange! Forget it, don’t think about it so much, it’s important to find someone first!"

The other party finally arrived in northern Hebei and saw Lin Beifan who was accompanying the empress on a sightseeing tour.

However, he was stopped by the accompanying officers and soldiers.

The ranger did not dare to use force for fear of offending Lin Beifan.

So he raised his hands and shouted loudly :"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, the common people have something important to report to you! Please take some time out and listen to what Cao Min has to say. Cao Min will be grateful!"

Lin Beifan and the empress looked at each other.

"Your Majesty, I am going to take a look and hope you will approve it!"

"Go ahead, go early and come back early!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!

Lin Beifan walked over with a smile and asked:"Who are you?" What do you want to do with me? If you can't tell me what you are, I will punish you for disturbing you!"

The ranger said in a deep voice:"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister, Liu Haotian, a common man, is a ranger! This time, the grassroots came here for the people of Baixiang Kingdom.……"

Ranger Liu Haotian told what he saw and smelled in Baixiang Kingdom, and the more he talked about it, the more indignant he became.

"In the current Baixiang Kingdom, under the rule of King Baixiang, all life is in ruins and the people are in dire straits!"

"The grassroots once rescued a group of people, but surprisingly, they all went back! Because for them, running away means death, but if you don't run away, there is still hope of survival!"

"Cao Minkong has superb martial arts, but he has no power to save others, alas! Sad and deplorable!"

"They say, only you, adults, can save them!"

Liu Haotian cupped his hands and said very sincerely:"So, the common people came with their expectations! I hope the Prime Minister can come to the rescue, and the common people will be grateful!

Lin Beifan sighed:"I already understand your purpose of coming!" You are a person of high righteousness and I admire you very much for traveling thousands of miles to find me! However, what you are talking about is the matter of Baixiang Kingdom after all! I am an officer of Dawu. Is it not appropriate for me to take action?"

"this……"Ranger Liu Haotian was speechless

"Once I take action, I will interfere in other countries' internal affairs! It’s not easy to explain to your majesty or the world! It may affect Wu Shamao at the least, or lose his head at the worst. There is really no need for me to take such risks for the people of other countries! Moreover, this matter is difficult and not easy to solve, so you can go back and forgive me for my inability to solve it! Liu Haotian was anxious:"

But Prime Minister, they said that only you can save them!"

Lin Beifan looked calm:"I can indeed save you, but I can't!" As for the reason, I have already mentioned it above, so I won’t say more! Another point is that we met by chance. This is just a one-sided statement from you. Who knows if you are deliberately deceiving me? So from a emotional and logical point of view, there is really nothing I can do to help!"

Liu Haotian became even more anxious:"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, we swear on the lives of our entire family that we will never lie, otherwise we will be struck by thunder and die!""

"Even if what you say is true, I can't save you.……"

Liu Haotian knelt down with a plop:"Please take action, sir, to save the people of Baixiang Kingdom! They really have no way to survive. Only you can save them!"

Lin Beifan was a little moved:"There is gold under the man's knees. You are here for someone you don't know." People from other countries are actually willing to kneel down? Hero, please get up quickly, I cannot accept such a great gift!"

As a result, he couldn't be pulled.

"As long as we can save all people, what does a small personal honor and disgrace mean? Please ask the Prime Minister to come to the rescue!"The other party bows

"He is a good man with high righteousness and his character is as noble as a lotus flower. I really admire him! I am not an unreasonable person either.……"

Lin Beifan finally relented:"Well, if you can get the petition from millions of people in Baixiang Kingdom, I am willing to take the risk and persuade your Majesty to send troops to rescue the people of Baixiang Kingdom!"

Liu Haotian was overjoyed:"Okay! Thank you, Prime Minister, for your help. The common people will collect petitions now!"

The other party bowed again and left excitedly.

After Lin Beifan returned, the empress asked curiously:"What are you talking about? Why did that man cry, laugh and kneel down?"

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Your Majesty, his name is Liu Haotian. He came from afar in the hope that I will take action to rescue the people of Baixiang Kingdom. Common people! Our plan to swallow the elephant may be about to come true!"

"real? That’s a great thing!"Empress Long Yan was delighted:"We have almost finished playing outside, now let's go back to the palace!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So, they set off back to the capital.

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