On the other side, Liu Haotian gained hope from Lin Beifan and immediately rushed back to Baixiang Kingdom excitedly.

Tell this good news to the people of Baixiang Kingdom

"Folks, I have met Mr. Lin, the Prime Minister of Dawu! After my persuasion, he agreed to take a chance and convince His Majesty to send troops to rescue everyone!"

The people of Baixiang Kingdom are filled with disbelief.

"Really? Did the Prime Minister really agree to come to rescue us?"

"You didn't lie to us?"

"Hero, this kind of joke is not allowed!"


Liu Haotian nodded excitedly:"It's absolutely true! However, this matter will have an impact on his career, and he doesn't really believe what I say, so he asked to see a million petitions before he came to the rescue!" They suddenly cheered for joy

"Great, the Prime Minister is willing to take action!"

"We are finally saved! You can live a good life!"

"Where is the petition, I sign it!"


Liu Haotian immediately spread out a huge white cloth and said:"I have prepared the materials, but the petition has not been written yet!"

"Let me... write this petition!"An old man who seemed to have read a lot of poems and books stood up.

He looked old, his eyes were a little dim, and his steps were a little staggering, but his hand holding the pen was very steady, and he wrote on the white cloth meticulously, stroke by stroke.

Although it seemed like there were more than a hundred words, it took him half an hour to write.

When he finished the last stroke, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He touched his back and was already sweating profusely.

"Okay, next is……"

The old man bit his finger and let the blood flow out, then pressed it on the white cloth, leaving his own red fingerprints.

When other people saw what he was doing, they all bit their fingers and pressed their red fingerprints on the white cloth.

In less than a moment, the newly written petition already had hundreds of red fingerprints on it.

Then, the old man rolled up the petition carefully and handed it to Liu Haotian's hand, filled with hope and tears:"Hero, I'll leave it to you!"

"Please, Master Liu!"Everyone said in unison.

Liu Haotian took the petition with both hands, as if he had taken over a heavy burden, and said seriously:"Don't worry, everyone! After I collect petitions from millions of people, I will hand this book to Prime Minister Lin and ask him to send troops to rescue you!"

"Thank you, Daxia Liu!"The old man bowed deeply.

Liu Haotian put the petition in a waterproof bag, carried it on his back, and said with cupped hands:"Everyone, please take care and wait for my good news!"

Three steps and two steps at a time, he left the village with everyone's good wishes.

Then, Liu Haotian worked tirelessly throughout the Baixiang Kingdom to collect petitions from the people.

The people who learned about the situation all supported it and sent their petitions one after another. His bloody fingerprints were left on the petition.

There were more and more bloody fingerprints on the petition, and they were so dense that they were hard to count.

However, Liu Haotian's move finally alerted the court of the White Elephant Kingdom.

The White Elephant King was furious and sent troops to chase him. , and at the same time, other people were not allowed to continue to contact Liu Haotian, and violators would be severely punished.

Fortunately, Liu Haotian had good martial arts, otherwise he would have died in the White Elephant Kingdom.

But even so, it also delayed a lot of his efforts.

It took a month to finally After collecting millions of wishes, he took this petition all the way to Dawu Capital and met Lin Beifan.

"Prime Minister, this is a petition from millions of people in the White Elephant Kingdom, and I ask you to save them!"Liu Haotian spread out the petition in his hand with excitement.

The petition was more than four feet long, almost filling up the room. The text of the petition only had more than a hundred words, but the handwriting was very neat, and each word Every word contains an accusation against the Baixiang court and an ardent request for Lin Beifan, which makes people moved.

In addition to the main text of the petition, there are dense bloody handprints underneath, which conveys a stronger The smell of blood

"These... they bit off their own finger prints, so they don't smell very good. Please forgive me, Prime Minister! Liu Haotian cupped his hands and said

"I understand very well that these are their accusations of blood and tears! Lin

Beifan's face was heavy:"Only when you are deeply hurt and have no hope of raising your head, would you make such a request!" Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Liu. Tomorrow I will bring this petition to the palace and ask Your Majesty to send troops to save the people of Baixiang Kingdom!

Liu Haotian was overjoyed:"Thank you so much, Prime Minister!""

On the second day, Lin Beifan brought this petition to the palace to meet the saint.

"Your Majesty, in the past few months, the White Elephant King has neglected the people under his rule, imposed excessive taxes and plundered, causing the people of the White Elephant Kingdom to live in dire straits and live in dire straits! This is a million-dollar petition they sent, asking us to send troops to rescue us!"

With that said, she opened the thick letter of petition.

When the empress and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty saw the dense bloody handprints on it, they were all moved.

The empress asked:"Ai Qing, what do you think? Lin

Beifan's face was solemn, he cupped his hands and said:"Your Majesty, although the people of Baixiang Kingdom are not my subjects, but they have a heart for me and voluntarily surrender to me, then they are our subjects!" We have to take care of our people! Therefore, Wei Chen’s opinion is... send troops!

The empress nodded in agreement:"What Ai Qing said is absolutely true!" I cannot bear to see our people being oppressed and humiliated in other countries! My dear, you are the marshal of the country's troops, and you will be responsible for this matter!"

"I obey the order! Lin Beifan said loudly.

As soon as the two sang and harmonized, the matter was settled.

None of the officials in the court objected, because this was originally part of the plan to swallow the elephant.

When it was time to expand the territory, the major military generals sat down Unable to hold on any longer, he visited one by one, hoping to catch a ride with Lin Beifan and make great contributions.

Lin Beifan ordered all the soldiers and set off immediately.

It took about a week to travel across the land of Wuxi and arrived at Qinglong Fortress.

Then, 10 armies were gathered from Qinglong Fortress to prepare for the expedition to the White Elephant Kingdom.

After everything was ready, Lin Beifan waved to Liu Haotian who was following him:"Liu Daxia, come here!"

"Prime Minister, what are your orders? Liu Haotian asked with his hands raised.

Lin Beifan said with a serious face:"Master Liu, tomorrow morning, we will raise troops to conquer the White Elephant Kingdom." However, in order to reduce losses, I hope you can do one thing for me!"

"Despite the Prime Minister's orders, the common people will go through fire and water without hesitation!"Liu Haotian said solemnly.

Lin Beifan waved his hand and said with a smile:"It's not that serious! I just hope that you will lead my Dawu generals to sneak into Baixiang secretly, mobilize and call on the people of Baixiang Kingdom, and cooperate with each other inside and outside... Then you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, the common people will not let you down!"

As he said that, he led several generals of Dawu and sneaked into Baixiang Kingdom secretly.

They first came to a village.

The people here all knew Liu Haotian.

When they saw Liu Haotian coming, they were very surprised:"Master Liu, you……"

Liu Haotian said happily:"Fellow folks, your petition has been accepted by Prime Minister Lin! Prime Minister Lin is kind-hearted and has come to save you! Now 100,000 troops are approaching the city, and they will attack the White Elephant early tomorrow morning to rescue you!"

People They were overjoyed and cheered

"The Prime Minister is here!"

"Ha ha! Great, we are finally saved!"

"This day has finally come!"


There was huge movement here, and the officers and soldiers of Baixiang Kingdom on duty nearby were found.

They came over yawning

"What are you arguing about? Why don't you go to bed quickly? You have to get up early tomorrow morning to work!"

"By the way, who are you?"

"Put down your weapons immediately, or we won't be polite!"


A powerful general unleashed his strength and beheaded these officers and soldiers.

Then he raised his arms and shouted:"People of Baixiang Kingdom, the Prime Minister you have longed for has arrived! He is outside the city now. Let us open the city gate together to welcome the Prime Minister!""

"Open the city gate and welcome the Prime Minister!"

"Open the city gate and welcome the Prime Minister!"


Everyone shouted enthusiastically.

Then, Liu Haotian and his party continued to wander, killing officers and soldiers and rescuing the people of Baixiang Kingdom.

When they learned that Lin Beifan was outside the city and was about to enter the city to rescue them, they all became excited.

It seemed that as long as Lin Beifan was here, nothing would be a problem.

They once again mustered up the courage to pick up hoes, sticks, and swords snatched from the hands of the White Elephant officers and soldiers, revolted, rushed to the gate of the frontier fortress, opened the gate to welcome the prime minister.

This incident was like a spark igniting a prairie fire, gradually sweeping across the country from west to east, from south to north.

However, King Baixiang and the court did not know about this.

They are now going all out and ready to face the coming Dawu army.

It was in such a tense situation that the sky gradually became brighter.

At dawn, Lin Beifan led an army of 100,000 to the fortress gate of Baixiang Kingdom.

Naturally, the Baixiang Kingdom would not sit still and summoned an army of 300,000 to prepare to face Dawu's troops.

Although their number was more than three times that of Dawu, and they also occupied important fortresses and had a huge advantage, they did not dare to underestimate Dawu's soldiers and horses at all.

Because the powerful soldiers and horses are much stronger than them.

Moreover, the general leading the battle this time was Dawu's Marshal Lin Beifan.

This guy is so good at fighting, and he is good at defeating the strong with the weak, and the many with the few. He is always unfavorable and has never lost. Many big countries have fallen into his hands.

Therefore, the White Elephant Kingdom is under great pressure.

At this time, the Lord of the White Elephant Kingdom was standing on the tower, looking down at Lin Beifan, his eyes burning with anger.

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